Hey! I'm Sandy and I'm studying ciclos informatius (IT). I'm 17 years old,
What do I like to do?: I really love going outside to skate sometimes or just to do the gym Where am I from?: I'm from Spain, Barcelona, I've been living here since I Was born... But when I was about 3 years old I moved out of Spain for about 8 years..
Enough about my presentation! lets get to the exciting part
- Sobre mi educación
- La meva experiència laboral en el passat
- My routine on what do upon my normal days.
- Meine nutzlichen Talente.
For my elementary school I used to study in "Jaume Salvatella", for my instituto I studied in "IES La Bastida" for my ESO. And now! I'm studying in "PUIG Castellar" Informatic. Maybe for Cybersecurity Title or who knows
Puig Castellar location: Av. de l'Anselm de Riu, 10, 08924 Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona, Spain
I used to work in a restaurant named "Subway", was popular for fast food. I worked there for about 8 months afterwards I had stopped working!
Location: Magic Badalona
In these days I always wake up early around 6 a.m
to get ready for College which lasts around 6 hours, but in Wednesday I usually come back home an hour earlier! (even if there's no College day I still try to wake up early)
I mostly try to challenege myself so I go to the gym 3
times a week I try to let my body rest 4 times a week, in Monday, Wednesday and Friday... It lasts around 2 hours, sometimes I tend to go out with friends or just do my favorite thing, and that's called Skate! or just stay home and watch a Movie, series or of course perhaps just play video games.
When it comes to studying, I always study for about 3-4
hours a week, however if there is an deadline for an upcoming exam then I will definitely be studying 3 days earlier for the Exam.
These are mostly my resting days, in these days I mostly hangout with my family, rest my body, or I try to improve a language to its full potential.. And I also tend to tide up my house these days!.
- Parlar en 7 idiomas: Alemán, Angles, Frances, Castellano, Catalán, Hindi, Punyabi. (tingues en compte que encara estic millorant aquests idiomes)
- Bon oient, aprenent ràpid
Eso era tot! Ciao!
Saihajdeep Singh Kaur