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Formhub Access Points (API)

prabhasp edited this page May 2, 2012 · 6 revisions offers various access points to the form and data stored on formhub. Most of the access points refer to a user name and a form name, which I will denote as USERNAME and FORMNAME below:

(All access points use HTTP GET unless otherwise specified):

form access points

XLS, XML and JSON forms:

where FILETYPE can be xml, xls or json

JSONP form:

data access points

XLS and CSV Outputs

The xls and csv are more or less raw data outputs, where all the fields correspond to the "name"s specified in the xls form.

where FILETYPE is xls or csv.

Xls data outputs have:

  1. repeats broken out to a separate sheet
  2. (currently) groups broken out to a separate sheet each

Csv data outputs have:

  1. All data in one big sheet
  2. GPS points broken out. If the name of a geopoint field is geopoint_field, four additional data fields name geopoint_field_latitude geopoint_field_longitude geopoint_field_precision and geopoint_field_altitude will be present in the sheet.
  3. Repeats in the same sheet, (currently) upto four repeat elements are output. Each repeat element has a suffix after the name: [1], [2], [3], [4], etc.

Parameters for data access

Date filter

TODO: @pld

KML Outputs

The kml output can be fed into google earth, and gives a view very similar to the map view on formhub--the question names are replaced by the text of the question.