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ACES (Agricultural Classification and Estimation Service)

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ACES (Agricultural Classification and Estimation Service) is a Python module for generating training data and training machine learning models for remote sensing applications. It provides functionalities for data processing, data loading from Earth Engine, feature extraction, and model training.


pip install -U servir-aces

For saving model plot in TensorFlow/Keras, you need pydot and Graphviz. To install, pydot, run:

pip install pydot

The installation process for Graphviz varies depending on your operating system.

  • For macOS:
    You can install Graphviz using Homebrew. If you don't have Homebrew installed, you can get it from Once Homebrew is installed, run the following command:
brew install graphviz
  • For Windows:
    Download the installer from the Graphviz website (Graphviz Download Page), and follow the installation instructions. Make sure to add the path to the Graphviz bin folder to your system’s PATH environment variable.

  • For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):
    You can install Graphviz using apt:

sudo apt-get install graphviz


  • Data loading and processing from Earth Engine.
  • Generation of training data for machine learning models.
  • Training and evaluation of machine learning models (DNN, CNN, UNET).
  • Inferences of the trained ML/DL models.
  • Support for remote sensing feature extraction.
  • Integration with Apache Beam for data processing.



ACES relies on environment variables defined in a .env file to configure various aspects of the training process. You can find an example .env file named .env.example. Copy this file and rename it to config.env in your project directory. Edit the variables within config.env to suit your specific needs. You will need to change several environment settings before running. Below are explained some of the environment configuration.

Environment Configuration

  • BASEDIR (str): The base directory for the project. This is the root directory where all project-related files and subdirectories reside. It serves as the root directory for other folders containing data, outputs, etc.

  • DATADIR (str): The directory for your data, and will be used to retrieve data necessary for training experiments. For this you can either specify the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) path starting with gs:// or the path which can ben either an full absolute path or relative path to BASEDIR. This means, for example, the path to your data directory can be either gs://aces-project/data or the full absolute path as /home/aces-project/data or can be relative path to BASEDIR; so if BASEDIR is /home/aces-project and DATADIR is data, then the DATADIR is constructed as /home/aces-project/data.
    Then your training, testing, and validation dataset should be placed as sub-directory inside the DATADIR with sub-directory named as "training", "testing", and "validation" respectively. This means, from above example, if DATADIR is gs://aces-project/data or /home/aces-project/data, the training, testing, and validation dataset should be made available at gs://aces-project/data/training or /home/aces-project/data/training, gs://aces-project/data/testing or /home/aces-project/data/testing, and gs://aces-project/data/validation or /home/aces-project/data/validation respectively.

  • OUTPUT_DIR (str): This is the directory where all output files, such as trained models, evaluation results, model outpus, and other generated files during training, will be saved. Similar to DATADIR above, this can be either an absolute full path or a relative path to the BASEDIR. This means, for example, the path to your output directory can be either a full absolute path as /home/aces-project/output or can be relative path to BASEDIR; so if BASEDIR is /home/aces-project and OUTPUT_DIR is data, then the OUTPUT_DIR is constructed as /home/aces-project/output.

  • MODEL_DIR_NAME (str): This is the sub-directory inside the OUTPUT_DIR where the output of the trained model and other relevant files. The rationale behind the MODEL_DIR_NAME is to provide a versioning mechanism. So, for example, if you're training a DNN model with different BATCH_SIZE say 32 and 64, you could run those two experiments with a MODEL_DIR_NAME as dnn_batch_32 and dnn_batch_64, which saves those two experiments under that sub-directory name inside the OUTPUT_DIR.
    Note: MODEL_DIR_NAME is used to construct the MODEL_DIR config parameter which can be accessed as config.MODEL_DIR.

  • MODEL_TYPE (str): This variable defines the type of deep learning model you want to train The default is "unet". The available choices are "dnn", "unet", and "cnn". Note current version does not expose all the model intracacies through the environment file but future version may include those depending on the need.

  • FEATURES (str): This variable specifies the feature names used in your training data. Each feature should correspond to a band or channel in your data. The features can be either specified as a comma-separated string, newline-separated string, or newline-with-comma separated string.
    For example, FEATURES can be specified as comma-separated string as FEATURES = "red_before, green_before, blue_before, nir_before, red_during, green_during, blue_during, nir_during" or newline separated string as

  FEATURES = "red_before
  or newline-with-comma separated string as
  FEATURES = "red_before,
  • LABELS (str): This variable specifies the target labels used in the training process. Similar to FEATURES above, you can specify this as either a comma-separated string, newline-separated string, or newline-with-comma separated string.

  • PATCH_SHAPE (tuple): This variable specifies the shape of the single patch (WxH) used for training datasets. The number of channels are taken from FEATURES. This is useful for patch based algorithms like U-Net and CNN. This can be specified as a tuple of patch dimension. eg. PATCH_SHAPE = (256, 256)

  • TRAIN_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, VAL_SIZE (int): These variables define the number of samples used for training, testing, and validation, respectively. This can be speficied as the integer number. For example, TRAIN_SIZE = 8531, TEST_SIZE = 1222, VAL_SIZE = 2404.

  • OUT_CLASS_NUM (int): This variable specifies the number of output classes in the classification model. This can be speficied as the integer number. For example, OUT_CLASS_NUM = 5.

  • SCALE (int): This variable specifies the scale in which the analysis take place. This can be specified as the integer number. For example, SCALE = 10.

  • DROPOUT_RATE (float): This variable specifies the dropout rate for the model. This should be specified as the float number between 0 and 1. For example, DROPOUT_RATE = 0.2 Anything below zero would be set to 0 and anything above 1 would be set to 1. If not specified, the DROPOUT_RATE would be set to 0.

  • LOSS (str): This variable specifies the loss function used for model training. Learn more about the loss function here. Use the named representation of the loss function. For example, in order to use keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy, you should specify "categorical_crossentropy".

  • ACTIVATION_FN (str): This variable specifies the activation function to be used for model training. Learn more about the activation function available here. Use the named representation of the activation function. For example, in order to use keras.activations.softmax, you should specify "softmax".

  • OPTIMIZER (str): This variable specifies the optimizer function to be used for model training. Learn more about the optimizer function available here. Use the named representation of the activation function. For example, in order to use keras.optimizers.Adam, you should specify "adam".
    Note current implementation does not expose all the parameters of the LOSS, ACTIVATION, OPTIMIZER but future version may include those depending on the need.

  • MODEL_CHECKPOINT_NAME (str): This variable specifies the name to be used for the model checkpoints. Learn more about the model checkpoints here. This helps save the Keras model at some frequency.

  • CALLBACK_PARAMETER (str): This variable specifies the call metric parameter that needs to be monitored. This is used as the monitor value in the ModelCheckPoint and EarlyStopping Callbacks. Learn more about callbacks here. If not specified, default value of "val_loss" is set.

  • EARLY_STOPPING (bool): This variable specifies whether to use EarlyStopping callback or not. Learn more about callbacks here. The default value is False. If EARLY_STOPPING is set to True, the parameter to monitor is the CALLBACK_PARAMETER set above, and the patience argument is set to 30% of the total epochs defined by EPOCHS configuration.


Note: We have a Jupyter Notebook Colab example that you can use to run without having to worry too much about setting up locally. You can find the relevant notebook here. Note, however, the resources especially GPU may not be fully available via Colab for unpaid version

ACES relies on environment variables defined in a .env file to configure various aspects of the training process. You can find an example .env file named .env.example. Copy this file and rename it to config.env in your project directory. Edit the variables within config.env to suit your specific needs.

Learn how to setup your BASEDIR, DATADIR, OUTPUT_DIR and MODEL_DIR_NAME from Usage above.

For quickly running this, we have already prepared and exported the training datasets. They can be found at the Google Cloud Storage and we will use gsutil to get the dataset in our workspace. The dataset has training, testing, and validation subdirectory. Let's start by downloading these datasets in our workspace. Follow this link to install gsutil.

Note: If you're looking to produce your own datasets, you can follow this notebook which was used to produce these training, testing, and validation datasets provided here.

mkdir path/to/your/project/data
gsutil -m cp -r gs://dl-book/chapter-1/dnn_planet_wo_indices/* path/to/your/project/data

The parent folder (if you run gsutil -m cp -r gs://dl-book/chapter-1/* DATADIR) has several dataset inside it. We use dnn_planet_wo_indices here because it has lightweight data and would be much faster to run. If you want to test U-Net model, you can use unet_256x256_planet_wo_indices folder instead. Each of these have training, testing, and validation sub-folder inside them.

We need to change some more parameters for this tutorial. We need to change the MODEL_TYPE. The default is "unet", let's change it to "dnn" since we will be training using that model.

MODEL_TYPE = "dnn"

Next define the FEATURES and the LABELS variables. You can refer to the Usage section above to learn more. But this dataset was prepared for the rice mapping application that uses before and during growing season information. So for this dataset here are FEATURES.

FEATURES = "red_before

Similarly, since the dataset has a single label, it is going to be as below.

LABELS = "class"

In addition, the training sizes (TRAIN_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, and VAL_SIZE) needs to be changed. For this dataset, we know our size before hand. aces also provides handful of functions that we can use to calculate this. See this notebook to learn more about how to do it. You should also change the SCALE, DROPOUT_RATE, BATCH_SIZE, EPOCHS, LOSS, ACTIVATION, OUT_CLASS_NUM, OPTIMIZER, MODEL_CHECKPOINT_NAME information as below.

TEST_SIZE = 1222
VAL_SIZE = 2404
SCALE = 10
LOSS = "categorical_crossentropy"
ACTIVATION_FN = "softmax"
OPTIMIZER = "adam"
MODEL_CHECKPOINT_NAME = "modelCheckpoint"

These settings should be good enough to get started. To view the complete settings and what they meant, you can view them here.

Tutorial Configuration

Here's the example configuration file for running this tutorial (config.env)

PATCH_SHAPE=(256, 256)
# "cropland_etc", "rice", "forest", "urban", "others_water_etc"

Running the ACES Module

After setting up your config.env file, you can use the ACES module as follows:

from aces.config import Config
from aces.model_trainer import ModelTrainer

config_file = "config.env"
config = Config(config_file, override=True)
trainer = ModelTrainer(config)

Once the model training is complete, it will save the trained model, evaluation results, plots, and other relevant files on the MODEL_DIR (sub-folder named MODEL_DIR_NAME inside the OUTPUT_DIR).


For inference, you would need to get the images in a right format. To export images in the right way, refer to this notebook, but for this, we already have the images prepared in the right way. You can download them in a similar manner you downloaded the training datasets. Change the IMAGEDIR to your appropriate directory.

gsutil -m cp -r gs://dl-book/chapter-1/images/* IMAGEDIR

There are few more settings that needs to be changed before we run the predictions. They are:

  • OUTPUT_NAME (str): This is the name of the output prediction for GEE asset, locally (in TF Format) and gcs output (in TFRecord format).

  • GCS_PROJECT (str): This is the name of the Google Cloud Project that will be used to push the output from GCS to GEE for the prediction.

  • GCS_BUCKET (str): This is the name of the Google Cloud Bucket that will be used to store your prediction and should be inside the GCS_PROJECT.

  • EE_OUTPUT_ASSET (str): This is the name of the variable that will be used as the output path to the asset in Google Earth Engine (GEE) that is used to push the predictions to.

So in addition to the already defined variables above, these are the additional example configuration for the prediction in the configuration file (config.env).

OUTPUT_NAME = "prediction_dnn_v1"
GCS_PROJECT = "your-gcs-project"
GCS_BUCKET = "your-bucket"
EE_OUTPUT_ASSET = "your-gee-output-asset-path"

You will have to run the configuration settings again for the new configuration to take place.

from aces.config import Config

config_file = "config.env"
config = Config(config_file, override=True)

We can then start constructing the actual path for the output file using the OUTPUT_NAME as, and print it to view.

OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE = str(config.MODEL_DIR / "prediction" / f"{config.OUTPUT_NAME}.TFRecord")

Now let's get all the files inside the IMAGEDIR, and then separate out our actual image files and the JSON mixer file. The JSON mixer file inside the IMAGEDIR is generated when exporting images from GEE as TFRecords. This is a simple JSON file for defining the georeferencing of the patches.

import glob

image_files_list = []
json_file = None

for f in glob.glob(f"{IMAGEDIR}/*"):
    if f.endswith(".tfrecord.gz"):
    elif f.endswith(".json"):
        json_file = f

# Make sure the files are in the right order.

Next, we will load the trained model and look at the model summary. The trained model is stored within the trained-model subdirectory in the MODEL_DIR.

import tensorflow as tf

print(f"Loading model from {str(config.MODEL_DIR)}/trained-model")
this_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(f"{str(config.MODEL_DIR)}/trained-model")


Now let's get the relevant info from the JSON mixer file.

import json

with open(json_file, encoding='utf-8') as jm: mixer = json.load(jm)

# Get relevant info from the JSON mixer file.
patch_width = mixer["patchDimensions"][0]
patch_height = mixer["patchDimensions"][1]
patches = mixer["totalPatches"]
patch_dimensions_flat = [patch_width * patch_height, 1]

Next let's create a TFDataset from our images as:

def parse_image(example_proto):
    columns = [, dtype=tf.float32) for k in config.FEATURES
    image_features_dict = dict(zip(config.FEATURES, columns))
    return, image_features_dict)

# Create a dataset from the TFRecord file(s).
image_dataset =, compression_type="GZIP")
image_dataset =, num_parallel_calls=5)

# Break our long tensors into many little ones.
image_dataset = image_dataset.flat_map(
  lambda features:

# Turn the dictionary in each record into a tuple without a label.
image_dataset =
  lambda data_dict: (tf.transpose(list(data_dict.values())), )

image_dataset = image_dataset.batch(patch_width * patch_height)

Finally, let's perform the prediction.

predictions = this_model.predict(image_dataset, steps=patches, verbose=1)
print(f"predictions shape: {predictions.shape}")

Now let's write this predictions on the file.

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

# Create the target directory if it doesn't exist
Path(OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

print(f"Writing predictions to {OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE} ...")
writer =

# Every patch-worth of predictions we"ll dump an example into the output
# file with a single feature that holds our predictions. Since our predictions
# are already in the order of the exported data, the patches we create here
# will also be in the right order.
patch = [[], [], [], [], [], []]

cur_patch = 1

for i, prediction in enumerate(predictions):

    if i == 0:
        print(f"prediction.shape: {prediction.shape}")

    if (len(patch[0]) == patch_width * patch_height):
        if cur_patch % 100 == 0:
            print("Done with patch " + str(cur_patch) + " of " + str(patches) + "...")

        example = tf.train.Example(
                "prediction": tf.train.Feature(
                "cropland_etc": tf.train.Feature(
                "rice": tf.train.Feature(
                "forest": tf.train.Feature(
                "urban": tf.train.Feature(
                "others_etc": tf.train.Feature(

        # Write the example to the file and clear our patch array so it"s ready for
        # another batch of class ids
        patch = [[], [], [], [], [], []]
        cur_patch += 1


Uploading Predictions to GCP and GEE

Now we have write the prediction to the OUTPUT_IMAGE_FILE. You can upload this to GEE for visualization. To do this, you will need to upload to GCP and then to GEE.

You can upload to GCP using gsutil. The OUTPUT_GCS_PATH can be any path inside the GCS_BUCKET (e.g. OUTPUT_GCS_PATH = f"gs://{config.GCS_BUCKET}/{config.OUTPUT_NAME}.TFRecord")


Once the file is available on GCP, you can then upload to earthengine using earthengine command line. Learn more about earthengine command line tools options here.

earthengine upload image --asset_id={config.EE_OUTPUT_ASSET}/{config.OUTPUT_NAME} --pyramiding_policy=mode {OUTPUT_GCS_PATH} {json_file}

Note: Since this requires to use GCP and enable billing, we have hosted the prediction in the GCP so you don't have to. To use this prediction from GCP and upload to GEE, first make sure you are authenticated to earthengine using (learn more here to use different authentication techniques):

earthengine authenticate

You may need to set your project in earthengine to configure a default user project to be used for all API calls using the following command (replace my-project with your own project name). Learn more about authentication here.

earthengine set_project {my-project}

After that, let's say you want to upload it to your GEE asset to path say with config.EE_OUTPUT_ASSET as users/biplov/aces_test and config.OUTPUT_NAME as prediction_dnn_v1 (you can directly use {config.EE_OUTPUT_ASSET} and {config.OUTPUT_NAME} as shown above), then do:

earthengine upload image --asset_id=users/biplov/aces_test/prediction_dnn_v1 --pyramiding_policy=mode gs://dl-book/chapter-1/prediction/prediction_dnn_v1.TFRecord gs://dl-book/chapter-1/images/image_2021mixer.json

This will give the message similar to below

Started upload task with ID: T3FMGOOXIXJKEAYXPS77MWDB

You can then go to GEE and check your Tasks tab to see that task with the given ID. Once complete, you can use this script to visualize your result. You can replace the asset with your own.

Note: The inferencing is also available on this notebook, scroll to Inference using Saved U-Net Model or Inference using Saved DNN Model depending upon which model you're using.


Several tests are provided in the tests/ folder covering the functionality of the package. Install the testing environment with pytest: pip install pytest.

Then, run tests with pytest as:

pytest -v -s tests/


Contributions to ACES are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

For Developers, to bump the version, refer here.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.