This plugin provides a GUI client for using DSpot in the Eclipse IDE, it works on Eclipse Maven projects.
An Eclipse wizard allows a confortable user's experience, the user can create, save and load DSpot launch configurations easily.
The DSpot console output is displayed in the Eclipse console, and the information in the JSON files generated by DSpot is shown in an Eclipse view.
Select an Eclipse Maven Project.
Open the DSpot wizard, you can open it by right click on the project and then STAMP > DSPOT, in the main bar STAMP > DSPOT or with ctrl + 6.
To create a new configuration select the check button in the right of the "New configuration" row in page one and write a name for the configuration in the text after this, select the Dspot parameters in the wizard, when you press finish button your new configuration will be saved and executed.
Some fields of the DSpot wizard includes validation, if the text is wrong or empty a red signal and an error message will be displayed at the wizard page's head there will be another signal in the left top corner of the text, clicking right on this signal a quick fix menu will be open if there is a quick fixer for that specific problem, click on it to correct the text.
To load a stored configuration deselect the check button in the "create configuration" row in page one, the "load configuration" combo will be set ennabled, then choose the desired configuration in the combo list, when you select a configuration it's parameters are loaded and shown in page one, if you change this parameters the changes will be saved after pressing the finish button.
Push the select project button (page one) to open a project selection dialog, select a project and press the OK button, you will see the path of the new project in the "path of the project" text, you can also write the path of the project directly in the text box.
The fields in page one contains information about the project to write the DSpot properties file.
This information is loaded automatically when opening the wizard or changing of project, check them and correct it if necessary.
The two rows under the project row, contains combos to select the source folder and the source folder of the test classes, usually the correct folders are selected after opening the wizard or changing the project, but you can select them, the combos show the source and test source folders in the project.
Under this combos there is another one for the Java version.
In the "Optional information" group, at the botton of the first page there is a text box titled "Path of the output folder" to set the path of the folder to store the reports and files produced by DSpot.
At the top of the second page there is a spinner to set the number of amplification iterations. A larger number may help to improve the test but it will take more time.
The second page contains a tree with the test packages and clases, select the tests or test packages you want to amplify, (the test classes are the subitems of the packages), if there is not test selected all will be used.
The list titled "Amplifier" in page two contains the DSpot amplifiers, select them clicking on them (multiple selection is allowed with crtl), the selected ones appear in blue, if there is not selection all will be used.
The combo in the "Test Criterion" row in page two, contains a list of the possible criterions to be maximized during the amplification, if there is not selection the default will be used (PitMutantScoreSelector).
To select the specific test cases to amplify go to page three, select the case or cases to use in the list titled "test cases", under the list there is a button to clean the list.
The spinner in the "Max test amplified" row in page three allows specifying the maximum number of amplified tests that dspot keeps before generating assertion.
In page three there is a spinner titled "Time out (ms)", it specifies the degenerated test's time out.
In the top of the advanced options dialog there is a spinner titled random seed to specify a seed for the random object the default value is 23
Open the advanced options dialog by clicking the link in page two, there is a row called "path pit result" only enabled if the test criterion is PitMutantScoreSelector, it specifies the path to the .csv of the original result of Pit Test (expert), select the folder pushing the "Select folder" button or write the path in the text box.
In the bottom of the advanced options dialog there are several check buttons to select a set of enable/disable options like verbose, clean ... (see DSpot documentation)
If the enviroment variable MAVEN_HOME is not set a warning dialog will prevent you after opening the wizard, you can set the MAVEN_HOME to use in the advanced options dialog, if you want to do this, select the check button in the row "set MAVEN_HOME" to enable the text box and write the path.
The advanced options dialog includes a complete set of DSpot advanced optiosn as working directory, second version path ... for more information about those parameters see DSpot documentation
The dialog Optional properties allows to configure a set of optional properties (they will be written in the DSpot properties file), (see DSpot documentation)