只要抓住当下,一切都来得及! Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why we call it the present. --Oogway master read others' code -> write your own wheel -> create something great
路线:系统类 -> 数学学习 -> 数据结构与算法 -> AI 类 -> 宾大/其他学校课程刷完 -> 物理学 -> 图形学 -> 嵌入式 中途:前后端开发,工具使用
- Stanford Practical Unix
- Washington CSE391
- UCB System Admin Decal
- CMU 07131
- MIT Missing-semester
- CS 368: Learning Modern C++
- Boonn University
- Stanford CS106L
- CIS 1900: C++ Programming (Fall 2022) (upenn.edu)
- 咸鱼宣的 CPP
- CPP Crash Course
- CMU C++ Bootcamp
- AmirKabir University of Technology AP1400-2: Advanced Programming
- https://github.com/changkun/modern-cpp-tutorial
- https://github.com/federico-busato/Modern-CPP-Programming
- https://cpp.njuer.org/
- https://www.learncpp.com/
- https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-096-introduction-to-c-january-iap-2011/pages/syllabus/
- CS253 | Main / HomePage (colostate.edu) CS253 | Main / Schedule (colostate.edu) Lecture notes on C++ programming (weebly.com)
- CS4414: Systems Programming (Spring 2023) (cornell.edu)
- Penn OCmal Course
- Cover Page · Functional Programming in OCaml (cornell.edu)
- https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall21/cos326/schedule.php
- https://stanford-cs242.github.io/f19/
- https://cs3110.github.io/textbook/cover.html
- CIS1940 (upenn.edu) cis194 (github.com) Lecture notes and assignments (upenn.edu) CIS 194 (upenn.edu) CIS 194
- Stanford CS43:Functional Programming
- Haskell Mooc
- 15-150 (cmu.edu) Functional Programming
- http://www.scs.stanford.edu/11au-cs240h/ Haskell
- MIT 6.037 Funtional Programming
- MIT 6.037 Funtional Programming
- CSE 142, Spring 2022 (washington.edu) CSE 143, Spring 2023 (washington.edu) CSE 121 (washington.edu) CSE 122 (washington.edu) CSE 123 (washington.edu)
- Penn Rust Course
- Stanford CS110L:Rust
- Comprehensive Rust Google
- os2edu/rust-basics-course: rust-basics course of https://rust.os2edu.cn (github.com)
- 程序设计训练(Rust) (tsinghua.edu.cn)
- https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs431
- 关于本书 - Rust 语言圣经(Rust Course)
- 2022-Q1 - Rust Magazine 2022
- Rust 程序设计语言 - Rust 程序设计语言 简体中文版 (kaisery.github.io)
- chyyuu/command-line-rust (gitee.com)
- Rust 进阶
15-121 Main Page (cmu.edu) Fall 2022
Caltech CS 2 (debuggi.ng) 实验网址:cs2-23wi · GitLab (caltech.edu)
Stanford CS106B/CS106X
UCB CS61B sp18
CS61B Sp21
清华大学邓俊辉 数据结构学习
MIT 6.046 算法设计与分析
MIT 6.851 高级数据结构
+++ 其他算法资料
战疫时期的算法课-南京大学-2020 年春季_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- Leetcode 101: Introduction to Algorithmic Thinking, Spring 2021
- 代码随想录
- 算法通关手册
- CS70
- UCB CS170
- MIT Introduction to Algorithms 6.006
- 6.045: Automata, Computability, and Complexity Theory (mit.edu)
- MIT 6.854 Advanced Algorithms
- Tim Roughgarden's Online Courses
- CS 161 (stanford.edu) CS 161: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (stanford.edu)
- Schedule | CS 161 (Archived) (stanford-cs161.github.io)
- CS 161 | CS 161 (Archived) (stanford-cs161.github.io)
- CS 161 (Archived) | Design and Analysis of Algorithms (stanford-cs161.github.io)
- CS 161 | CS 161 (Archived) (stanford-cs161.github.io)
- CMU 15-451/651: Algorithms, Spring 2021: Main Page
- 15-451 (cmu.edu)
- Coding interview university
- Coursera Algorithms I&&II 算法,第一部分 | Coursera
- CIS 1890 (upenn.edu)
- CS 225 | Home (illinois.edu)(理论)
- Theoretical Computer Science Fa2020
- Theoretical Computer Science Fall2023
CMU 15-213 / cs230 / cs230 · GitLab (kaist.ac.kr)
CSAPP 所有课后习题刷完
CSAPP 所有笔记整理
九曲阑干深入理解计算机系统导读 + 华盛顿大学 CSE351
上海交通大学 ICS 课程所有期末习题刷完
计算机系统概论(加州理工学院,无字幕):Caltech - Introduction to Computing Systems;公开课推荐:CMU 15-213_哔哩哔哩_bilibili https://com.puter.systems/20fa/ Caltech ICS 实验网址:cs24-20fa · GitLab (caltech.edu)
Brown CI0300 2023
Nand2Tetris 完成
台湾清华大学 数位逻辑设计
verilog 数字逻辑设计 学习
DDCA 数字逻辑阅读
台湾清华大学体系结构课程学习(MIPS COA)(理论) + CS61C(Sp15)
DDCA 组成原理所有章节阅读完成
DDCA 所有实验完成
MIPS 单周期处理器设计
MIPS 多周期处理器设计
MIPS 流水线结构处理器设计
UCB CS61C 2023(RISC-V)
MIT 6.004
MIT 6.175 + 6.375
HDLBits 刷题
中科大 Verilog OJ 刷题
重庆大学 CPU 实验
雷自己动手写 CPU
DDCA 阅读 + DDCA 配套实验
其他计算机体系结构资料整理 & 学习
汪文详 CPU 设计实战
姚勇斌 超标量处理器设计
龙芯杯 CPU 设计
CSAPP Chapter 3 x86_64 处理器设计学习
NJU ICS PA x86 赛道通关
用 C 语言实现 Y86 处理器模拟器
NJU ICS PA 其他两个赛道通关
实现 MIPS/ARM/X86/RISC-V 模拟器
自己实现一个 MIPS/ARM/X86/RISC-V CPU 模拟器
Waterloo System Programming Slides 学完(主要讲并发)
CIT 5950 (upenn edu)(最后 C++和网络部分还没看)
Stanford CS107
CS110 Stanford(理论,已 fork)(全看)
CS0330 | Brown University (cs0330-fall2022.github.io)(理论)(全看)
上海交通大学 ICS (理论)(全看)
CS 240: Introduction to Computer Systems (Spring 2022) (illinois.edu)(理论)(全看)
Foundations of Computer Systems CS 240: Calendar (wellesley.edu)(理论)(全看)
https://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/courses/CS31/F21/#current(理论) (全看)
CS4414 Fall 2021 Schedule of lectures (cornell.edu)(理论) (全看)
MIT 6.033 Spring 2021: Computer System 计算机系统_哔哩哔哩_bilibili MIT 6.039 Syllabus | Computer System Engineering | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
CS 439, Spring 2013: Principles of Computer Systems (nyu.edu)
CS 439 Spring 2012
Principles of Computer Systems (utexas.edu) -
Fall 2007 CS 194-3/16x: Introduction to Computer Systems. (berkeley.edu)
System programming in C in USTC
一些博客: c - 从零开始写 OS 内核 (序篇) - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否 一些课程: computer-system-education/os-syllabi (github.com)
- 新竹清华大学:Operating Systems - 计算机操作系统原理课程(作業系統課程);同类型课程:加州大学伯克利分校 CS 162_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- Lecture 1~2: Getting started with kernel and kernel debugging_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
台湾清华大学 - 操作系统 Operating Systems - 黄能富教授 - 全 149p_哔哩哔哩_bilibili - 套件 1:名校 OS
- Wellesley OS
- CSE 451 (washington.edu) 实验:cse451 / xv6-21au · GitLab (washington.edu)
- 进阶讨论:CSE481A - Operating Systems Capstone (washington.edu)
- CSE 120: Principles of Computer Operating Systems (ucsd.edu)
- CS-537: Intro to Operating Systems (wisc.edu) CS 537 Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2023 (wisc.edu)
- CSE 451 23wi (washington.edu) (配合 MIT JOS)
- CS167 Operating Systems (brown-cs1690.github.io)
- CS170: Operating Systems (undergrad) (ucsb.edu)
- CSCI-UA.0202(-001): Operating Systems (Undergrad) (nyu.edu)
- Harvard CS161
- https://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~cs161/
- MIT 6.828
- MIT 6.S081 6.1810 / Fall 2022 (mit.edu) 简介 - MIT6.S081 (gitbook.io)
- CS 140: Operating Systems (stanford.edu)
- 6.5810: Operating Systems Research Seminar (abelay.github.io)
- 清华 RCORE
- Caltech OS CS124 - Spring 2022 (caltech.edu)
- Brown OS cs167/9 — Operating Systems (brown-cs1690.github.io)
- 上海交通大学 OS SE315 / 2021 / Welcome (sjtu.edu.cn)
- UCB CS162 CS 162 — Spring 2023
- 中山大学 OS
- https://gitee.com/goprime/sysu-2023-spring-operating-system
- https://gitee.com/nelsoncheung/sysu-2021-spring-operating-system/tree/main/
- UCB CS262A Fall 2022 CS262a: Graduate Computer Systems (berkeley.edu)
- UCB CS262B CS262B Sp20 (deculler.github.io)
- 北京大学 OS Schedule | Operating Systems (pku-os.github.io)
- CSCI-UA.0202(-001): Operating Systems (Undergrad) (nyu.edu)
- CS 140: Operating Systems (stanford.edu)
- CS240c Advanced Operating Systems Implementation (stanford.edu)
- https://www.scs.stanford.edu/06au-cs240/
- CS240: Advanced Topics in Operating Systems (Spring 2023) | Stanford CS240
- Stanford CS240: Advanced Topics in Operating Systems Gan-Tu/Stanford-CS240-SP21-Labs: Labs for Stanford CS240 (Spring 2021) - Advanced Topics in Operating Systems (github.com)
- CS240
- CS261
- https://chriswjh.github.io/OSu/
- JHU Advanced OS
- CS 380L Advanced Operating Systems Fall 2023
- 南京大学 ICS PA + OS Lab
- 套件 2:其他学习 OS
- CS 318: Principles of Operating Systems, Fall 2022 (jhu.edu)
- CS4414: Operating Systems (virginia.edu) 课程代码:University of Virginia cs4414 Course (github.com)
- Rust CS4414
- 6.5810: Operating Systems Research Seminar (abelay.github.io)
- OS 2022 秋季操作系统研讨会
- CS-537: Intro to Operating Systems (wisc.edu)
- CSE 506 - Nima Honarmand (stonybrook.edu)OS
- CS170 -- Operating Systems (ucsb.edu)
- COS 318 Fa2016
- COS 318, Fall 2021: Schedule (princeton.edu)
- COMP 790, Spring 2020: Operating System Implementation (unc.edu)
- 15-410, Operating System Design and Implementation (cmu.edu)(理论)
- CS 4410 - Spring 2020 | Schedule (cornell.edu)(理论)
- Syllabus for UCLA Computer Science 111, fall 2022(理论)
- Home | CS 326 (usfca.edu)
- CS 326 - Operating Systems (usfca.edu)
- WWW Page for UCLA CS111, Spring 2015 --- Operating System Principles
- CS 111, Fall 2005 (harvard.edu)
- CS 111 S1, Spring 2005 (harvard.edu)
- CS 372H, Spring 2011: Introduction to Operating Systems: Honors (nyu.edu)
- 0. 从零开始写 OS · GitBook (learningos.github.io)
- Dahlin CS372H: Introduction to Operating Systems (utexas.edu)
- 【台湾交通大学】 嵌入式操作系统 (Embedded Operating Systems) - 黃育綸_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- CS439 Spring 2023 (utexas.edu)
- Operating Systems, Saarland University --- Winter 2017 (mpi-sws.org)
- Department of Computer Science and Technology – Course pages 2017–18: Operating Systems (cam.ac.uk) (理论)
- 15-410, Operating System Design and Implementation (cmu.edu)
- Yajin Zhou@Zhejiang University (理论)
- Spring 2023 Course Overview | COMS W4118 Operating Systems I (cs4118.github.io) COMS W4118 Operating Systems I (columbia.edu) Operating Systems II (columbia.edu)
- CS 4411/5411 - Fall 2022 (cornell.edu) 理论
- CS 423: Operating System Design (Spring 2021) (illinois.edu) (改 Linux 内核源码) CS 423 -- Operating System Design (Fall 2022) (cs423-uiuc.github.io)
- SJTU chCore
- Cornell 高级系统研讨课
- Harvard Software System 研讨课
- https://www.scs.stanford.edu/22wi-cs212/
- 上交ACM班操作系统课程设计
- How to read papers
- https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~biswa/courses/CS773/lectures/L2.pdf
- https://systems.cs.columbia.edu/ds2-class/papers/keshav-paper.pdf
- https://web.stanford.edu/group/nusselab/cgi-bin/lab/sites/default/files/How%20to%20read%20a%20paper.Tips_.pdf
計算機網路概論 Ch1-Computer Networks and the Internet - A_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
USTC 计算机网络
Brown 计算机网络 CSCI1680: Computer Networks (brown.edu)
CMU 15-441 15-441/641: Computer Networks (Fall 2020) (computer-networks.github.io)
MIT 6.829 6.829 Computer Networks (Fall 2002) (mit.edu) Computer Networks | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
Stanford CS144
- https://ustc-compiler-principles.github.io/2023/
- https://ucsd-cse131-f19.github.io/
- 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XJ411L7pv/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=85acf0a59ded02e4c75ae1158baca207
- CS4212: Compiler Design (Autumn 2023)
- https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spring22/cos320/
- https://dijkstra.eecs.umich.edu/eecs483/index.php
- https://compilers.cool/
- https://buaa-se-compiling.github.io/miniSysY-tutorial/
- https://arcsysu.github.io/SYsU-lang/
- https://s4plus.ustc.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/fa/b5/01fb8c6a4385a6b32996f9172801/4d2da5cf-6b91-4353-9ed6-7d485b5523ac.pdf
- https://www.opensourceagenda.com/projects/minisysy-tutorial
- 套件 1:名校编译
- MIT 6.035
- UCB Compiler
- Brown CS1260
- Stanford CS143
- CS 242: Programming Languages, Fall 2019 (stanford-cs242.github.io)
- 北京大学编译原理实践课
- Formal Semantics of Programming Languages, Fall 2021 (nju.edu.cn)
- 6.822 MIT 6.822, Spring 2022
- Fall 2022: Programming Languages (brown.edu)
- NJU Compiler
- 课程主页 (cpl.icu) 编译原理(2022 年春季) (nju.edu.cn) 编译原理(2022 年春季) (nju.edu.cn) 编译原理(2023 年春季) (nju.edu.cn) 编译原理(2023 年春季) (nju.edu.cn)
- Essential of Compiler
- CIS 341: Compilers - Spring 2022 — CIS 341 2022 (upenn.edu)
- 编译原理进阶内容,参考chyyuu/compiler_course_info: compiler course info (github.com)
- 其他编译课
- Stanford Programming Languages Assignment Other Materials
- Cmpt379
- Compilers/cool
- 北京航空航天大学编译原理实践课
- MIT 6.037
- 15-411 (cmu.edu) CMU Compiler 15-411/611 Compiler Design (cmu.edu) CMU Compiler
- 15-745 Syllabus (cmu.edu) Optimizing Compiler 15-745 Spring '20 Home Page (cmu.edu) Optimizing Compiler
- CS243 - Advanced Compilers | Spring 2022 (stanford.edu) Advanced Compiler
- 上海交通大学编译课程
- Cornell PL
- Index of /class/cs242/materials (stanford.edu)
- CS 242: Programming Languages, Fall 2019 (stanford-cs242.github.io)
- CS242 website (stanford.edu)
- CS 242: Programming Languages, Fall 2018 (stanford-cs242.github.io)
- CS 242: Programming Languages, Fall 2017 (stanford-cs242.github.io)
- CS243 – Program Analysis and Optimizations | Winter 2023 (stanford.edu)
- staff.ustc.edu.cn/~yuzhang/fopl/2018s/
- Foundations of Programming Languages, Spring 2017 (nju.edu.cn)
- Theory of Programming Language (ustc.edu.cn)
- staff.ustc.edu.cn/~yuzhang/fopl/2013s/
- staff.ustc.edu.cn/~yuzhang/fopl/
- Theory of Programming Language (ustc.edu.cn)
- Programming Language Design and Program Analysis (ustc.edu.cn)
- book.pdf (ustc.edu.cn)
- Theory of Programming Language (ustc.edu.cn)
- staff.ustc.edu.cn/~yuzhang/fopl/2018s/
- 编程语言的实验原理 PKU
- 编程语言高级讨论
- 静态程序分析
- 15-414 Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing (cmu.edu)
- 17-355/17-665/17-819: Program Analysis (cmu-program-analysis.github.io)
- 静态程序分析 NJU
- Upenn CIS547
- NJU Pascal Lab
- 软件分析技术 PKU
- 软件科学基础 PKU
- Overview | Tai-e (pascal-lab.net)
- CS711 Advanced Programming Languages (cornell.edu)
- CSE501: Implementation of Programming Languages (washington.edu)
- 17-355/17-665/17-819: Program Analysis (cmu-program-analysis.github.io)
- static.dvi (utexas.edu)
- 简介 - Static Program Analysis Book (gitbook.io)
- 软件分析技术 (xiongyingfei.github.io)
- Home (rightingcode.org)
- CS243 – Program Analysis and Optimizations | Winter 2023 (stanford.edu)
- 17-355/17-665/17-819: Program Analysis (cmu-program-analysis.github.io)
- CMSC 430: Design and Implementation of Programming Languages (umd.edu) CMSC 430: Design and Implementation of Programming Languages (umd.edu) CMSC 430: Design and Implementation of Programming Languages (umd.edu)
- Calendar & Readings | Fundamentals of Program Analysis | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
- SJTU Tiger Compiler 其他网址
- 编译优化
- CSCD70
- CS243: Program Analysis and Optimizations
- Cornell Compilers
- CS 6120: Advanced Compilers γ
- CS153
- CS153-Compilers
- CS240H: Functional Systems in Haskell
- CS240H Functional System in Haskell
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/it-ebooks-0/it-ebooks-2017-04to06/%E4%B8%AD%E5%B1%B1%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6%E7%BC%96%E8%AF%91%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86%E8%AE%B2%E4%B9%89.pdf
- https://compiler-sdu.github.io/
- 上交ACM班编译原理课程设计
- pingcap github db 学习资源汇总
- 台湾清华大学 DBMS
- 名校数据库课程
- CSE444 Washington Database
- 6.5830/6.5831: Database Systems (formerly 6.814/6.830) (mit.edu) Fall 2022
- UCB CS186
- CMU 15-445
- PingCap Talent Plan
- Caltech CS121
- Caltech CS122 CS122 Winter 2018-2019 (caltech.edu)
- CS 145 (cs145-fall22.github.io)
- CS 245: Principles of Data-Intensive Systems (Winter 2021) (stanford.edu)
- Stanford Database CS346
- CMU 15-721
- CS165: Data Systems (harvard.edu)
- CS265: Big Data Systems - Spring 2023 (harvard.edu)
- 其他数据库
- MIT 6.814
- Let's Build a Simple Database, thanks to cstack
- Cornell Introduction to Database Systems by Prof. Trummer
- Advanced Database Systems Home Page (nyu.edu)
- 上交ACM班数据库系统课程设计
- 新竹清华大学:并行计算与并行编程课程("Parallel Programming","平行程式課程");先修课程:计算机组成原理、操作系统原理_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- 15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Spring 2023 (cmu.edu)
- 套件 1:名校分布式系统
- 套件 2:并行计算
- CS1760 – Multiprocessor Synchronization (brown.edu)
- CS267 Spring 2022 (google.com) UCB CS267 并行计算
- Stanford CS149
- MIT 6.846 6.846 Home Page (mit.edu) 并行计算
- MIT 6.836 多核编程
- Stanford CME213 2021
- Stanford CME213
- 套件 3:其他
- MIT 6.826 Principles of Computer Systems 6.826 / Fall 2020 (mit.edu)
- MIT 6.827 6.827 Algorithm Engineering Spring 2022 (mit.edu)
- 深度学习硬件设计 6.812/6.825 Hardware Architecture for Deep Learning - Spring 2022 (mit.edu)
- Distributed Storage System
- 布朗大学安全相关
- CSCI 1650 (brown.edu) CSCI 1951H (brown.edu)
- CS166 (Spring 2022) (brown.edu)
- UCB 安全相关
- UCB CS161
- 斯坦福大学安全相关
- CS155 Computer and Network Security (stanford.edu)
- Stanford Cryptography Cryptography I,II,III Stanford Coursera
- CS356: Topics in Computer and Network Security (stanford.edu) Fall 2022
- CS255 Introduction to Cryptography (stanford.edu)
- CS 355 (stanford.edu) Topics in Cryptography CS 355 (stanford.edu) Topics in Cryptography Spring 2022 Course Schedule · CS 355 (stanford.edu) Spring 2023
- MIT 安全相关
- 6.5660 / Spring 2023 (mit.edu)
- 6.857: Computer and Network Security - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Spring 2020 (mit.edu) 6.857: Applied Cryptography and Security - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Spring 2022 (mit.edu)
- MIT 6.858 6.858 / Spring 2020 / Schedule (mit.edu) 6.858 / Spring 2022 (mit.edu)
- MIT 6.875 Foundations of Cryptography (mit6875.org) MIT 6.875 Foundations of Cryptography (Fall 2021) (mit6875.github.io) MIT 6.5620/6.875/18.425 Foundations of Cryptography (Fall 2022) (mit6875.github.io)
- MIT 6.875 / Berkeley CS 276: Cryptography (Fall 2020) Graduate 密码学
- 6.876J Advanced Topics in Cryptography (Fall 2015) (mit.edu)
- 计算机和网络安全 6.857: Computer and Network Security - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Spring 2020 (mit.edu)
- CMU Security Introduction
- CMU Advanced Security
- 其他安全相关
- CSE 127: Intro to Computer Security (ucsd.edu)(不全) CSE 127: Intro to Computer Security (ucsd.edu)——实验可做 CSE 127: Intro to Computer Security (ucsd.edu) winter 2021 CSE 127: Intro to Computer Security (ucsd.edu) winter 2022
- Systems and Network Hacking (unipi.it)
- Systems Encyclopedia (illinois.edu)
- Nightmare - Nightmare (guyinatuxedo.github.io)
- CS 6V81--005: System Security and Binary Code Analysis (ohio-state.edu)
- https://documents.uow.edu.au/~fuchun/jow.html
- Low-Level Software Security for Compiler Developers (llsoftsec.github.io)
- mobisec lab
- mobisec challenges
- pwn college
- SEED Labs
💡 CMU AI 系列课程:
Artificial Intelligence Program (cmu.edu)
Stanford AI 系列课程:
Courses – Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Stanford A.I. Courses – Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
斯坦福 AI 课程:
- 数据科学
- 人工智能
- Harvard CS50 AI
- UCB CS182
- UCB CS188
- 智能计算系统
- CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques (stanford-cs221.github.io) CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques (stanford-cs221.github.io)
- 机器学习
- CS 189/289A: Introduction to Machine Learning (berkeley.edu)
- 吴恩达 Coursera
- cs1420 | Home (brown.edu)
- CS 189/289A (eecs189.org)
- CMU 18461/18661
- Home | CS181 (harvard-ml-courses.github.io)
- 林轩田机器学习基石
- 李宏毅机器学习
- 吴恩达 CS229 CS229: Machine Learning (stanford.edu)
- DS-GA 1003: Machine Learning, Spring 2023 (nyu-ds1003.github.io)
- Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning (cmu.edu)
- 深度学习
- CS1470 - Deep Learning | Brown University (brown-deep-learning.github.io)
- CS 182: Deep Neural Networks, Spring 2023 (berkeley.edu)
- 11-785 Deep Learning (cmu.edu)
- Deep Learning Systems (dlsyscourse.org)
- CS 182: Deep Learning (cs182sp21.github.io)
- Full Stack Deep Learning UCB Full Stack Deep Learning
- 11-785 Deep Learning (cmu.edu)
- MML Tutorial (cmu-multicomp-lab.github.io)
- CS246 | Home (stanford.edu) 大数据挖掘
- 强化学习
- CS 285 (berkeley.edu) Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Teaching - David Silver
- 计算机视觉 计算机视觉有哪些比较好的公开课?补充计算机视觉基础。 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
- 自然语言处理
- MLSys
DL Systems 学习指南 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
见 B 站
- CIS 1200: Programming Languages and Techniques (upenn.edu)
- CIS 1210 Data Structures
- CIS 2400 (upenn.edu)
- CIS 5000: Software Foundations, Fall 2023
- CIS 198: Rust Programming (cis198-2016f.github.io)
- CSE 240: Introduction to Computer Architecture (upenn.edu)
- CIS 5530: Networked Systems (upenn.edu)
- CIS 1200: Programming Languages and Techniques (upenn.edu)
- CIS 4710/5710: Computer Organization and Design Spring 2023 (upenn.edu)
- CIS3410 Compiler
- CIS 5050: Software Systems (Spring 2023) (upenn.edu)
- CIS 4210/5210 - Artificial Intelligence - University of Pennsylvania (artificial-intelligence-class.org)
- CIS520 Machine Learning | Main / HomePage (upenn.edu)
- CIS 4190/5190: Applied Machine Learning (Spring 2023) (upenn.edu)
- Deep learning
- CIS 530 - Computational Linguistics - University of Pennsylvania (upenn.edu)
- CIS 700-001 - Interactive Fiction and Text Generation - University of Pennsylvania (interactive-fiction-class.org)
- CIS 530 - Computational Linguistics - University of Pennsylvania (upenn.edu)
- CIS 565 GPU Programming and Architecture Fall 2022 | CIS 565 GPU Programming and Architecture (cis565-fall-2022.github.io)
- Applied Machine Learning
- Data structure and algorithms
- Web System
- Computer Systems Sp20 Sp22
- CS134 Operating System Sp19 Fa12 Fa20 Sp14
- Database
- Web Design
- File System
- DB Sp23 DB Fa19
- Programming Languages
- Computer Networks Fa21 Fa17 Win16
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Object & Design
- Computational Foundations for Data Analytics
- Intro to System
- CS3210 Operating System
- Machine Learning CS 4641LinkSearchMenuExpandDocument https://cs4641.gitlab.io/summer2019berlin.html https://mahdi-roozbahani.github.io/CS46417641-spring2021/#schedule
- Intro to Intelligent Systems https://sites.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2011/cs3600_spring/handouts.html
- Game AI https://faculty.cc.gatech.edu/~surban6/2019fa-gameAI/ https://faculty.cc.gatech.edu/~surban6/2016-cs4731/ https://faculty.cc.gatech.edu/~riedl/classes/2015/gameai/ https://faculty.cc.gatech.edu/~riedl/classes/2017/gameai/
- Computer Vision https://faculty.cc.gatech.edu/~hays/compvision2017/ https://faculty.cc.gatech.edu/~hays/compvision/ https://sites.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2016/cs4476_fall/ https://dellaert.github.io/19F-4476/schedule.html https://dellaert.github.io/21F-x476/projects.html https://dellaert.github.io/20F-6476/schedule.html https://dellaert.github.io/19F-4476/projects.html https://dellaert.github.io/19F-4476/projects.html
- Automata & Complexity https://santoshv.github.io/2019CS4510/toc.html https://cryptolab.gtisc.gatech.edu/ladha/CS4510S23.html
- Machine Learning For Trading
- Knowledge Based System Video
- Computer Simulation lab
- Computer Graphics