Ubuntu machines:
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libssl-dev git exuberant-ctags cscope build-essentials
Fedora machines:
$ sudo yum install git ctags ncurses-devel openssl-devel
Clone kernel source ****
$ mkdir ~/sources
$ cd ~/sources
$ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/
$ cd linux-stable
Find the latest stable kernel by looking for the largest vX.Y.Z values,tags that end with -rcX are beta/test kernels.
$ git checkout -b stable ver.tag
Note:ver.tag is the latest vX.Y.Z tag you found.
choose kernel configuration
initiate compile & build
$ make -j4
1. open .config
2. identify source file(s) for each service selected
by stepping into appropriate branch
3. Compile identified service code into relocatables using kbuild
4. Integrate all relocatables of the options chosen statically
to generate ELF(raw)kernel image (vmlinux image)
5. invoke target arch specific build script(Arch Makefile) to generate loadable kernel image.
Arch Makefile script does the following:
- Appends arch specific boot-strap
- enable CPU's MMU
- set up page tables
- invokes start function of kernel proper
- packages kernel image into loadable format as required by the bootloader
(Appends Boot-loader specific header defining image type, load and entry
6. Build module object files(.ko) from relocatables of "=m" entries
from .config file
In summary following files are generated
1. Raw(ELF) kernel image with symbol tables: vmlinux (located in source root)
2. Composite kernel image: vmlinuz (located in arch/$ARCH/boot folder)
3. Loadable kernel image: bzImage|uImage|zImage (located in arch/$ARCH/boot folder)
4. Dynamically loadable kernel modules: .ko files(spread through the source tree)
- Move Module images onto Root file system(RFS)
$ make modules_install
Move module images onto root file-system's in-tree modules folder (/lib/modules/(kernel_version_string)/)
Folder is created matching kernels version tag. This folder is also populated with kernel-headers for supporting out-of-tree module build.
- Install kernel Image & Configure boot loader
$ make install
1. copies loadable kernel image and other relavent
files into /boot folder of root file system.
2. updates bootloader with menu entry for new kernel
step 1: Move source file into appropriate branch of source tree
step 2: Add new listing into kernel configuration Menu
Append new config entry describing new service and its dependencies into Kconfig file of the local branch
step 3: Modify Kbuild scripts to compile and build new service as per chosen method
Edit local Kbuild Makefile to have compile target for new source