For the ECS an automatic detection of the main modules would be desirable.
For example a SEC Node could tell which sensor would be the closest one to the sample, which should be registered in the ECS as the sample temperature.
For this, a module property "meaning" is proposed. This can get one of the following values:
- sample_temperature
- magnetic_field
But what to do, if several modules claim to be the sample temperature? There might be a SEC node controlling cryostat, which has a sample temperature sensor, but another SEC node controlling an insert with a sample sensor. As the insert is put into the cryostat, we declare the cryostat to have importance=1 and the insert an importance=2. To resolve the ambiguity, the ECS chooses the module with the highest importance to be labelled as the read sample temperature.
predefined importance:
- importance=1 for a device which can not be inserted or added to another one
- importance=2 for a device which can be inserted into an other one
Higher values are to be used when an additional device may be inserted into an insert and the like.
We should allow importance to be a floating point number, in case later a value between 1 and 2 has to be used.
meaning is a module property with a tuple as its value, with the following two elements:
- a string from an extensible list of meanings
- a value describing the importance, with the following values
- 10 means the instrument/beamline (Example: room temperature sensor always present)
- 20 means the surrounding sample environemnt (Example: VTI temperature)
- 30 means an insert (Example: sample stick of dilution insert)
- 40 means an addon added to an insert (Example: a device mounted inside a dilution insert)
Intermediate values might be used. The range for each category starts at the indicated value minus 5 and ends below the indicated value plus 5.
Decision taken at the meeting 2018-02-13 in Grenoble
- temperature (temperature of sample)
- temperature_regulation (regulation of sample temperature, if different from above).
- magneticfield
- electricfield
- pressure
- rotation_z (counter clockwise when looked at 'from sky to earth')
- humidity
- viscosity
- flowrate
- concentration