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ASIM parsers

File metadata and controls

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ASIM parsers source table, destination schemas and filters mapping

This page provides a mapping of ASIM parsers to:

  • Destination schema: the output ASIM schema the parser maps events to. This is also evident from the parser name, but is provided seperately for conenience.
  • Source table or tables: the source table, or tables, from which the parser maps events.
  • filter: the selection criteria applied to the source table or tables. Source tables may include events relevant to many ASIM schemas and the filter selected only the events that should be handled by the specific parser.

Note that this table is not maintained on an ongoing basis and there might be parsers that are not listed here.

Parser Destination Schema Source tables Filter Notes
ASimAuditEventAzureActivity AuditEvent AzureActivity CategoryValue == 'Administrative'
ASimAuditEventMicrosoftExchangeAdmin365 AuditEvent OfficeActivity RecordType in ('ExchangeAdmin')
ASimAuditEventMicrosoftWindowsEvents AuditEvent WindowsEvent, SecurityEvent, Event EventID == 1102 Expected to include more Event IDs
ASimAuthenticationAADManagedIdentitySignInLogs Authentication AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs -
ASimAuthenticationAADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs Authentication AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs -
ASimAuthenticationAADServicePrincipalSignInLogs Authentication AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs -
ASimAuthenticationSigninLogs Authentication SigninLogs -
ASimAuthenticationAWSCloudTrail Authentication AWSCloudTrail EventName == 'ConsoleLogin'
ASimAuthenticationM365Defender Authentication DeviceLogonEvents -
ASimAuthenticationMD4IoT Authentication SecurityIoTRawEvent RawEventName == 'Login' Deprecated
ASimAuthenticationMicrosoftWindowsEvent Authentication WindowsEvent, SecurityEvent EventID in (4624,4625,4634,4647) (Also, for WindowsEvent Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing')
ASimAuthenticationOktaSSO Authentication Okta_CL eventType_s in ('user.session.start', 'user.session.end')
ASimAuthenticationPostgreSQL Authentication PostgreSQL_CL RawData has 'connection authorized'
or RawData has 'authentication failed'
or RawData has_all ('role', 'does', 'not', 'exist')
or RawData has_all ('no', 'entry', 'user')
or RawData has 'disconnection'
ASimAuthenticationSshd Authentication Syslog ProcessName == 'sshd'
and (SyslogMessage startswith 'Accepted'
or SyslogMessage startswith 'Failed'
or (SyslogMessage startswith 'message repeated'
and SyslogMessage has 'Failed')
or SyslogMessage startswith 'Timeout'
or SyslogMessage startswith 'Invalid user'
ASimAuthenticationSu Authentication Syslog ProcessName == 'su'
and (SyslogMessage startswith 'Successful su for'
or SyslogMessage has_all ('pam_unix(su', 'session): session closed for user')
ASimAuthenticationSudo Authentication Syslog Parser is incomplete
ASimDnsAzureFirewall Dns AzureDiagnostics Category in ('AzureFirewallDnsProxy','AzureFirewallDnsProxy')
ASimDnsCiscoUmbrella Dns Cisco_Umbrella_dns_CL -
ASimDnsCorelightZeek Dns Corelight_CL Message has '_path':'dns '
or Message has '_path':'dns_red '
ASimDnsGcp Dns GCP_DNS_CL resource_type_s == 'dns_query'
ASimDnsInfobloxNIOS Dns Syslog ProcessName == 'named'
and (SyslogMessage has_all ('client', 'query:', 'response:')
or SyslogMessage has_all ('client', 'query:')
and SyslogMessage !has 'response:')
ASimDnsMicrosoftNXlog Dns NXLog_DNS_Server_CL EventID_d < 281
ASimDnsMicrosoftOMS Dns DnsEvents EventId < 500
ASimDnsMicrosoftSysmon Dns WindowsEvent, Event Source/Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon'
and EventID==22
Source is used for Event, Provider for WindowsEvent
ASimDnsNative Dns ASimDnsActivityLogs -
ASimDnsVectraAI Dns VectraStream_CL metadata_type_s == 'metadata_dns' Share the sample file with other VectraAI parsers
ASimDnsZscalerZIA Dns CommonSecurityLog DeviceProduct == 'NSSDNSlog'
ASimNetworkSessionAWSVPC NetworkSession AWSVPCFlow LogStatus == 'OK'
ASimNetworkSessionAppGateSDP NetworkSession Syslog ProcessName in ('cz-sessiond', 'cz-vpnd')
and (SyslogMessage has_all ('[AUDIT]','ip_access', 'rule_name ')
and SyslogMessage has_any ( 'protocol':'UDP ', 'protocol':'TCP ')
or (SyslogMessage has_all ('[AUDIT]','ip_access', 'drop-reason ')
and SyslogMessage has_any ( 'protocol':'UDP ', 'protocol':'TCP ')
or SyslogMessage has_all ('[AUDIT]','ip_access', 'protocol':'ICMP ')
ASimNetworkSessionAzureFirewall NetworkSession AzureDiagnostics Category == 'AzureFirewallNetworkRule'
or OperationName in ('AzureFirewallNetworkRuleLog','AzureFirewallThreatIntelLog')
ASimNetworkSessionAzureNSG NetworkSession AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL isnotempty(FlowType_s)
ASimNetworkSessionCheckPointFirewall NetworkSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor=='Check Point'
and DeviceProduct=='VPN-1 & FireWall-1'
ASimNetworkSessionCiscoASA NetworkSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor == 'Cisco'
and DeviceProduct == 'ASA'
and DeviceEventClassID in ('106001','106006','106015','106016',
ASimNetworkSessionCiscoMeraki NetworkSession CiscoMerakiNativePoller_CL EventOriginalType == 'IDS Alert'
ASimNetworkSessionCorelightZeek NetworkSession Corelight_CL Message has '_path':'conn ' or Message has 'conn_red '
ASimNetworkSessionForcePointFirewall NetworkSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor=='FORCEPOINT'
and DeviceProduct=='Firewall'
and DeviceFacility in ('Inspection','Packet Filtering','File Filtering')
and isnotempty(DeviceEventClassID)
and DeviceEventClassID != '0'
ASimNetworkSessionFortinetFortiGate NetworkSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor == 'Fortinet'
and DeviceProduct startswith 'FortiGate'
and DeviceEventCategoryhas 'traffic'
and DeviceAction != 'dns'
and Activity !has 'dns'
ASimNetworkSessionMD4IoTAgent NetworkSession SecurityIoTRawEvent RawEventName == 'NetworkActivity' Deprecated
ASimNetworkSessionMD4IoTSensor NetworkSession DefenderIoTRawEvent RawEventName == 'NetworkConnectionData'
ASimNetworkSessionMicrosoft365Defender NetworkSession DeviceNetworkEvents -
ASimNetworkSessionLinuxSysmon NetworkSession Syslog SyslogMessage has_all ('<Provider Name='Linux-Sysmon ', '3')
ASimNetworkSessionMicrosoftSysmon NetworkSession WindowsEvent, Event Source/Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon'
and EventID == 3
Source is used for Event, Provider for WindowsEvent
ASimNetworkSessionMicrosoftWindowsEventFirewall NetworkSession SecurityEvent, WindowsEvent EventID in (5151 .. 5159)
ASimNetworkSessionNative NetworkSession ASimNetworkSessionLogs -
ASimNetworkSessionPaloAltoCEF NetworkSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor == 'Palo Alto Networks'
and DeviceProduct == 'PAN-OS'
and Activity == 'TRAFFIC'
ASimNetworkSessionVMConnection NetworkSession VMConnection -
ASimNetworkSessionVectraAI NetworkSession VectraStream_CL metadata_type_s == 'metadata_isession' Share the sample file with other VectraAI parsers
ASimNetworkSessionWatchGuardFirewareOS NetworkSession Syslog SyslogMessage has_any('msg_id='3000-0148 ' , 'msg_id='3000-0149 ' ,
'msg_id='3000-0150 ' , 'msg_id='3000-0151 ' , 'msg_id='3000-0173 ' )
and SyslogMessage !has 'msg='DNS Forwarding' '
ASimNetworkSessionZscalerZIA NetworkSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor == 'Zscaler'
and DeviceProduct == 'NSSFWlog'
ASimProcessCreateLinuxSysmon ProcessEvent Syslog SyslogMessage has_all ('<Provider Name='Linux-Sysmon ', '1')
ASimProcessCreateMicrosoftSecurityEvents ProcessEvent SecurityEvent EventID == 4688
ASimProcessCreateMicrosoftSysmon ProcessEvent WindowsEvent, Event Source/Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon'
and EventID==1
Source is used for Event, Provider for WindowsEvent
ASimProcessCreateMicrosoftWindowsEvents ProcessEvent WindowsEvent EventID == 4688
ASimProcessEventMD4IoT ProcessEvent SecurityIoTRawEvent RawEventName == 'Process' Deprecated
ASimProcessEventMicrosoft365D ProcessEvent DeviceProcessEvents -
ASimProcessTerminateLinuxSysmon ProcessEvent Syslog SyslogMessage has_all ('<Provider Name='Linux-Sysmon ', '5')
ASimProcessTerminateMicrosoftSecurityEvents ProcessEvent SecurityEvent EventID == 4689
ASimProcessTerminateMicrosoftSysmon ProcessEvent WindowsEvent, Event Source/Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon'
and EventID==5
Source is used for Event, Provider for WindowsEvent
ASimProcessTerminateMicrosoftWindowsEvents ProcessEvent WindowsEvent EventID == 4689
ASimWebSessionIIS WebSession W3CIISLog -
ASimWebSessionNative WebSession ASimWebSessionLogs -
ASimWebSessionPaloAltoCEF WebSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor == 'Palo Alto Networks'
and DeviceProduct == 'PAN-OS'
and Activity == 'THREAT'
and DeviceEventClassID == 'url'
ASimWebSessionSquidProxy WebSession SquidProxy_CL -
ASimWebSessionVectraAI WebSession VectraStream_CL metadata_type_s == 'metadata_httpsessioninfo' Share the sample file with other VectraAI parsers
ASimWebSessionZscalerZIA WebSession CommonSecurityLog DeviceVendor == 'Zscaler'
and DeviceProduct == 'NSSWeblog'
vimFileEventAzureBlobStorage FileEvent StorageBlobLogs OperationName in (...bloboperations...)
vimFileEventAzureFileStorage FileEvent StorageFileLogs OperationName in (...fileoperations...)
vimFileEventAzureQueueStorage FileEvent StorageQueueLogs OperationName in (...queueoperations...)
vimFileEventAzureTableStorage FileEvent StorageTableLogs OperationName in (...tableoperations...)
vimFileEventLinuxSysmonFileCreated FileEvent Syslog SyslogMessage has_all ('<Provider Name='Linux-Sysmon ', '11')
vimFileEventLinuxSysmonFileDeleted FileEvent Syslog SyslogMessage has ('<Provider Name='Linux-Sysmon ')
and SyslogMessage has_any('23','26')
vimFileEventM365D FileEvent DeviceFileEvents -
vimFileEventMicrosoftSharePoint FileEvent OfficeActivity RecordType == 'SharePointFileOperation'
and Operation != 'FileMalwareDetected'
vimFileEventMicrosoftSysmon FileEvent WindowsEvent, Event Source/Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon'
and EventID in (11,23,26)
Source is used for Event, Provider for WindowsEvent
vimFileEventMicrosoftWindowsEvents FileEvent SecurityEvent, WindowsEvent EventID == 4663
vimRegistryEventMicrosoft365D RegisttryEvent DeviceRegistryEvents -
vimRegistryEventMicrosoftSecurityEvents RegisttryEvent SecurityEvent EventID == 4657
vimRegistryEventMicrosoftSysmon RegisttryEvent WindowsEvent, Event Source/Provider == 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon'
and EventID in (12, 13, 14)
Source is used for Event, Provider for WindowsEvent
vimRegistryEventMicrosoftWindowsEvent RegisttryEvent SecurityEvent, WindowsEvent EventID == 4663
or EventID == 4657