This is a public GitHub Repo for my research projects completed during my coursework in Northeastern University from 2017- 2019 Most of the projects are concentrated on Artificial Intelligence 1) Path Planning using PRM & RRT (Robotics project - 2017)- A project in MATLAB that uses robotics concepts PRM, RRT and inverse kinematics for motion planning using Puma 560 robotic arm in SimuLink 2) Block Worlds Problem using OpenRave (Robotics project - 2017)- A project in python that uses inbuilt robotics libraries available in OpenRAVE to solve the famous "Block Worlds Problem" 3) Plagiarism Detection 4) Sentiment Analysis using Natural Language Processing Models in python 5) Machine Learning on Brain MRI data using Tensorflow 6) DrogonRun- Played by Non Playing Character (NPC)