- Forked code challenge 2 from Instruction Page, which creates a copy of the code challenge 2 Repository (Repo) into my own Github account.
- Cloned code challenge 2 to my directory msimbo-coding by using command git clone http://
- Searched online for Vector Logos & Icons
- I added additional logos & icons to my Directory
- Made sure all is in sync with github
- git status
- git add
- git commit "commit message"
- git push
Opened project Code Challenge 2 in VSCODE using commandline
- Type: code (Make sure your in the projects directory)
After opening the inex.html file I noticed Dele (The Professor) had begun the initial layout, as well as the styles.css file.
I began the replecation of the Google.com homepage
Replicated the boxes needed for the Google.com homepage layout.
Created the necessary Div Containers
- Main
- Searcg Bar
- Footer
- Left
- Right
During the index.html modification I would also modify the styles.css file as well, by adding the proper categories (ids and values) which are directly tied into the div's I created on the index.html file.
- images1
- images2
- main
- input types (Text and submit)
- footer
- etc.
Occasionally, I would also update the readme.md file as well.
This project was very challenging, I had to research online on how to properly create the Google.com search bar, either exact or as close as I could. I would also utilize the reading we did in Project-2.
I enjoyed this challenege, looking forward to the up and coming weeks.
Pushed to Vercel and added Google.com favicon