Early attempts at making web information “discoverable”:
- full-text index search engines such as Altavista, Excite and Infoseek
- presented the user with a keyword search interface supported by inverted indexes and ranking mechanisms building on those introduced in earlier chapters
- taxonomies populated with web pages in categories
- allowed the user to browse through a hierarchical tree of category labels
- Biggest challenge: decentralized content publishing with essentially no central control of authorship
- dozens of (natural) languages and thousands of dialects
- tremendous variation in grammar and style
- the web contained truth, lies, contradictions and suppositions on a grand scale
We can view the static Web consisting of static HTML pages together with the hyperlinks between them as a directed graph in which each web page is a node and each hyperlink a directed edge.
anchor text: text on a page with a hyperlink attached to it
in-links: hyperlinks into a page
- in-degree has averaged from roughly 8 to 15
out-links: hyperlinks out of a page
Number of links for a website distribution is widely reported to be a power law, in which the total number of web pages with in-degree i is proportional to 1/i^a. (a~2.1)
several studies have suggested that the directed graph connecting web pages has a bowtie shape:
First generation of spam: the manipulation of web page content for the purpose of appearing high up in search results for selected keywords
- e.g. Numerous repetitions of a keyword in a page to rank higher in a search engine whose scoring was based on term frequencies
paid inclusion: pay to have one’s web page included in the search engine’s index
Some other spamming methods:
- cloaking: the spammer’s web server returns different pages depending on whether the http request comes from a web search engine’s crawler.
- doorway page: contains text and metadata carefully chosen to rank highly on selected search keywords When a browser requests the doorway page, it is redirected to a page containing content of amore commercial nature.
Search Engine Optimizers (SEO): provide consultancy services for clients who seek to have their web pages rank highly on selected keywords.
adversarial information retrieval: the research sub-area that sprung up around the battle of SEOs and the web search engines
link analysis: To combat spammers who manipulate the text of their web pages is the exploitation of the link structure of the Web**.**
link spam: efforts in subverting link analysis
- cost per mil (CPM): the CPM cost to the company of having its banner advertisement displayed 1000 times.
- goal: branding
- impressions: the number of times it is displayed
- cost per click (CPC)
- goal: induce a transaction
sponsored search or search advertising:
- accept bids from companies who wanted their web page shown on the query q.
- return the pages of all advertisers who bid for q, ordered by their bids in response to the query q
Later “pure” search engines (algorithmic search result) with search advertising combined into a single user experience.
search engine marketing (SEM): the profession of understanding how search engines do ranking and how to allocate marketing campaign budgets to different keywords and to different sponsored search engines
click spam: clicks on sponsored search results that are not from bonafide search users
two principles by Google:
- focus on relevance, specifically precision rather than recall in the first few results
- a user experience that is lightweight; search engine pages are uncluttered
common queries categories:
- informational
- seek general information on a broad topic
- users with informational queries typically try to assimilate information from multiple web pages
- navigational
- seek the website or home page of a single entity that the user has in mind
- the best measure of user satisfaction is precision at 1.
- transactional
- a prelude to the user performing a transaction on the Web – such as purchasing a product, downloading a file or making a reservation.
Q: given two search engines, what are the relative sizes of their indexes?
A: question is imprecise, because:
- a search engine can return web pages whose contents it has not (fully or even partially) indexed.
- search engines generally index only the first few thousand words in a web page
- a search engine is aware of a page p that is linked to by pages it has indexed, but has not indexed p itself
- Search engines generally organize their indexes in various tiers and partitions, not all of which are examined on every search.
- a web page deep inside a website may be indexed but not retrieved on general web searches; it is however retrieved as a result on a site-specific search
In spite of these issues, a number of techniques have been devised for crude estimates of the ratio of the index sizes of two search engines, E1 and E2:
underlying hypothesis: (far from true!)
- there is a finite size for the Web from which each search engine chooses a subset
- each engine chooses an independent, uniformly chosen subset
capture-recapture method
pick a random page from the index of E1 and test whether it is in E2’s index and symmetrically, test whether a random page from E2 is in E1.
These experiments give us fractions x and y such that a fraction x of the pages in E1 are in E2, while a fraction y of the pages in E2 are in E1 and we have: x|E1| ≈ y|E2|
unbiased sampling:
(if we have access to neither E1 nor E2 index)
generate a random page from the entire (idealized, finite)Web
- Random searches: Begin with a search log of web searches; send a random search from this log to E1 and a random page from the results.
- Since such logs are not widely available outside a search engine, one implementation is to trap all search queries going out of a work group (say scientists in a research center) that agrees to have all its searches logged.
- issues: (i) the bias from the types of searches made by the work group (ii) a random document from the results of such a random search to E1 is not the same as a random document from E1.
- Since such logs are not widely available outside a search engine, one implementation is to trap all search queries going out of a work group (say scientists in a research center) that agrees to have all its searches logged.
- Random IP addresses: generate random IP addresses and send a request to a web server residing at the random address, collecting all pages at that server.
- biases: (i) many hosts might share one IP (virtual hosting) (ii) not accept http requests
- Random walks: run a random walk starting at an arbitrary web page andThis walk would converge to a steady state distribution.
- It works if the web graph were a strongly connected directed graph and it’s not!
- time it takes to settle into steady state is unknown
- Random queries: pick a page (almost) uniformly at random from a search engine’s index by posing a random query to it.
- create query:
- amassing a sample web dictionary
- by crawling a limited portion of the Web
- by crawling a manually-assembled representative subset of the Web
- conjunctive query with two or more randomly chosen words from this dictionary
- amassing a sample web dictionary
- process:
- use a random conjunctive query on E1 and pick from the top 100 returned results a page p at random.
- test p for presence in E2 by choosing 6-8 low-frequency terms in p and using them in a conjunctive query for E2.
- issues:
- Our sample is biased towards longer documents
- Picking from the top 100 results of E1 induces a bias from the ranking algorithm of E1. Picking from all the results of E1 makes the experiment slower.
- During the checking phase, a number of additional biases are introduced: for instance, E2 may not handle 8-word conjunctive queries properly.
- Either E1 or E2 may refuse to respond to the test queries, treating them as robotic spam rather than as bona fide queries.
- There could be operational problems like connection time-outs.
- create query:
- Document random walk sampling: a document is chosen by a random walk on a virtual graph derived from documents
- nodes are documents; two documents are connected by an edge if they share two or more words in common.
- The graph is never instantiated; rather, a random walk on it can be performed by moving from a document d to another by picking a pair of keywords in d, running a query on a search engine and picking a random document from the results.
Simplest approach to detecting duplicates:
For each web page, compute a fingerprint that is a succinct (say 64-bit) digest of the characters on that page, whenever the fingerprints of two web pages are equal, we test whether the pages themselves are equal.
issue: near duplication
Given a positive integer k and a sequence of terms in a document d, define the k-shingles of d to be the set of all consecutive sequences of k terms in d.
→ two documents are near duplicates if the sets of shingles generated from them are nearly the same
Method: We compute Jaccard coefficient - |S(d1) ∩ S(d2)|/|S(d1) ∪ S(d2)| - for the set of shingles of two documents. if it exceeds a preset threshold, we declare them near duplicates.
How to do efficiently?
We map every shingle into a hash value over a large space.