use Groovy language specification as case study to find corner cases
perhaps progit2 as well; others?
recto/verso margins
account differences in top/bottom margins on recto/verso pages in running header/footer
dry runs need to reflect current recto/verso margins; situation can get complex if they differ
get import_page to stop adding an extra page
blank page after title page if media=print
document missing keys in theming guide for 1.5.0.beta.1 (table seems to missing some)
enable key table_font_style
check that color of table edges set to table_grid_color??
create value type for font style and font alignment for theming guide
force encoding of theme to UTF-8 (particularly for keys related to content)
be more consistent with how examples are shown in theming-guide.adoc (do we show last segment only?)
document theme-related AsciiDoc attributes in theming-guide (#428)
allow top as alternative to margin_top for all elements on title page (#431)
add feature to number bullets according to section number (needed for OpenDevise agreement)
swallowing exceptions! (any use of e.message in a string is dangerous)
allow ordered list marker to be prefixed by section number (a global setting?)
conum not aligned vertically with callout text (perhaps too small?)
decouple theme settings for section titles and discrete headings
table should expand to 100% if "spread" role is set
replace explicit char ranges with classes in regexp (e.g., or \w)
test Rouge upgrade (should address workaround we have in encoder)
devise a way to specify a value as a string literal (variable replacement only) in theme
prawn-gmagick (fixes PNG transparency issue); don’t fail-fast on gif if gem is detected
document pdfwidth in themeing guide (currently no mention of it)
convert "-" in variable name in theme to underscore (e.g., $base-font-size)
apply calculated theme values after loading?
allow "content" in place of recto_content & verso_content for running header/footer
allow image to span width of page (role=canvas, role=canvas-x or role=canvas-y); if role is canvas or canvas-y, then it does not consume height
allow valign value to be a number (requires change to Prawn)
layout SVG without using keep_together (since we know all the dimensions)
fix SVG to a single page (check height + caption height)
allow background color to be set for heading
allow border to be set around block image
switch wolpertinger to howling wolf mouse
support arbitrary numeric entities (convert to unicode)
add brief mention in theming guide that deeper customizations can be achieved by extending the converter
allow alignment of list to be set separately from base align (and perhaps a hint in document)
due to order of loading, getting warnings when redefining methods in Asciidoctor core
prawn-pdfimage https://github.com/packetmonkey/prawn-pdfimage
rename ThemeLoader to ThemeReader?
document autofit option on verbatim blocks
document how to extend the converter, use Prawn
using tabs instead of spaces for source code indentation allows leading whitespace to be preserved when copying
margin per heading level (see asciidoctor#176)
document how to override the Ruby code to get custom styling in the theming guide
convenience method to check if there’s enough room for another line on page
allow font size in theme to be specified in em or %
allow dynamic background image with page number in path
running header/footer covers content (perhaps just a limitation that needs to be documented)
document that palette-based transparent in PNGs is not supported
create document that explains how built-in fonts are generated and what subsets are selected
document in theming guide what must be done to prepare fonts (old-style 'kern' table, optionally subset) (file issue!)
add broader character range to monospace font so we can drop fallback font by default (#282)
consider having a fallback for prose and fallback for literal
file issue for prawn to preserve space (even w/ guards, spaces don’t preserve over wrapped lines)
if this is fixed, we can remove all the guard indent code
file issue for prawn to support spacer fragments with fixed width / height and no text (or text is ignored in calculations)
file issue that prawn-svg messes with the cursor (need to explain how)
document limitations in README (such as no linear gradients in SVG, embedded images in SVG must be URL or inlined, PNGs must be flattened, etc)
document all permutations of image sizing
set vposition on title page logo image explicitly to avoid page overrun?
verse has problems with wrapping if line is long
allow default kerning to be set using theme
table column header is wrapping by char (verify?)
implement margin collapsing (between blocks)
rework pull request for source line numbers (combine with restore conum logic if conums are enabled)
also combine with the preserve_space logic
allow front cover and back cover image to be defined in theme; document in theming-guide
should we shorted the keys to front-cover and back-cover (since image is implied?)
keep caption with table (check for sufficient space)
allow caption placement for table to be configurable (top vs bottom)
allow valign to be set on image block (vertical center in page for things like slides)
separate theme control for listing vs literal block (and maybe source too)
allow title page image "bottom" to be set instead of "top" (mutually exclusive)
rtl (see ./sandbox/rtl/ folder)
rewrite optimize-pdf using rghost
add Optimizer class; wire to cli
what do we do if the image type cannot be resolved from file extension (i.e., when target is a URL)?
pass macro doesn’t work in source block when macro subs and highlighting are both enabled (#180)
enable cache_images option for prawn-svg (#223)
bind image_registry between scratch and main document so we don’t process the same image more than once
need to do some testing
show SVG warnings if debug (or trace) is on
prawn SVG doesn’t support relative paths for nested images (must be http, https or data) (update README)
clean temporary files once per conversion? (file issue)
clear font paths in SVG interface so it doesn’t scan system? (since it’s not portable anyway)
title is being rendered 3 times (maybe one for scratch?); explain why in comments if normal
finish docs/theming-guide.adoc
continue working on json schema for theme; try to generate keys section from it
rethink how we’re handling line heights for fonts, then document carefully
look closer at line_height and line_height_length and see if we need to document other details
implement first-line indent for paragraphs (seems like conflict w/ our text formatter)
option to not indent first paragraph in section
if you indent, perhaps drop the margin between paragraphs?
add index support
add entry to TOC for preamble/preface
can we create fragments in converter instead of using the formatted text parser?
allow text alignment of prose to be set in document
don’t issue warnings on scratch document
rake release seems messed up (tagging the wrong commit)
getting a line wrap break before comma if preceding word is emphasized (problem in Prawn wrapping)
make dot leader style separate from title / number
running content
side margins (allow override, default to content margins)
numbered and unnumbered chapter and section titles (file issue)
chapter and section number (easily solved by previous)
separate running content for chapter page (by default uses normal content)
should we rename base_ to body_ to make it more familiar to CSS developers?
support !include in theme file (file issue)
add cover page example to chronicles so people see how to use it
don’t orphan a single line of paragraph (send it with a buddy line)
implement stem support
fail gracefully if theme file cannot be found
expose theme variable on document (attr_reader?)
nested unordered list items should use different marker
dedicated style for top/bottom margin of outline list
allow margin top and bottom to be set for lists (applies to outer-most list)
allow spacing between nested lists levels be configured in theme
need dedicated theme styles for paragraph spacings, etc
can’t put margin top on chapter (chapter_top?)
chapter / heading background color
recto/verso indentation (on body?)
don’t indent and draw line next to quote block unless width > 0 or color != transparent
subtitles for chapters
part titles need their own page and styling
add color calculation functions in theme file (like in SASS)
create utility method to get % offset of page as y value (option to constrain to bounds)
document converter assignment in convert_content_for_block method
support transparency for colors (this is now supported by resolve_theme_color)
support generic color (or value) attribute in formatted text parser instead of specific color systems (rgb, cmyk)
allow theme_font to set line_height (honor this setting from document)
theme setting for code line height (currently using base_line_height)
should we put an entry for doctitle in the outline if notitle is set? (need to test these edge cases)
use docdate attribute to set modification date on document (file issue)
add more theme control over toc (font size, style, color per level)
don’t allow formatted text (e.g., monospace) in toc entries
prevent title-logo-image from spilling to next page (same with title content)
document what each keep_together is doing / expects
keep_together really needs to pick up the inherited horizontal bounds or else measurement is inaccurate
code cleanups (regexps to constants, nil? checks and such)
split prawn_ext/extensions into individual files based on function
enable line above (or below?) title on title page (file issue)
enable text_transform for table foot row
file upstream issue for Prawn to warn if it can’t resolve a glpyh (or monkeypatch it)
support web fonts; use uri-cache to avoid redundant fetching
align caption to match alignment of block image
allow pdf-page-layout (portrait || landscape) to be set in document
allow pdf-page-margin to be set in document
attribute or role to control table shading (all, even, odd) (or call it striped like bootstrap?)
make conum glyphs configurable in theme (use reference table to resolve)
do we still need the converter hack in convert_content_for_block? (seems to be needed for admonitions)
avoid getting an empty last page (example: colist at bottom of page can cause this)
utility to coerce the color value transparent to nil (better handling in general)
CJK and/or multilingual support
description list term should keep together with content (file issue)
hardbreak in table cell results in extra endline (likely not normalizing cell content)
remove pdfmarks file after optimizing
add note to README that Prawn will subset any fonts provided
look into single_line + shrink_to_fit in listings, perhaps other places
refactor as Prawn view to avoid method name conflicts (also see prawnpdf/prawn#802)
make CodeRay theme colors configurable (in theme?) (now that we have Rouge, this may be obsolete)
create proper default (Asciidoctor) theme
document how the treetop parser is rebuilt
use ImageMagick to uncompress PNG images before reading them (could also just document this)
rework font so we can set actual height, calculate x_height internally (use 1em for spacings)
padding top and bottom on content affects height_of calculations (need to review)
code font needs to support more than just ascii (Golo license block is an example)
don’t cutoff content in partintro
admonition styles are one big hack; need to be organized and based on theme
add admonition_label_font_color to theme
autofit logic not working with Courier (still overrunning line)
honor safe mode rules
allow cover images to be specified by theme as a fallback
verify cover image exists; fail gracefully with warning
stop using fallback fonts in default theme (instead, bundle a fuller font)
using fallback fonts significantly slows down Prawn because it checks every letter every time (see https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn/blob/master/lib/prawn/text/formatted/box.rb#L427-L434)
print scratch.pdf file if verbose / trace mode is on in Asciidoctor
introduce setting to indent section content
rename default theme to docbook theme, make default the Asciidoctor theme (should we have a base theme?)
allow relative font size for inline code to be set (perhaps a percentage or em value? there are problems with this in arranger)
set defaults in ThemeLoader for required theme settings like prose_margin_top/bottom so we don’t need fallbacks in code
implement orphan sentences for paragraph
apply line height metrics for table content
figure out how to adjust line height for monospaced cell content
figure out how to layout regular cell content to adjust for line height
document the typeset_text methods very clearly
move check for node.title? inside layout_caption
theme idea / tester: see sandbox/ebook-learn_version_control_with_git-SAMPLE.pdf
make alternating page title position optional (via theme?)
BUG: page numbers are off in Clojure Cookbook
fix passthrough placeholders that get caught up in syntax highlighting (see https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/blob/master/test/blocks_test.rb#L2258-L2277)
we could eliminate some of the tags we’re currently matching in the formatted text parser (e.g., link)
add Preamble to TOC
NOTE prawn-svg supports loading from a URI (only applies to embedded images)
honor font defs in SVG (to get M+ 1p); prawn-svg supports loading fonts; need to pass fonts to prawn-svg
should we support % as a unit in theme (divides by 100 and sets float value)?
disable monospace color in headings
add source language to upper-left corner of listing block
enable pagenums attribute by default (may require changes to how we handle attributes)
start page numbering on first page if no title page
implement quote style from default Asciidoctor stylesheet
reorganize Prawn extensions (see prawn-table for example)
rename "theme" to "style"?
restrict custom theme path to jail (or load from load_path)
implement convert_toc
can get orphan conum if starts on last line of page (fixed already?)
only create title page if doctype=book
italic text in a line of text styled as bold in the theme loses its bold style
introduce method for start_initial_page?
make outline a document option (perhaps "outline" like "toc")
shrink / squeeze source code to avoid wrapping (see original impl in nfjsmag, also shrink_to_fit)
add bench/ directory for the script to test the speed of the formatted text parser
start page numbering on page 1 (use /PageLabels reference to make i the title page number)
add this feature upstream to Prawn
report image only page w/ stamps corruption issue to Prawn
add /PageMode /UseOutlines
what does fopub do to calculate scaling images? reduces width more?
replace tabs with spaces in source code (Asciidoctor core change?)
preamble on separate page?
part on separate page for book doctype? (which other sections?)
make default image scale width a theme setting
cli arguments
theme (pdf-style, pdf-stylesdir)
enable/disable writing pdfmarks file
section numbering
implement footnotes correctly
table footer
flesh out outline more
flesh out title page more
document subtitle (partially solved)
don’t create title page for article doctype
implement toc and activate if toc is set on document (need to reorder pages)
inline image
callbacks for title page, new part, new chapter, etc
split out render methods for chapter, part, section, etc
custom subs in verbatim blocks
captions/titles on all blocks that support them
make font size and character spacing scaling of inline code part of theme
customizable character spacing
might be able to avoid dry run for listing/literal in obvious cases
implement index of index terms
bw theme for CodeRay to match output of Pygments bw
inline tabs should be replaced in layout_prose (etc) when normalize is enabled
use treetop to parse and evaluate theme file
make source code highlighting theme configurable (should be now, but has problems with conums)
use or don’t use pad method? check performance
control page numbering using pagenums attribute
"Incorrect number of arguments in 'SCN' command" happens when you add a stamp to an imported page
be mindful that layout_prose adds margin to bottom of content by default (important when working in a bounding box)
ttfunk does not support ligatures (e.g., fi → fi); we could do this manually in post_replacements
if we set the vposition to a numeric value, it skips the overrun check that happens internally
if autofit is set on a listing/literal block that has conums, we are splitting fragments by line twice
uncompress PNG files to avoid slow zlib inflating step in Prawn
flatten PNGs (remove alpha channel) since it messes up font rendering on the page in Adobe Acrobat Reader (need to verify)
avoid the fallback font if possible (use full fonts in your theme) because it checks for every glyph
font families used in SVGs must match keys in the font catalog
remove/reduce padding above heading when it appears at the start of a page?
Default line height?
Should the heading sizes be calculated according to the default font size?
Page margins
Body indentation?
recto / verso indentation?
Size of masthead / footer
Line separating masthead / footer?
Separate title page
Start chapter on new page?
Special layout for chapter page?
pdf2svg can convert the PDF file into an SVG (one SVG per page)