diff --git a/src/Catalyst.jl b/src/Catalyst.jl index 73fbc7586f..1d809cca60 100644 --- a/src/Catalyst.jl +++ b/src/Catalyst.jl @@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ export @reaction_network, @network_component, @reaction, @species # Network analysis functionality. include("network_analysis.jl") export reactioncomplexmap, reactioncomplexes, incidencemat -export complexstoichmat -export complexoutgoingmat, incidencematgraph, linkageclasses, stronglinkageclasses, +export complexstoichmat, laplacianmat, fluxmat, massactionvector, complexoutgoingmat +export incidencematgraph, linkageclasses, stronglinkageclasses, terminallinkageclasses, deficiency, subnetworks export linkagedeficiencies, isreversible, isweaklyreversible export conservationlaws, conservedquantities, conservedequations, conservationlaw_constants diff --git a/src/network_analysis.jl b/src/network_analysis.jl index 86802fb919..18bbcdb6f9 100644 --- a/src/network_analysis.jl +++ b/src/network_analysis.jl @@ -192,6 +192,143 @@ function complexstoichmat(::Type{Matrix{Int}}, rn::ReactionSystem, rcs) Z end +@doc raw""" + laplacianmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap=Dict(); sparse=false) + + Return the negative of the graph Laplacian of the reaction network. The ODE system of a chemical reaction network can be factorized as ``\frac{dx}{dt} = Y A_k Φ(x)``, where ``Y`` is the [`complexstoichmat`](@ref) and ``A_k`` is the negative of the graph Laplacian, and ``Φ`` is the [`massactionvector`](@ref). ``A_k`` is an n-by-n matrix, where n is the number of complexes, where ``A_{ij} = k_{ij}`` if a reaction exists between the two complexes and 0 otherwise. + Returns a symbolic matrix by default, but will return a numerical matrix if parameter values are specified via pmap. + + **Warning**: Unlike other Catalyst functions, the `laplacianmat` function will return a `Matrix{Num}` in the symbolic case. This is to allow easier computation of the matrix decomposition of the ODEs, and to ensure that multiplying the sparse form of the matrix will work. +""" +function laplacianmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Dict = Dict(); sparse = false) + D = incidencemat(rn; sparse) + K = fluxmat(rn, pmap; sparse) + D * K +end + +Base.zero(::Type{Union{R, Symbolics.BasicSymbolic{Real}}}) where R <: Real = zero(R) +Base.one(::Type{Union{R, Symbolics.BasicSymbolic{Real}}}) where R <: Real = one(R) + +@doc raw""" + fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap = Dict(); sparse=false) + + Return an r×c matrix ``K`` such that, if complex ``j`` is the substrate complex of reaction ``i``, then ``K_{ij} = k``, the rate constant for this reaction. Mostly a helper function for the network Laplacian, [`laplacianmat`](@ref). Has the useful property that ``\frac{dx}{dt} = S*K*Φ(x)``, where S is the [`netstoichmat`](@ref) or net stoichiometry matrix and ``Φ(x)`` is the [`massactionvector`](@ref). + Returns a symbolic matrix by default, but will return a numerical matrix if rate constants are specified as a `Tuple`, `Vector`, or `Dict` of symbol-value pairs via `pmap`. + + **Warning**: Unlike other Catalyst functions, the `fluxmat` function will return a `Matrix{Num}` in the symbolic case. This is to allow easier computation of the matrix decomposition of the ODEs, and to ensure that multiplying the sparse form of the matrix will work. +""" +function fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Dict = Dict(); sparse=false) + rates = if isempty(pmap) + reactionrates(rn) + else + substitutevals(rn, pmap, parameters(rn), reactionrates(rn)) + end + + rcmap = reactioncomplexmap(rn) + nc = length(rcmap) + nr = length(rates) + mtype = eltype(rates) <: Symbolics.BasicSymbolic ? Num : eltype(rates) + if sparse + return fluxmat(SparseMatrixCSC{mtype, Int}, rcmap, rates) + else + return fluxmat(Matrix{mtype}, rcmap, rates) + end +end + +function fluxmat(::Type{SparseMatrixCSC{T, Int}}, rcmap, rates) where T + Is = Int[] + Js = Int[] + Vs = T[] + for (i, (complex, rxs)) in enumerate(rcmap) + for (rx, dir) in rxs + dir == -1 && begin + push!(Is, rx) + push!(Js, i) + push!(Vs, rates[rx]) + end + end + end + Z = sparse(Is, Js, Vs, length(rates), length(rcmap)) +end + +function fluxmat(::Type{Matrix{T}}, rcmap, rates) where T + nr = length(rates) + nc = length(rcmap) + K = zeros(T, nr, nc) + for (i, (complex, rxs)) in enumerate(rcmap) + for (rx, dir) in rxs + dir == -1 && (K[rx, i] = rates[rx]) + end + end + K +end + +function fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Vector) + pdict = Dict(pmap) + fluxmat(rn, pdict) +end + +function fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Tuple) + pdict = Dict(pmap) + fluxmat(rn, pdict) +end + +# Helper to substitute values into a (vector of) symbolic expressions. The syms are the symbols to substitute and the symexprs are the expressions to substitute into. +function substitutevals(rn::ReactionSystem, map::Dict, syms, symexprs) + length(map) != length(syms) && error("Incorrect number of parameter-value pairs were specified.") + map = symmap_to_varmap(rn, map) + map = Dict(ModelingToolkit.value(k) => v for (k, v) in map) + vals = [substitute(expr, map) for expr in symexprs] +end + +""" + massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap = Dict(); combinatoric_ratelaws = true) + + Return the vector whose entries correspond to the "mass action products" of each complex. For example, given the complex A + B, the corresponding entry of the vector would be ``A*B``, and for the complex 2X + Y, the corresponding entry would be ``X^2*Y``. The ODE system of a chemical reaction network can be factorized as ``\frac{dx}{dt} = Y A_k Φ(x)``, where ``Y`` is the [`complexstoichmat`](@ref) and ``A_k`` is the negative of the [`laplacianmat`](@ref). This utility returns ``Φ(x)``. + Returns a symbolic vector by default, but will return a numerical vector if species concentrations are specified as a tuple, vector, or dictionary via scmap. + If the `combinatoric_ratelaws` option is set, will include prefactors for that (see [introduction to Catalyst's rate laws](@ref introduction_to_catalyst_ratelaws). Will default to the default for the system. + + **Warning**: Unlike other Catalyst functions, the `massactionvector` function will return a `Vector{Num}` in the symbolic case. This is to allow easier computation of the matrix decomposition of the ODEs. +""" +function massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap::Dict = Dict(); combinatoric_ratelaws = Catalyst.get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rn)) + r = numreactions(rn) + rxs = reactions(rn) + sm = speciesmap(rn) + + specs = if isempty(scmap) + species(rn) + else + substitutevals(rn, scmap, species(rn), species(rn)) + end + + if !all(r -> ismassaction(r, rn), rxs) + error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. The mass action vector is only defined for pure mass action networks.") + end + + vtype = eltype(specs) <: Symbolics.BasicSymbolic ? Num : eltype(specs) + Φ = Vector{vtype}() + rcmap = reactioncomplexmap(rn) + for comp in keys(reactioncomplexmap(rn)) + subs = map(ce -> getfield(ce, :speciesid), comp) + stoich = map(ce -> getfield(ce, :speciesstoich), comp) + maprod = prod(vtype[specs[s]^α for (s, α) in zip(subs, stoich)]) + combinatoric_ratelaws && (maprod /= prod(map(factorial, stoich))) + push!(Φ, maprod) + end + + Φ +end + +function massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap::Tuple; combinatoric_ratelaws = Catalyst.get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rn)) + sdict = Dict(scmap) + massactionvector(rn, sdict; combinatoric_ratelaws) +end + +function massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap::Vector; combinatoric_ratelaws = Catalyst.get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rn)) + sdict = Dict(scmap) + massactionvector(rn, sdict; combinatoric_ratelaws) +end + @doc raw""" complexoutgoingmat(network::ReactionSystem; sparse=false) @@ -787,7 +924,7 @@ function isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap::Dict; abstol=0, re elseif !isreversible(rs) return false elseif !all(r -> ismassaction(r, rs), reactions(rs)) - error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. Testing for being complex balanced is currently only supported for pure mass action networks.") + error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. Testing for being detailed balanced is currently only supported for pure mass action networks.") end isforestlike(rs) && deficiency(rs) == 0 && return true diff --git a/test/network_analysis/crn_theory.jl b/test/network_analysis/crn_theory.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..deb53b21b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/network_analysis/crn_theory.jl @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +# Tests for properties from chemical reaction network theory: deficiency theorems, complex/detailed balance, etc. +using Catalyst, StableRNGs, LinearAlgebra, Test +rng = StableRNG(514) + +# Tests that `iscomplexbalanced` works for different rate inputs. +# Tests that non-valid rate input yields and error +let + # Declares network. + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, 3A + 2B --> 3C + k2, B + 4D --> 2E + k3, 2E --> 3C + (k4, k5), B + 4D <--> 3A + 2B + k6, F --> B + 4D + k7, 3C --> F + end + + # Declares rate alternatives. + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates_vec = Pair.(parameters(rn), k) + rates_tup = Tuple(rates_vec) + rates_dict = Dict(rates_vec) + rates_invalid = k + + # Tests that inputs are handled correctly. + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_vec) == Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_tup) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_tup) == Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_dict) + @test_throws Exception Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, k) +end + +# Tests rate matrix computation for various input types. +let + # Declares network and its known rate matrix. + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A1 <--> A2 + A3 + k3, A2 + A3 --> A4 + k4, A4 --> A5 + (k6, k5), A5 <--> 2A6 + k7, 2A6 --> A4 + k8, A4 + A5 --> A7 + end + rate_mat = [ + 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; + 2.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; + 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0; + 0.0 0.0 7.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0; + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; + ] + + # Declares rate alternatives. + rate_vals = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0] + rates_vec = Pair.(parameters(rn), rate_vals) + rates_tup = Tuple(rates_vec) + rates_dict = Dict(rates_vec) + rates_invalid = reshape(rate_vals, 1, 8) + + # Tests that all input types generates the correct rate matrix. + Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rate_vals) == rate_mat + Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rates_vec) == rate_mat + Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rates_tup) == rate_mat + Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rates_dict) == rate_mat + @test_throws Exception Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_invalid) +end + +### CONCENTRATION ROBUSTNESS TESTS + +# Check whether concentration-robust species are correctly identified for two well-known reaction networks: the glyoxylate IDHKP-IDH system, and the EnvZ_OmpR signaling pathway. + +let + IDHKP_IDH = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), EIp + I <--> EIpI + k3, EIpI --> EIp + Ip + (k4, k5), E + Ip <--> EIp + k6, EIp --> E + I + end + + @test Catalyst.robustspecies(IDHKP_IDH) == [2] +end + +let + EnvZ_OmpR = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), X <--> XT + k3, XT --> Xp + (k4, k5), Xp + Y <--> XpY + k6, XpY --> X + Yp + (k7, k8), XT + Yp <--> XTYp + k9, XTYp --> XT + Y + end + + @test Catalyst.robustspecies(EnvZ_OmpR) == [6] +end + + +### Complex balance and reversibility tests ### + +# Test function. +function testreversibility(rn, B, rev, weak_rev) + @test isreversible(rn) == rev + subrn = subnetworks(rn) + @test isweaklyreversible(rn, subrn) == weak_rev +end + +# Tests reversibility for networks with known reversibility. +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A1 <--> A2 + A3 + k3, A2 + A3 --> A4 + k4, A4 --> A5 + (k6, k5), A5 <--> 2A6 + k7, 2A6 --> A4 + k8, A4 + A5 --> A7 + end + rev = false + weak_rev = false + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + +let + rn4 = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), C1 <--> C2 + (k3, k4), C2 <--> C3 + (k5, k6), C3 <--> C1 + end + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn4)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn4), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn4, rates) == true +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A1 <--> A2 + A3 + k3, A2 + A3 --> A4 + k4, A4 --> A5 + (k6, k5), A5 <--> 2A6 + k7, A4 --> 2A6 + (k9, k8), A4 + A5 <--> A7 + end + rev = false + weak_rev = false + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, A --> B + k2, A --> C + end + rev = false + weak_rev = false + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, A --> B + k2, A --> C + k3, B + C --> 2A + end + rev = false + weak_rev = false + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A <--> 2B + (k4, k3), A + C <--> D + k5, D --> B + E + k6, B + E --> A + C + end + rev = false + weak_rev = true + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A + E <--> AE + k3, AE --> B + E + end + rev = false + weak_rev = false + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A + E <--> AE + (k4, k3), AE <--> B + E + end + rev = true + weak_rev = true + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin (k2, k1), A + B <--> 2A end + rev = true + weak_rev = true + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, A + B --> 3A + k2, 3A --> 2A + C + k3, 2A + C --> 2B + k4, 2B --> A + B + end + rev = false + weak_rev = true + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k2, k1), A + E <--> AE + (k4, k3), AE <--> B + E + k5, B --> 0 + k6, 0 --> A + end + rev = false + weak_rev = false + testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, 3A + 2B --> 3C + k2, B + 4D --> 2E + k3, 2E --> 3C + (k4, k5), B + 4D <--> 3A + 2B + k6, F --> B + 4D + k7, 3C --> F + end + + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false +end + + +### DEFICIENCY THEOREMS TESTS + +# Fails because there are two terminal linkage classes in the linkage class +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, A + B --> 2B + k2, A + B --> 2A + end + + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == false +end + +# Fails because linkage deficiencies do not sum to total deficiency +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> 2A + (k3, k4), A + B <--> C + (k5, k6), C <--> B + end + + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == false +end + +# Fails because a linkage class has deficiency two +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + k1, 3A --> A + 2B + k2, A + 2B --> 3B + k3, 3B --> 2A + B + k4, 2A + B --> 3A + end + + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == false +end + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), 2A <--> D + (k3, k4), D <--> A + B + (k5, k6), A + B <--> C + (k7, k8), C <--> 2B + (k9, k10), C + D <--> E + F + (k11, k12), E + F <--> H + (k13, k14), H <--> C + E + (k15, k16), C + E <--> D + F + (k17, k18), A + D <--> G + (k19, k20), G <--> B + H + end + + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == true +end + +### Some tests for deficiency zero networks. + +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> 2B + (k3, k4), A + C <--> D + k5, D --> B + E + k6, B + E --> A + C + end + + # No longer weakly reversible + rn2 = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> 2B + (k3, k4), A + C <--> D + k5, B + E --> D + k6, B + E --> A + C + end + + # No longer weakly reversible + rn3 = @reaction_network begin + k1, A --> 2B + (k3, k4), A + C <--> D + k5, D --> B + E + k6, B + E --> A + C + end + + # Weakly reversible but deficiency one + rn4 = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> 2A + (k3, k4), A + B <--> C + (k5, k6), C <--> B + end + + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn) == true + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn2) == false + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn3) == false + @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn4) == false +end + +### Detailed balance tests + +# The following network is conditionally complex balanced - it only + +# Reversible, forest-like deficiency zero network - should be detailed balance for any choice of rate constants. +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> B + C + (k3, k4), A <--> D + (k5, k6), A + D <--> E + (k7, k8), A + D <--> G + (k9, k10), G <--> 2F + (k11, k12), A + E <--> H + end + + k1 = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + rates1 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k1)) + k2 = rand(StableRNG(232), numparams(rn)) + rates2 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k2)) + + rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) + @test Catalyst.isforestlike(rn) == true + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == true +end + +# Simple connected reversible network +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> B + (k3, k4), B <--> C + (k5, k6), C <--> A + end + + rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) + rates1 = [:k1=>1.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0] + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true + rates2 = [:k1=>2.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0] + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == false +end + +# Independent cycle tests: the following reaction entwork has 3 out-of-forest reactions. +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), A <--> B + C + (k3, k4), A <--> D + (k5, k6), B + C <--> D + (k7, k8), A + D <--> E + (k9, k10), G <--> 2F + (k11, k12), A + D <--> G + (k13, k14), G <--> E + (k15, k16), 2F <--> E + (k17, k18), A + E <--> H + end + + rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + p = parameters(rn) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false + + # Adjust rate constants to obey the independent cycle conditions. + rates[p[6]] = rates[p[1]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[5]] / (rates[p[2]]*rates[p[3]]) + rates[p[14]] = rates[p[13]]*rates[p[11]]*rates[p[8]] / (rates[p[12]]*rates[p[7]]) + rates[p[16]] = rates[p[8]]*rates[p[15]]*rates[p[9]]*rates[p[11]] / (rates[p[7]]*rates[p[12]]*rates[p[10]]) + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true +end + +# Deficiency two network: the following reaction network must satisfy both the independent cycle conditions and the spanning forest conditions +let + rn = @reaction_network begin + (k1, k2), 3A <--> A + 2B + (k3, k4), A + 2B <--> 3B + (k5, k6), 3B <--> 2A + B + (k7, k8), 2A + B <--> 3A + (k9, k10), 3A <--> 3B + end + + rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) + @test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 1, 2) == 1 + @test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 4, 3) == 6 + k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) + p = parameters(rn) + rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false + + # Adjust rate constants to fulfill independent cycle conditions. + rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]]) + rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]]) + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false + # Should still fail - doesn't satisfy spanning forest conditions. + + # Adjust rate constants to fulfill spanning forest conditions. + cons = rates[p[6]] / rates[p[5]] + rates[p[1]] = rates[p[2]] * cons + rates[p[9]] = rates[p[10]] * cons^(3/2) + rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]]) + rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]]) + @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true +end diff --git a/test/network_analysis/network_properties.jl b/test/network_analysis/network_properties.jl index 21f7cb402e..0fa8808f7a 100644 --- a/test/network_analysis/network_properties.jl +++ b/test/network_analysis/network_properties.jl @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ ### Prepares Tests ### +# Tests for network structural information: associated matrices, graphs, linkage classes, etc. # Fetch packages. using Catalyst, LinearAlgebra, Test, SparseArrays @@ -59,21 +60,6 @@ let k = rand(rng, numparams(MAPK)) rates = Dict(zip(parameters(MAPK), k)) @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(MAPK, rates) == false - # i=0; - # for lcs in linkageclasses(MAPK) - # i=i+1 - # println("Linkage no ",i) - # for comps in rcs[lcs] - # if comps.speciesids ≠ Int64[] - # println(sum(species(rn2)[comps.speciesids])) - # else - # println("0") - # end - # end - # println("-----------") - # end - - # Testing if cycles identifies reversible reactions as cycles (one forward, one reverse) cyclemat = Catalyst.cycles(MAPK) S = netstoichmat(MAPK) for i in 1:size(S, 2)-1 @@ -110,19 +96,6 @@ let k = rand(rng, numparams(rn2)) rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn2), k)) @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn2, rates) == false - # i=0; - # for lcs in linkageclasses(rn2) - # i=i+1 - # println("Linkage no ",i) - # for comps in rcs[lcs] - # if comps.speciesids ≠ Int64[] - # println(sum(species(rn2)[comps.speciesids])) - # else - # println("0") - # end - # end - # println("-----------") - # end end # Tests network analysis functions on third network (by comparing to manually computed outputs). @@ -154,208 +127,6 @@ let k = rand(rng, numparams(rn3)) rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn3), k)) @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn3, rates) == false - # i=0; - # for lcs in linkageclasses(rn3) - # i=i+1 - # println("Linkage no ",i) - # for comps in rcs[lcs] - # if comps.speciesids ≠ Int64[] - # println(sum(species(rn3)[comps.speciesids])) - # else - # println("0") - # end - # end - # println("-----------") - # end -end - -let - rn4 = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), C1 <--> C2 - (k3, k4), C2 <--> C3 - (k5, k6), C3 <--> C1 - end - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn4)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn4), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn4, rates) == true -end - -### Tests Reversibility ### - -# Test function. -function testreversibility(rn, B, rev, weak_rev) - @test isreversible(rn) == rev - subrn = subnetworks(rn) - @test isweaklyreversible(rn, subrn) == weak_rev -end - -# Tests reversibility for networks with known reversibility. -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A1 <--> A2 + A3 - k3, A2 + A3 --> A4 - k4, A4 --> A5 - (k6, k5), A5 <--> 2A6 - k7, 2A6 --> A4 - k8, A4 + A5 --> A7 - end - rev = false - weak_rev = false - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A1 <--> A2 + A3 - k3, A2 + A3 --> A4 - k4, A4 --> A5 - (k6, k5), A5 <--> 2A6 - k7, A4 --> 2A6 - (k9, k8), A4 + A5 <--> A7 - end - rev = false - weak_rev = false - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, A --> B - k2, A --> C - end - rev = false - weak_rev = false - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, A --> B - k2, A --> C - k3, B + C --> 2A - end - rev = false - weak_rev = false - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A <--> 2B - (k4, k3), A + C <--> D - k5, D --> B + E - k6, B + E --> A + C - end - rev = false - weak_rev = true - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A + E <--> AE - k3, AE --> B + E - end - rev = false - weak_rev = false - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A + E <--> AE - (k4, k3), AE <--> B + E - end - rev = true - weak_rev = true - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin (k2, k1), A + B <--> 2A end - rev = true - weak_rev = true - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, A + B --> 3A - k2, 3A --> 2A + C - k3, 2A + C --> 2B - k4, 2B --> A + B - end - rev = false - weak_rev = true - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A + E <--> AE - (k4, k3), AE <--> B + E - k5, B --> 0 - k6, 0 --> A - end - rev = false - weak_rev = false - testreversibility(rn, reactioncomplexes(rn)[2], rev, weak_rev) - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, 3A + 2B --> 3C - k2, B + 4D --> 2E - k3, 2E --> 3C - (k4, k5), B + 4D <--> 3A + 2B - k6, F --> B + 4D - k7, 3C --> F - end - - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false end ### STRONG LINKAGE CLASS TESTS @@ -499,106 +270,6 @@ let @test isempty(cyclemat) end -### Complex and detailed balance tests - -# The following network is conditionally complex balanced - it only - -# Reversible, forest-like deficiency zero network - should be detailed balance for any choice of rate constants. -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> B + C - (k3, k4), A <--> D - (k5, k6), A + D <--> E - (k7, k8), A + D <--> G - (k9, k10), G <--> 2F - (k11, k12), A + E <--> H - end - - k1 = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates1 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k1)) - k2 = rand(StableRNG(232), numparams(rn)) - rates2 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k2)) - - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - @test Catalyst.isforestlike(rn) == true - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == true -end - -# Simple connected reversible network -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> B - (k3, k4), B <--> C - (k5, k6), C <--> A - end - - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - rates1 = [:k1=>1.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0] - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true - rates2 = [:k1=>2.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0] - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == false -end - -# Independent cycle tests: the following reaction entwork has 3 out-of-forest reactions. -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> B + C - (k3, k4), A <--> D - (k5, k6), B + C <--> D - (k7, k8), A + D <--> E - (k9, k10), G <--> 2F - (k11, k12), A + D <--> G - (k13, k14), G <--> E - (k15, k16), 2F <--> E - (k17, k18), A + E <--> H - end - - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - p = parameters(rn) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false - - # Adjust rate constants to obey the independent cycle conditions. - rates[p[6]] = rates[p[1]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[5]] / (rates[p[2]]*rates[p[3]]) - rates[p[14]] = rates[p[13]]*rates[p[11]]*rates[p[8]] / (rates[p[12]]*rates[p[7]]) - rates[p[16]] = rates[p[8]]*rates[p[15]]*rates[p[9]]*rates[p[11]] / (rates[p[7]]*rates[p[12]]*rates[p[10]]) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end - -# Deficiency two network: the following reaction network must satisfy both the independent cycle conditions and the spanning forest conditions -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), 3A <--> A + 2B - (k3, k4), A + 2B <--> 3B - (k5, k6), 3B <--> 2A + B - (k7, k8), 2A + B <--> 3A - (k9, k10), 3A <--> 3B - end - - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - @test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 1, 2) == 1 - @test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 4, 3) == 6 - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - p = parameters(rn) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false - - # Adjust rate constants to fulfill independent cycle conditions. - rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]]) - rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]]) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false - # Should still fail - doesn't satisfy spanning forest conditions. - - # Adjust rate constants to fulfill spanning forest conditions. - cons = rates[p[6]] / rates[p[5]] - rates[p[1]] = rates[p[2]] * cons - rates[p[9]] = rates[p[10]] * cons^(3/2) - rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]]) - rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]]) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end ### Other Network Properties Tests ### @@ -649,286 +320,189 @@ let complexoutgoingmat(rs; sparse = true) == sparse(cmplx_out_mat) end -# Tests that `iscomplexbalanced` works for different rate inputs. -# Tests that non-valid rate input yields and error -let - # Declares network. - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, 3A + 2B --> 3C - k2, B + 4D --> 2E - k3, 2E --> 3C - (k4, k5), B + 4D <--> 3A + 2B - k6, F --> B + 4D - k7, 3C --> F - end - - # Declares rate alternatives. - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates_vec = Pair.(parameters(rn), k) - rates_tup = Tuple(rates_vec) - rates_dict = Dict(rates_vec) - rates_invalid = k - - # Tests that inputs are handled correctly. - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_vec) == Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_tup) - @test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_tup) == Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_dict) - @test_throws Exception Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, k) -end - -# Tests rate matrix computation for various input types. -let - # Declares network and its known rate matrix. - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k2, k1), A1 <--> A2 + A3 - k3, A2 + A3 --> A4 - k4, A4 --> A5 - (k6, k5), A5 <--> 2A6 - k7, 2A6 --> A4 - k8, A4 + A5 --> A7 - end - rate_mat = [ - 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; - 2.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; - 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0; - 0.0 0.0 7.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0; - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; - ] - - # Declares rate alternatives. - rate_vals = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0] - rates_vec = Pair.(parameters(rn), rate_vals) - rates_tup = Tuple(rates_vec) - rates_dict = Dict(rates_vec) - rates_invalid = reshape(rate_vals, 1, 8) - - # Tests that all input types generates the correct rate matrix. - Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rate_vals) == rate_mat - Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rates_vec) == rate_mat - Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rates_tup) == rate_mat - Catalyst.ratematrix(rn, rates_dict) == rate_mat - @test_throws Exception Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates_invalid) -end - -### CONCENTRATION ROBUSTNESS TESTS - -# Check whether concentration-robust species are correctly identified for two well-known reaction networks: the glyoxylate IDHKP-IDH system, and the EnvZ_OmpR signaling pathway. - -let - IDHKP_IDH = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), EIp + I <--> EIpI - k3, EIpI --> EIp + Ip - (k4, k5), E + Ip <--> EIp - k6, EIp --> E + I - end - - @test Catalyst.robustspecies(IDHKP_IDH) == [2] -end +### Tests for the matrices and vectors that are in the species-formation rate function +# ẋ = S * K * Φ(t) +# ẋ = Y * A_K * Φ(t) let - EnvZ_OmpR = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), X <--> XT - k3, XT --> Xp - (k4, k5), Xp + Y <--> XpY - k6, XpY --> X + Yp - (k7, k8), XT + Yp <--> XTYp - k9, XTYp --> XT + Y + MAPK = @reaction_network MAPK begin + (k₁, k₂),KKK + E1 <--> KKKE1 + k₃, KKKE1 --> KKK_ + E1 + (k₄, k₅), KKK_ + E2 <--> KKKE2 + k₆, KKKE2 --> KKK + E2 + (k₇, k₈), KK + KKK_ <--> KK_KKK_ + k₉, KK_KKK_ --> KKP + KKK_ + (k₁₀, k₁₁), KKP + KKK_ <--> KKPKKK_ + k₁₂, KKPKKK_ --> KKPP + KKK_ + (k₁₃, k₁₄), KKP + KKPase <--> KKPKKPase + k₁₅, KKPPKKPase --> KKP + KKPase + k₁₆,KKPKKPase --> KK + KKPase + (k₁₇, k₁₈), KKPP + KKPase <--> KKPPKKPase + (k₁₉, k₂₀), KKPP + K <--> KKPPK + k₂₁, KKPPK --> KKPP + KP + (k₂₂, k₂₃), KKPP + KP <--> KPKKPP + k₂₄, KPKKPP --> KPP + KKPP + (k₂₅, k₂₆), KP + KPase <--> KPKPase + k₂₇, KKPPKPase --> KP + KPase + k₂₈, KPKPase --> K + KPase + (k₂₉, k₃₀), KPP + KPase <--> KKPPKPase end - @test Catalyst.robustspecies(EnvZ_OmpR) == [6] -end - - -### Complex and detailed balance tests + Φ = Catalyst.massactionvector(MAPK) + specs = species(MAPK) + truevec = [MAPK.KKK * MAPK.E1, + MAPK.KKKE1, + MAPK.KKK_ * MAPK.E1, + MAPK.KKK_ * MAPK.E2, + MAPK.KKKE2, + MAPK.KKK * MAPK.E2, + MAPK.KK * MAPK.KKK_, + MAPK.KK_KKK_, + MAPK.KKP * MAPK.KKK_, + MAPK.KKPKKK_, + MAPK.KKPP * MAPK.KKK_, + MAPK.KKP * MAPK.KKPase, + MAPK.KKPKKPase, + MAPK.KKPPKKPase, + MAPK.KK * MAPK.KKPase, + MAPK.KKPP * MAPK.KKPase, + MAPK.KKPP * MAPK.K, + MAPK.KKPPK, + MAPK.KKPP * MAPK.KP, + MAPK.KPKKPP, + MAPK.KPP * MAPK.KKPP, + MAPK.KP * MAPK.KPase, + MAPK.KPKPase, + MAPK.KKPPKPase, + MAPK.K * MAPK.KPase, + MAPK.KPP * MAPK.KPase, + ] + @test isequal(Φ, truevec) + + K = Catalyst.fluxmat(MAPK) + # Construct flux matrix from incidence matrix + mat = Matrix{Any}(zeros(30, 26)) + D = incidencemat(MAPK) + rates = reactionrates(MAPK) + for (i, col) in enumerate(eachcol(D)) + sub = findfirst(==(-1), col) + mat[i, sub] = rates[i] + end + @test isequal(K, mat) + @test isequal(K[1, 1], MAPK.k₁) + @test all(==(0), K[1, 2:end]) + @test isequal(K[2, 2], MAPK.k₂) + @test all(==(0), vcat(K[2,1], K[2,3:end])) + @test isequal(K[3, 2], MAPK.k₃) + @test all(==(0), vcat(K[3,1], K[3,3:end])) + @test count(k -> !isequal(k, 0), K) == length(reactions(MAPK)) + + A_k = Catalyst.laplacianmat(MAPK) + @test all(col -> sum(col) == 0, eachcol(A_k)) -# The following network is conditionally complex balanced - it only + S = netstoichmat(MAPK) + Y = complexstoichmat(MAPK) + @test isequal(S*K, Y*A_k) -# Reversible, forest-like deficiency zero network - should be detailed balance for any choice of rate constants. -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> B + C - (k3, k4), A <--> D - (k5, k6), A + D <--> E - (k7, k8), A + D <--> G - (k9, k10), G <--> 2F - (k11, k12), A + E <--> H - end + eqs = Catalyst.assemble_oderhs(MAPK, specs) + @test all(iszero, simplify(eqs - S*K*Φ)) + @test all(iszero, simplify(eqs - Y*A_k*Φ)) - k1 = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - rates1 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k1)) - k2 = rand(StableRNG(232), numparams(rn)) - rates2 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k2)) + # Test using numbers + k = rand(rng, numparams(MAPK)) + ratevec = collect(zip(parameters(MAPK), k)) + ratemap = Dict(ratevec) + ratetup = Tuple(ratevec) - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - @test Catalyst.isforestlike(rn) == true - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == true -end + @test Catalyst.fluxmat(MAPK, ratemap) == Catalyst.fluxmat(MAPK, ratevec) == Catalyst.fluxmat(MAPK, ratetup) + + K = Catalyst.fluxmat(MAPK, ratemap) + A_k = Catalyst.laplacianmat(MAPK, ratemap) + @test all(col -> sum(col) == 0, eachcol(A_k)) -# Simple connected reversible network -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> B - (k3, k4), B <--> C - (k5, k6), C <--> A + numeqs = similar(eqs) + for i in 1:length(eqs) + numeqs[i] = substitute(eqs[i], ratemap) end - - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - rates1 = [:k1=>1.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0] - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true - rates2 = [:k1=>2.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0] - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == false + @test all(iszero, simplify(numeqs - S*K*Φ)) + @test all(iszero, simplify(numeqs - Y*A_k*Φ)) end -# Independent cycle tests: the following reaction entwork has 3 out-of-forest reactions. +# Test handling for weird complexes and combinatoric rate laws. let rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> B + C - (k3, k4), A <--> D - (k5, k6), B + C <--> D - (k7, k8), A + D <--> E - (k9, k10), G <--> 2F - (k11, k12), A + D <--> G - (k13, k14), G <--> E - (k15, k16), 2F <--> E - (k17, k18), A + E <--> H - end - - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - p = parameters(rn) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false - - # Adjust rate constants to obey the independent cycle conditions. - rates[p[6]] = rates[p[1]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[5]] / (rates[p[2]]*rates[p[3]]) - rates[p[14]] = rates[p[13]]*rates[p[11]]*rates[p[8]] / (rates[p[12]]*rates[p[7]]) - rates[p[16]] = rates[p[8]]*rates[p[15]]*rates[p[9]]*rates[p[11]] / (rates[p[7]]*rates[p[12]]*rates[p[10]]) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end + k1, 2X + Y + 3Z --> ∅ + (k2, k3), 2Y + 2Z <--> 3X + end + + Φ = Catalyst.massactionvector(rn) + specs = species(rn) + crvec = [rn.X^2/2 * rn.Y * rn.Z^3/6, + 1., + rn.Y^2/2 * rn.Z^2/2, + rn.X^3/6] + @test isequal(Φ, crvec) + ncrvec = [rn.X^2 * rn.Y * rn.Z^3, + 1., + rn.Y^2 * rn.Z^2, + rn.X^3] + Φ_2 = Catalyst.massactionvector(rn; combinatoric_ratelaws = false) + @test isequal(Φ_2, ncrvec) + + # Test that the ODEs generated are the same. + eqs = Catalyst.assemble_oderhs(rn, specs) + S = netstoichmat(rn) + Y = complexstoichmat(rn) + K = fluxmat(rn) + A_k = laplacianmat(rn) + @test all(iszero, simplify(eqs - S*K*Φ)) + @test all(iszero, simplify(eqs - Y*A_k*Φ)) -# Deficiency two network: the following reaction network must satisfy both the independent cycle conditions and the spanning forest conditions -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), 3A <--> A + 2B - (k3, k4), A + 2B <--> 3B - (k5, k6), 3B <--> 2A + B - (k7, k8), 2A + B <--> 3A - (k9, k10), 3A <--> 3B - end + eq_ncr = Catalyst.assemble_oderhs(rn, specs; combinatoric_ratelaws = false) + @test all(iszero, simplify(eq_ncr - S*K*Φ_2)) + @test all(iszero, simplify(eq_ncr - Y*A_k*Φ_2)) - rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn) - @test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 1, 2) == 1 - @test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 4, 3) == 6 + # Test that the ODEs with rate constants are the same. k = rand(rng, numparams(rn)) - p = parameters(rn) - rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k)) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false - - # Adjust rate constants to fulfill independent cycle conditions. - rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]]) - rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]]) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false - # Should still fail - doesn't satisfy spanning forest conditions. - - # Adjust rate constants to fulfill spanning forest conditions. - cons = rates[p[6]] / rates[p[5]] - rates[p[1]] = rates[p[2]] * cons - rates[p[9]] = rates[p[10]] * cons^(3/2) - rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]]) - rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]]) - @test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true -end - -### DEFICIENCY ONE TESTS - -# Fails because there are two terminal linkage classes in the linkage class -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, A + B --> 2B - k2, A + B --> 2A - end - - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == false -end - -# Fails because linkage deficiencies do not sum to total deficiency -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> 2A - (k3, k4), A + B <--> C - (k5, k6), C <--> B - end - - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == false -end - -# Fails because a linkage class has deficiency two -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - k1, 3A --> A + 2B - k2, A + 2B --> 3B - k3, 3B --> 2A + B - k4, 2A + B --> 3A - end - - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == false -end - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), 2A <--> D - (k3, k4), D <--> A + B - (k5, k6), A + B <--> C - (k7, k8), C <--> 2B - (k9, k10), C + D <--> E + F - (k11, k12), E + F <--> H - (k13, k14), H <--> C + E - (k15, k16), C + E <--> D + F - (k17, k18), A + D <--> G - (k19, k20), G <--> B + H - end - - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyone(rn) == true -end - -### Some tests for deficiency zero networks. - -let - rn = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> 2B - (k3, k4), A + C <--> D - k5, D --> B + E - k6, B + E --> A + C - end - - # No longer weakly reversible - rn2 = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> 2B - (k3, k4), A + C <--> D - k5, B + E --> D - k6, B + E --> A + C - end - - # No longer weakly reversible - rn3 = @reaction_network begin - k1, A --> 2B - (k3, k4), A + C <--> D - k5, D --> B + E - k6, B + E --> A + C - end - - # Weakly reversible but deficiency one - rn4 = @reaction_network begin - (k1, k2), A <--> 2A - (k3, k4), A + B <--> C - (k5, k6), C <--> B - end - - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn) == true - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn2) == false - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn3) == false - @test Catalyst.satisfiesdeficiencyzero(rn4) == false + ratevec = collect(zip(parameters(rn), k)) + ratemap = Dict(ratevec) + K = fluxmat(rn, ratemap) + A_k = laplacianmat(rn, ratemap) + + numeqs = similar(eqs) + for i in 1:length(eqs) + numeqs[i] = substitute(eqs[i], ratemap) + end + # Broken but the difference is just numerical, something on the order of 1e-17 times a term + @test all(iszero, simplify(numeqs - S*K*Φ)) + @test all(iszero, simplify(numeqs - Y*A_k*Φ)) + + numeqs_ncr = similar(eq_ncr) + for i in 1:length(eq_ncr) + numeqs_ncr[i] = substitute(eq_ncr[i], ratemap) + end + @test all(iszero, simplify(numeqs_ncr - S*K*Φ_2)) + @test all(iszero, simplify(numeqs_ncr - Y*A_k*Φ_2)) + + # Test that handling of species concentrations is correct. + u0vec = [:X => 3., :Y => .5, :Z => 2.] + u0map = Dict(u0vec) + u0tup = Tuple(u0vec) + + Φ = Catalyst.massactionvector(rn, u0vec) + @test isequal(Φ[1], 3.) + Φ_2 = Catalyst.massactionvector(rn, u0tup; combinatoric_ratelaws = false) + @test isequal(Φ_2[1], 36.) + Φ = Catalyst.massactionvector(rn, u0map) + @test isequal(Φ[1], 3.) + + # Test full simplification. + u0map = symmap_to_varmap(rn, u0map) + numeqs = [substitute(eq, u0map) for eq in numeqs] + @test isapprox(numeqs, S*K*Φ) + @test isapprox(numeqs, Y*A_k*Φ) + + numeqs_ncr = [substitute(eq, u0map) for eq in numeqs_ncr] + @test isapprox(numeqs_ncr, S*K*Φ_2) + @test isapprox(numeqs_ncr, Y*A_k*Φ_2) end - diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index 1c6f6fa76f..9b3016cd0c 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ end # Tests reaction network analysis features. @time @safetestset "Conservation Laws" begin include("network_analysis/conservation_laws.jl") end @time @safetestset "Network Properties" begin include("network_analysis/network_properties.jl") end + @time @safetestset "CRN Theory" begin include("network_analysis/crn_theory.jl") end # Tests ODE, SDE, jump simulations, nonlinear solving, and steady state simulations. @time @safetestset "ODE System Simulations" begin include("simulation_and_solving/simulate_ODEs.jl") end