Connect4 is a grid-based game, where players take it in turns to add tokens. The winner is whoever manages to line up 4 pieces, in any direction, first. Diagonals are allowed.
The aim is to develop an interactive version of the game which the candidate and interviewer can play together.
A simple, text-based, representation of the grid is encouraged to start with. For example, you might use '.' for empty slots, and 'x' and 'o' for pieces of the two players. Players can input their turns via the REPL.
A minimal version of the game should support:
- a 6 x 7 grid
- players play pieces sequentially
- the game identifies winning turns and ends at that point
In addition to the existing rules, players may 'pop' one of the pieces out from the bottom of the board for their turn. All the pieces above shift downwards. Victory conditions remain the same as before.
Instead of four pieces in a row for victory, 5 are now required! Adapt the grid to be 6 x 9 to accommodate this.
In addition to the usual pieces, players also receive specially marked 'Power Checkers' pieces. This can be played once per game. One example of a 'Power Checker' is an Anvil - this removes all pieces below it when played, leaving the Anvil at the bottom row of the board.
Implement the Anvil.
Invent your own 'Power Checker' and add it to the game!