{% hint style="info" %} Got questions or need help with 1becoming a validator?
- Visit the Secret Network Discord here and ask in #node-discussion or #node-support for help {% endhint %}
In order to become an active validator, you must have more stake than the bottom validator. You may still execute the following steps, but you will not be active and therefore won't receive staking rewards.
In order to become a validator, you node must be fully synced with the network, using either the snapshot.md or state-sync.md.
After you completed these steps, you can check this by doing:
secretd status
When the value of catching_up
is false, your node is fully sync'd with the network and ready to go.
"sync_info": {
"latest_block_hash": "7BF95EED4EB50073F28CF833119FDB8C7DFE0562F611DF194CF4123A9C1F4640",
"latest_app_hash": "7C0C89EC4E903BAC730D9B3BB369D870371C6B7EAD0CCB5080B5F9D3782E3559",
"latest_block_height": "668538",
"latest_block_time": "2020-10-31T17:50:56.800119764Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "E7CAD87A4FDC47DFDE3D4E7C24D80D4C95517E8A6526E2D4BB4D6BC095404113",
"earliest_app_hash": "",
"earliest_block_height": "1",
"earliest_block_time": "2021-09-15T14:02:31Z",
"catching_up": false
This is the secret
wallet which you used to create your full node, and will use to delegate your funds to you own validator. You must delegate at least 1 SCRT (1000000uscrt) from this wallet to your validator.
secretd q bank balances $(secretd keys show -a <key-alias>)
If you get the following message, it means that you have no tokens, or your node is not yet synced:
ERROR: unknown address: account secret1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not exist
Before creating your validator, backup your validator key.
{% hint style="danger" %} WARNING: if you don't backup your key and your node goes down, you will lose your validator and have to start a new one. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Remember 1 SCRT = 1,000,000 uSCRT, and so the command below stakes 10 SCRT {% endhint %}
secretd tx staking create-validator path/to/validator.json --from <key-alias>
Where validator.json contains:
"pubkey": {
<secretd tendermint show-validator>
"amount": "100000000uscrt",
"moniker": "<MONIKER>",
"identity": "optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)",
"website": "validator's optional website",
"security": "validator's optional security contact email",
"details": "To infinity and beyond!",
"commission-rate": "0.10",
"commission-max-rate": "0.20",
"commission-max-change-rate": "0.01",
"min-self-delegation": "1"
You should see your moniker listed.
secretd q staking validators | grep moniker
(remember 1 SCRT = 1,000,000 uSCRT)
In order to stake more tokens beyond those in the initial transaction, run:
secretd tx staking delegate $(secretcli keys show <key-alias> --bech=val -a) <amount>uscrt --from <key-alias>
secretd tx staking edit-validator \
--new-moniker "<new-moniker>" \
--website "https://scrt.network" \
--identity 6A0D65E29A4CBC8E \
--details "To infinity and beyond!" \
--chain-id <chain_id> \
--from <key_name> \
--commission-rate "0.10"
secretd q distribution rewards $(secretcli keys show -a <key-alias>)
secretd q distribution commission $(secretcli keys show -a <key-alias> --bech=val)
secretd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(secretcli keys show --bech=val -a <key-alias>) --from <key-alias>
secretd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(secretcli keys show --bech=val -a <key-alias>) --from <key-alias> --commission
Currently deleting a validator is not possible. If you redelegate or unbond your self-delegations then your validator will become offline and all your delegators will start to unbond.
You are currently unable to modify the --commission-max-rate
and --commission-max-change-rate"
Modifying the commision-rate can be done using this:
secretd tx staking edit-validator --commission-rate="0.05" --from <key-alias>
To unjail your jailed validator
secretd tx slashing unjail --from <key-alias>
To retrieve a validator's signing info:
secretd q slashing signing-info <validator-conspub-key>
You can get the current slashing parameters via:
secretd q slashing params