{% hint style="warning" %}
Unlike other Tendermint/Cosmos based daemons, secretd
cannot be built from source due to the SGX requirement.
For other builds other than .deb
, see the Secret Network Github Releases.
{% endhint %}
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecretFoundation/docs/main/docs/node-guides/install-secretd
sudo bash install-secretd
The most common method for installing secretd
is the Secret Network package installer for Debian/Ubuntu:
# Get the latest release info
RELEASE_INFO=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/scrtlabs/SecretNetwork/releases/latest)
# Extract the URL of the .deb file
DEB_URL=$(echo $RELEASE_INFO | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith("mainnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb")) | .browser_download_url')
# Download the .deb file
wget $DEB_URL
# Extract the file name from URL
# Install the .deb file
sudo apt install -y ./$DEB_FILE
# verify installation
secretd version