Releases: Secreto31126/whatsapp-api-js
Bug fixes
What's Changed
- Bug fixed for rows with undefined description by @Secreto31126 in #26
Full Changelog: 0.6.1-beta.0...0.6.1-beta.1
What's Changed
- Parsing the server response by @Secreto31126 in #24
- Small fix by @Secreto31126 in #25
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.1-beta.0
Logger, replies and other bunch of things
What's Changed
- Improving the Github Actions by @Secreto31126 in #18
- Added reply to message and bumped to v14.0 by @Secreto31126 in #19
- Logs by @Secreto31126 in #20
- Improved logSentMessages callback parameters by @Secreto31126 in #21
- Unit-tests by @Secreto31126 in #23
Easily log every call to sendMessage with the sent object by the bot. Useful for keeping track and debuging conversations between the bot and the client.
new WhatsAppAPI("TOKEN").logSentMessages((from, to) => console.log(`Sent message from phoneID ${from} to user ${to}`));
This option poped-up in the documentation, and even though the implementation from my code should be correct, it doesn't work. I tested it with the simplests commands and nothing. Maybe it's still not available 🤷♂️. Anyway, the code is there for when they decide to enable it.
Whatsapp.sendMessage(from, to, new Text("Hello World!"), "the-message-id-you-want-to-reply-to")
Version bump
Now the default version of the API is v14.0 . This is the only breaking change from the previous version.
Minor changes to the repository. Better CI-CD, a new (and faster) documentation website, and last, but not least, there are unit tests for less than half of the code. I will consider increasing the coverage, sooner or later.
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...0.5.0
Just testing the new Actions
Improved logSentMessages
What's Changed
- Improved logSentMessages callback parameters by @Secreto31126 in #21
Full Changelog: 0.5.0-beta.1...0.5.0-beta.2
Easily log sendMessage requests
Reply to message support and bumped to v14.0
What's Changed
- Added reply to message and bumped to v14.0 by @Secreto31126 in #19
Full Changelog: 0.4.3-beta.2...0.5.0-beta.0
New beta versions
What's Changed
- Improving the Github Actions by @Secreto31126 in #18
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...0.4.3-beta.2
Improved code porting to other Javascript's enviroments
Idk, I never in my life had so many ups and downs. Idk if I still need "cross-fetch", if the new req variable is a good idea and a lot more of things.
But one thing is certain: you can now run the code in Deno using[email protected] .
And that's all I care for.
Now, I can sleep...
Quality of Life
What's Changed
- Removed unecessary conditional chainings by @Secreto31126 in #15
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1