Put links to omz, zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions and Powerlevel10k in credits
I just found that kernel-modifying packages in AUR don't perform the modification on new kernels when upgrading via manjaro-setting-manager. Currently it just re-installs xpadneo-dkms, an "Advanced Linux Driver for Xbox One Wireless Gamepad" (I use it to pair my 8Bitdo SN30 Pro via bluetooth in xinput-mode). By re-installing, the modification will start again for all installed kernels.
mkdir.sh, jump.sh and html-greeting.txt are removed because I figured they were personal. They have been moved somewhere else. For the few packages that need those in order to function.I added spelling functionality for markdown language and made an augroup in which I've put all of the autocommands related to spellchecking.
This has been put in place to prevent stacking of autocommands whenever the .vimrc gets sourced in a vim session.
Psst, if you look hard enough, you might notice the spelling of this has been improved since
This should have been done a long time ago, but I fixed the error messages. The issue with these have been that error messages you get when launching programs that don't exist or have some other issue like a shortcut not linking to the correct PATH show up as black text, with a transparent background. The background is now color-coded to orange.
However, this is a change that applies to all windows in rofi from now on.
I don't like the git plugin in omz, since the aliases bundled in that plugin are too many and too specific to be useful in general, imo. So I made couple of my own for the git commands I generally use.
List of new aliases:
alias gadd="git add" alias gpul="git pull" alias gpus="git push" alias gcom="git commit" alias gclo="git clone" alias gdif="git diff" alias gres="git reset" alias gsta="git status" alias girm="git rm"
This will lock the computer using i3lock -c 000000 (i.e w/ black background).
This will will git pull the latest updates to powerlevel10k, zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting.
NOTE: Make sure to git config pull.rebase false on all of these (PATH: ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/) if you already use these before running this. Otherwise, git pulling these won't work properly and you will have to reinstall these if you want this to work.
This one will run sensors every 2 seconds and run htop in a separate qterminal window. Added this because I simply want to measure cpu load & temp. CLI is also more efficient than a GUI.
Install.sh and Install2.sh now installs all the packages from a single pacman or yay call, while having separate lines for comments about each group of packages.
I just made a .vimrc because I wanted to improve my experience of using vim. Basically the same as the default vim config, but with line numbers visible and badwolf set as the theme/colorscheme.
I don't know why, but in my experience, zsh treats cd the same way bash does inside scripts (i.e you have to type the command before the path, unlike normal case, where you can just type the path). I also made these scripts more verbose using set, so you can actually see in the terminal what happens when the scripts execute.
gpg.conf and pacman.conf will copy to relevant paths first, so installation of packages will proceed smoothly and look good. Also added .vimrc to be copied.
mkdir.sh and jump.sh is for creating a lot of directories and then making shortcuts for these, so the jump plugin can be put to good use.
This goes without saying. But now I've said it.
Improved formatting of scripts. Now it's much easier to read both scripts and make edits for whoever decides to use these. I have also added --noconfirm flags to make software installation more automatic.
For installation of AUR packages in install2.sh, I have added the --sudoloop flag as well, so you don't have to enter your password after compilation of every package. That said, I think you will still have to put in your password before installation/compilation of every package group. I haven't tested this yet, because I don't want to recompile all my AUR packages (my PC is not meant to be a heater).
It will install everything!
Because it's useless with newer releases of pip.
About damn time! It looked really rough, but now it looks a helluva lot better imo.
I'll use this to comment on changes I make, starting today, 3/July/2020.
Removed pipupgrade alias because it no longer works anymore. Added makeiso alias to assist with making iso images from discs in /dev/sr0. Added j alias for jump plugin. Plugin emoji is now enabled for better compatibility with powerlevel10k theme when displaying emojis. makeiso.sh will execute the same commands as the makeiso alias.