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Server Name Variables

Karl Essinger edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 4 revisions

You can place these variables in your server name to have live information about your server.


  • $player_count - (current number of connected players) EG: "$player_count playing!"
  • $port - (the port of the current server) EG: "Welcome to$port"
  • $ip - (the ip of the server) EG: "Welcome to [$ip:$port]"
  • $full_player_count - (will display player count as $player_count/$max_player_count or FULL if there are $max_player_count players) EG: " $full_player_count"
  • $number - (will display the number of the instance, assuming you're using default ports, this works by subtracting 7776 from the port (so $number will = 1 for the first server, #2 for the second)
  • $round_duration - (displays the number of minutes elapsed since the rounds started, "-" if round has not started yet)
  • $lobby_id - (debugging to print the lobby_id)
  • $version - (version of the game)
  • $sm_version - (version of ServerMod)
  • $max_players - (max amount of players in the config)
  • $scp_alive - number of alive SCPS.
  • $scp_start - number of SCPs at start of the round.
  • $scp_counter - prints $scp_alive/$scp_start
  • $scp_dead - number of dead scps.
  • $scp_zombies - current number of zombies.
  • $classd_escape - how many class ds have escaped.
  • $classd_start - the amount of starting class ds.
  • $classd_counter - $classd_escape/$classd_counter.
  • $scientists_escape - The number of scientists to escape so far.
  • $scientists_start - the amount of starting scientists
  • $scientists_counter - $scientists_escape/$scientist_start.
  • $scp_kills - number of people killed by scps.
  • $warhead_detonated - prints ☢ WARHEAD DETONATED ☢ if its gone off.


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