This server is the microservice that manages the main business logic for our application
This server uses Ruby version 3.1.2, it is recommended that you use RVM to manage your ruby versions
- PostgreSQL (recommended v14)
- Ruby (3.1.2) and Rails (7.0.3)
- Project Secrets
file to decrypt project secrets- Google service account credentials JSON file
If you require these files, please open a GitHub Issue
# to drop database tables if they already exist, if they don't exist yet (i.e. your first time), do NOT run this
rake db:drop
# to create the tables
rake db:create
# to migrate and setup schema
rake db:migrate
# to seed the database
rake db:seed
# to RESET and SEED
rake db:drop && rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed
bin/rails server
The server will be running at http://localhost:5000
We have a unit test suite which can be run by:
bundle exec rspec
# for a more verbose logging in the terminal
bundle exec rspec --format documentation
It is recommended that you reset and seed the database before running the test suite.