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52 lines (42 loc) · 2.16 KB

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52 lines (42 loc) · 2.16 KB

A simple cpp header for calling plot functions in python. Only Eigen is supported.


1. python3.x and Eigen installed.
2. make sure "Python.h" in your include path. 
3. when compiling, add -lpython3.x (or equivalent one, incase you change this lib to your custom name), -lpython2.x does not work!

Install: put the header into your dir.


#include "matplot.h"
using namespace plt;

int main() 
        x, y are your vectors
    figure();                                   // like plt.figure() in python
    plot(x, y, "o-");                           // like plt.plot(x, y, 'o-') in python, here " is necessary, ' does not work
    plot(x, y, ".-", {{"label", "stars"}})      // like plt.plot(x, y, 'o', label = 'stars') in python
    legend()                                    // like plt.legend() in python
    show();                                     // like in python

        x, y are Eigen::VectorXd, the followings are 2d contour/contourf plot
    Eigen::MatrixXd X, Y, Z;                    
    tie(X, Y) = meshgrid(x, y);                 // meshgrid function only works for Eigen::VectorXd
    Z = your_function(X, Y);
    contourf(X, Y, Z, 100);                     // default only plot 10 levels, 
    colorbar();                                 // another option is plotting specific level curves 
    show();                                     // such as contour(X, Y, Z, {20.0, 30.0, 40.5})
                                                // or define Eigen::VectorXd / std::initializer_list<double> levels, 
                                                // then contour(X, Y, Z, levels);

    // subplot
    contourf(R, T, Z, 100);                     // R, T axis, Z the data. 
    subplot(212, {{"projection", "polar"}});
    contourf(T, R, Z, 100, {{"cmap", "jet"}});


Remark: Slowly developing, the goal is to wrap some basic functions in python matplotlib, and still keep its simple syntax.