react component life cycle: class based components: https://projects.wojtekmaj.pl/react-lifecycle-methods-diagram/ a. constructor :: b. render c. componentDidMount d. setState/forceUpdate/props change e. shouldComponentUpdate f. componentDidUpdate g. componentWillUnmount function based components: Hooks : https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-overview.html a. function body ::: constructor+render body b. useState ::: setState/forceUpdate b. useReducer ::: setState/forceUpdate + complexicities c. useEffect ::: componentDidUpdate(empty array passed) componentWillUnmount(call-back returns function) componentDidMount(no array passed) https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html d. useRef ::: class instance's attribute/ createRef API e. useMemo ::: avoid re-computation
react API a. memo API: to avoid re-rendering b. context API: to avoid repetative props passing c. ref API: to controll DOM elements/ class based components d. lazy + suspend :
client side rendering a. create react app uses webpack