A simple library for a remote server connected to a Qontrol unit. Clients can connect in two ways, terminal-mode or as a class, and make calls to the server for the Qontrol unit. The server will respond the result as a string. Terminal-mode keeps an open connection and responses are returned in a sentence structure for readability/demos. Command-mode will open a connection that sends a single command and waiting for the response, then closes the connection. The responses for command mode are returned as their float values.
The server allows up to 5 connections at once, this might effect the usage of the Qontrol unit, please adjust to your own needs.
- Python 3
- Linux Machine
- Non-super user USB Access (see below) - SERVER ONLY
does not work properly when invoked using sudo
. Thus, the server machine needs access to the USB ports without the need of sudo. Here is the fix used during testing:
create /etc/udev/rules.d/01-ttyusb.rules
contents: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb-serial", TAG+="uaccess"
sudo udevadm control --reload, to reload
The server can be started with the following command from a terminal on a Linux machine:
python server.py
The client has two modes of operation. It can be used from the terminal, which maintains a constant connection and allows inputs of commands whilst obtaining responses from the server. Alternatively, the client.py
can be imported as a class for custom scripting.
Terminal Mode:
python client.py terminal
For Windows users:
python client.py terminal windows
As a Class:
Simply import the client.py as a class, establish a link to the server using connect(IP,PORT)
, then start sending single commands using send_command('test_command')
import client.py
- help - help menu
- setvoltage - sets the voltage for a channel (in VOLTS)
- setcurrent - sets the current for a channel (in AMPS)
- getvoltage - gets the voltage for a channel (in VOLTS)
- getcurrent - gets the current for a channel (in AMPS)
- resetvoltage - resets the voltage to 0 for a channel.
- resetcurrent - resets the current to 0 for a channel.
- resetvoltagerange - resets all voltages from channel A to channel B.
- resetcurrentrange - resets all currents from channel A to channel B.
- resetvoltageall - resets voltages on all channels.
- resetcurrentall - resets current on all channels
- exit - exits terminal-mode