Syntax: -roletools
Commands for creating custom role settings
**Note: use '-help roletools' for helpful info in discord. can define sub commands also like '-help roletools reaction'
Subcommands: # Each Sub command can have more sub commands.
- atomic Set the atomicity of role assignment.
- autorole Set a role to be automatically applied when a user joi...
- buttons Setup role buttons
- cost Set the cost to acquire a role.
- exclude Set role exclusions
- forcerole Force a sticky role on one or more users.
- forceroleremove Force remove sticky role on one or more users.
- giverole Gives a role to designated members.
- globalatomic Set the atomicity of role assignment.
- include Set role inclusion
- message Commands for sending/editing messages for roletools
- reaction Reaction role settings
- removerole Removes a role from the designated members.
- required Set role requirements
- select Setup role select menus
- selfadd Set whether or not a user can apply the role to themsel...
- selfrem Set whether or not a user can remove the role from them...
- selfrole Add or remove a defined selfrole
- sticky Set whether or not a role will be re-applied when a user...
- viewroles View current roletools setup for each role in the ser...
Note* use '-help roletools' and further like '-help roletools reaction create' to get helpful information in discord from bot on that specific command!
- -roletools button create role1 @role label: Super fun role style: blurple emoji: 😀
- -roletools button create Among-Us @Among Us label: Among Us style: blurple emoji: 👻
Syntax for adding roles: -roletools reaction create
Aliases: '-roletools reaction make' and '-roletools reaction setup'
Create a reaction role:
- can be the channel_id-message_id pair
- from copying message ID while holding SHIFT or a message link
- The emoji you want people to react with to get the role.
- The role you want people to receive for reacting.
Different emoji = different reaction to react with
- -roletools reaction create 1147713281994281040 👻 @Among Us
- -roletools reaction create 765426801165729794 👍 @Among Us
- -roletools reaction create 765426822010765323 👍 @Apex Legends
- -roletools reaction create 765426836909326336 👍 @Ark
- -roletools reaction create 765426851622813706 👍 @Call of Duty
- -roletools reaction create 765426871973707776 👍 @CSGO
- -roletools reaction create 765426919638302780 👍 @GTA V
- -roletools reaction create 765426931839270932 👍 @Fall Guys
- -roletools reaction create 765426947127246848 👍 @Fortnite
- -roletools reaction create 765426973304422450 👍 @League of Legends
- -roletools reaction create 765426987241439272 👍 @Minecraft
- -roletools reaction create 765427002517749780 👍 @Rocket League
- -roletools reaction create 765427020758646785 👍 @Rust
- -roletools reaction create 1147715383214739536 👍 @theHunter
- -roletools reaction create 1147722664417435807 👍 @JackBox