Syntax: -welcomeset
Sets welcome module settings
- bot - Special greeting for bots.
- embed - Set various embed options.
- goodbye - Manage goodbye messages.
- greeting - Manage welcome messages
- settings - Show the servers welcome settings
- whisper - Sets whether or not a DM is sent to the new user
Syntax: -welcomeset embed
Set various embed options.
- author - Toggle the author field being filled in the embed.
- colour - Set the embed colour.
- footer - Set the embed footer.
- icon - Set the embed icon image.
- image - Set embed image options.
- mention - Toggle mentioning the user when they join.
- thumbnail - Set the embed thumbnail image.
- timestamp - Toggle the timestamp in embeds.
- title Set - the embed title.
- toggle - Toggle embed messages.
Syntax: -welcomeset greeting
Alias: -welcomeset welcome
Manage welcome messages
- add Adds a greeting message format for the guild to be chosen a...
- allowedmentions Determine the bots allowed mentions for greetings
- channel Sets the channel to send the greeting message.
- count Turns on/off showing how many users join each day.
- deleteafter Set the time after which a greeting message is dele...
- deleteprevious Turns on/off deleting the previous greeting mess...
- filter Set what to do when a username matches the bots filter.
- Subcommands: (continued)
- grouped Set whether to group greeting messages
- list Lists the greeting messages of this guild and allows editi...
- minimumage Set the minimum number of days a user account must b...
- test Test the greeting message deleted after 60 seconds.
- toggle Turns on/off welcoming new users to the guild.
Example Commands:
-welcomeset embed title Look who just spawned..
-welcomeset embed icon
-welcomeset greeting test