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Siddharth edited this page May 20, 2021 · 2 revisions


Welcome to the betteregex wiki! This page contains the documentation for this package


Install using npm:

$ npm i betteregex


The betteregex module exposes a regex function, which can be used as a tagged template literal, like so:

const {regex} = require("betteregex");

You can add JavaScript-style comments, and all whitespace will be ignored. Also note that you don't have to escape backslashes if you are escaping something else (\d+ instead of \\d+)

    // So this is a regex
      I'm gonna search for a few numbers
    // Maybe a word or two
    // In case you need a newline

You can interpolate as usual:

// Note that you can't interpolate regexes for now. This will be fixed in a future release
const someRegex = "abc.*"


But if there is an interpolation at the very end, it will be used as the flags

    // Some regex...
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