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AdrianP edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 16 revisions

Freeboard-SK FAQs

Find the answers to common issues here.


  1. Unable to save Routes and Waypoints
  2. Using Charts
  3. Displaying Tracks
  4. Working with Resources
  5. Course data not being calculated
  6. Developing with Docker

Unable to save Routes and Waypoints.

To be able to save resources such as Routes and Waypoints the Signal K server will need to support the ./signalk/v1/api/resources paths for each resource type.

For Signal K node server this requires a plugin such as sk-resources-fs:

  1. Install sk-resources-fs plugin.
  2. Using Server / Plugin Config enable the required resource paths.
  3. Restart the server.

Note: More than one plugin may be configured to service the resources paths so ensure ONLY ONE plugin is configured to service resource paths! (e.g. the @signalk/simple-gpx plugin will conflict with routes and waypoints provision)

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Course data not being calculated.

Course data is sourced from the ./navigation/courseGreatCircle/nextPoint path. For these values to be present you will require both the:

  1. freeboard-sk-helper plugin
  2. signalk-derived-data plugin

With these plugins installed Freeboard-SK will be able to set the required paths to allow the calculations to be made and the data to then become available for display.

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Using Charts.

Freeboard relies on the @signalk/charts-plugin to provide chart data at the /signalk/v1/api/resources/charts path. Both locally hosted and online charts using map tiles format are available via the plugin and are displayed in Freeboard.

Freeboard does not provide the ability to "side load" charts locally from a device.

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Whilst not currently part of the Signal K specification Track data from GPX files can be imported and display using Freeboard.

To achieve this Freeboard relies on the /signalk/v1/api/resources/tracks to be available on the Signal K server to be able to store and serve the track data.

As with other resource paths (routes, waypoints, etc) the sk-resources-fs plugin is required to be installed in order to provision the /signalk/v1/api/resources/tracks path.

  • With sk-resources-fs installed head to the Server / Plugin Config menu and expand the Resources (sk-resources-fs) section and in Other Resources add a tracks entry.

  • Click Submit and then make sure to restart the Signal K server to ensure the paths are served.

Now in Freeboard:

  • Open Settings and go to the Resources: Paths section.

  • In the list of available paths check tracks.

Now when using the Load GPX File option Tracks contained within the file will be available to be selected and uploaded to the Signal K server.

"Tracks" will also be displayed as an available resource layer to display in Freeboard.

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