The TooAngel AI provides Quests which solvable by other players. Solving a quest brings reputation and sometimes resources, too. With increasing reputation the difficulty level of the quests increases, from build some constructionSites up to 'Room xyz needs to have an unclaimed controller in tick ...'
The reputation of the players is public visible and gives an indicator how advanced other players are. And hopefully it brings even more fun playing against the TooAngel bot on a private server.
And most important, the best way I could come up with to handle interaction of the TooAngel AI instances.
The reputation weights other players, e.g. players with high reputation can pass through reserved or controlled rooms without punishment. Other players can send quests to the TooAngel AI, which they solved.
Quests locations are controller signs, in the following example in room W2N7
{"type": "Quest", "id": 0.3451, "origin": "W1N7", info: ""}
To apply for the Quest, send a message via Terminal transfer to the origin
{"type": "Quest", "id": 0.3451, "room": "W2N7"}
quest location
On acceptance of the application, a response is send via terminal transfer.
{"type": "Quest", "id": 0.3451, "room": "W3N8", "quest": "buildcs", "end": 12345653}
the room to solve questtype
quest typeend
the end time of the quest
On successful finishing a quest a terminal transfer is send
{"type": "Quest", "id": 0.3451, "reputation": "100", "result": "won"}
the current reputation of the player
Quests can be:
Build all construction sites in the given room- tbd Write your (or my) name with roads (or walls) in a specific room
- tbd Defend specific room for some time
- tbd Defend your room
- tbd Attack my (or someone else) room
- ...
If necessary the Quester
creep will watch the progress and needs to stay alive.
Next level: To introduce the bidirectional collaboration a Quest will send, to give a Quest back to our AI. After that both sides are able to send Quests to each other.
To avoid misuse, requesting Quests will cost reputation. The requestable quest types depend on the reputation level.