Levy transfer matching allows levy to be pledged by an employer and made available to other employers to use.
This web application operates as a sub-site of Manage Apprenticeships. It consists of this web application, an Api and an Azure Function component, links for which can be found below.
A PowerShell script is available to take some of the work out of setting up a develop environment for LTM and can be found here. This script will attempt a few tasks dependant on switches that are passed to it all of which are described in the script file itself:
- Look for required LTM git repo's and clone them if they don't exist, including 3rd party dependencies
- Look for and load the solutions in VS2019
- Look for and start Docker Desktop and three containers: shared-redis, das-config & ms-sql
- Look for and start the CosmosDB emulator
The Azure Functions component is not necessary for the website to function but can be found here
- A clone of this repository
- A clone of Levy Transfer Matching Api
- A clone of Apim endpoints
- A code editor that supports .Net8
- A CosmosDB instance or emulator
- The EmployerAccount Api running locally or available in a test environment
- A Redis instance
- The latest das-employer-config for:
- A valid employer user account
This utility uses the standard Apprenticeship Service configuration. All configuration can be found in the das-employer-config repository which may be more up-to-date than what is described here.
AppSettings.json file
"ConnectionStrings": {
"RedisLogging": ""
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConfigurationStorageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"ConfigNames": "SFA.DAS.LevyTransferMatching.Web,SFA.DAS.EmployerUrlHelper:EmployerUrlHelper,SFA.DAS.Employer.Shared.UI,SFA.DAS.Encoding:EncodingService",
"Environment": "LOCAL",
"Version": "1.0",
"cdn": {
"url": "https://das-at-frnt-end.azureedge.net"
Azure Table Storage config
Row Key: SFA.DAS.LevyTransferMatching.Web_1.0
Partition Key: LOCAL
"LevyTransferMatchingWeb": {
"RedisConnectionString": "localhost",
"DataProtectionKeysDatabase": "DefaultDatabase=3",
"UtcNowOverride": null
"LevyTransferMatchingApi": {
"ApiVersion": "1.0",
"SubscriptionKey": "",
"ApiBaseUrl": "https://localhost:5221/"
"Authentication": {
"AccountActivationUrl": "/account/confirm",
"AuthorizeEndpoint": "/connect/authorize",
"BaseAddress": "",
"ChangeEmailUrl": "/account/changeemail?clientId={0}&returnurl=",
"ChangePasswordUrl": "/account/changepassword?clientId={0}&returnurl=",
"ClientId": "",
"ClientSecret": "",
"LogoutEndpoint": "/connect/endsession?id_token_hint={0}",
"Scopes": "openid profile",
"TokenEndpoint": "/connect/token",
"UsePkce": false,
"UserInfoEndpoint": "/connect/userinfo"
"CosmosDb": {
"Uri": "https://localhost:8081",
"AuthKey": ""
- This utility uses the EmployerAccount Api
- .Net8
- CosmosDB
- Azure Table Storage
- NUnit
- Moq
- FluentAssertions
- This web application must be run under the Kestrel web server