diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e6e2bd4..a026e58 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Si hay alguna duda sobre cuál es su código de su Plan de Estudio, el Plan Doce
· **Connection**: Este apartado solo contiene los Headers de la petición, solo es necesario para usuarios que tengan algún problema, no debería ser necesario modificar los valores que se encuentran por defecto.
-· **Información Básica**: Este apartado contiene información genérica sobre el estudiante, hay que rellenar esos campos con la información deseada.
+· **Basic Information**: Este apartado contiene información genérica sobre el estudiante, hay que rellenar esos campos con la información deseada.
| Nombre | Descripción | Ejemplos |
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Si hay alguna duda sobre cuál es su código de su Plan de Estudio, el Plan Doce
| **CodigoEstudio** | Código identificador de la carrera que se está cursando. | CodigoEstudio=3377
CodigoEstudio=3378 |
| **Curso** | Curso del que se hacen la mayoría de asignaturas. | Curso=1
Curso=4 |
-· **Asignaturas**: Información sobre cada una de las asignaturas que se quiere añadir al horario.
+· **Subjects Information**: Información sobre cada una de las asignaturas que se quiere añadir al horario.
Se pueden añadir las asignaturas mediante dos métodos:
#### Método Automático
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Se pueden añadir las asignaturas mediante dos métodos:
3. Añadir la ubicación del archivo HTML en el archivo de preferencias. (En este ejemplo se guarda en *ScrapingUPF/res/EspaiAulaFiles/Gestió de Grups i Aules.html*)
⚠ Usuarios Windows: En Windows es recomendable añadir la ruta completa del archivo como por ejemplo *C:/Users/ScrapingUPF/res/EspaiAulaFiles/Grups.html*, importante añadir las barras de separación de directorios como / y no como \.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Se pueden añadir tantas asignaturas como se quiera siempre que:
Para añadir la asignatura Bases de Datos (24303), del grupo 2 de teorías, 201 de prácticas y 202 de seminarios:
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ EspaiAulaFilePath=False
Si se quiere añadir también Inteligencia Artificial (24304) con el grupo 1 de teorías, 101 de prácticas y 102 de seminarios:
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ EspaiAulaFilePath=False
Si queremos añadir las asignaturas de solo el de 10 de Octubre de 2021:
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Final=10/10/2021
Si queremos añadir todo el mes de Octubre:
@@ -149,12 +149,17 @@ Al iniciar el programa se va a abrir una ventana con nuestro buscador que nos va

#### Eliminar Asignaturas Añadidas
-Si se quieren eliminar de Google Calendar asignaturas que se han añadido mediante el archivo UserPreferences.ini, se debe abrir el Application.py y establecer deleteMode=True.
+Si se quieren eliminar de Google Calendar asignaturas que se han añadido mediante el archivo UserPreferences.ini, se debe abrir el Application.py y establecer replaceMode=False y deleteMode=True.
De todas formas, el programa reemplaza asignaturas ya añadidas.
from Main import RunApplication
-if __name__ == "__main__": RunApplication(deleteMode=True, replaceMode=False)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ mainLoop = True
+ applicationIterator = RunApplication(deleteMode=True, replaceMode=False)
+ while mainLoop:
+ try: next(applicationIterator)
+ except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
A continuación hay que ejecutar el programa de la misma manera.
diff --git a/UserPreferences.ini b/UserPreferences.ini
index 47cb33f..c0a4a6b 100644
--- a/UserPreferences.ini
+++ b/UserPreferences.ini
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
-Headers = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36
+headers = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36
-PlanEstudio = 634
-IdiomaPais = en.GB
-Trimestre = 1
-PlanDocente = 2021
-CodigoCentro = 337
-CodigoEstudio = 3377
-Curso = 3
+planestudio = 634
+idiomapais = en.GB
+trimestre = 1
+plandocente = 2021
+codigocentro = 337
+codigoestudio = 3377
+curso = 3
-Asignaturas = False
-GruposAsignaturas = False
-GruposPracticas = False
-GruposSeminarios = False
-EspaiAulaFilepath = ../res/EspaiAulaFiles/Grups.html
+asignaturas = False
+gruposasignaturas = False
+grupospracticas = False
+gruposseminarios = False
+espaiaulafilepath = ../res/EspaiAulaFiles/Grups.html
-Inicio = 01/11/2021
-Final = 30/11/2021
+inicio = 01/11/2021
+final = 30/11/2021
-CalendarID = primary
+calendarid = primary
diff --git a/src/Application.py b/src/Application.py
index f7f6e6f..2344e70 100644
--- a/src/Application.py
+++ b/src/Application.py
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
from Main import RunApplication
-if __name__ == "__main__": RunApplication(deleteMode=False)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ mainLoop = True
+ applicationIterator = RunApplication(deleteMode=False)
+ while mainLoop:
+ try: next(applicationIterator)
+ except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
diff --git a/src/Main.py b/src/Main.py
index e03d9c4..393b96d 100644
--- a/src/Main.py
+++ b/src/Main.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ def addLogInformation(logInformation, toStdOut=True):
def extractRND(fromSoup):
Extracts the RND number from the soup.
- Whats the RND number?
+ --> Whats the RND number? <--
The RND number is a random number generated by the UPF server,
you need it download any content from the server, so first of
all we go to URL_RND and then to URL_JSON to get the jSON file.
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ def deleteGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, logMessages=No
:param logMessages: File where we're going to save the log messages, if it's None, the output goes to stdout.
:return: True if everything went well, False otherwise.
+ loadingStatus = 0
+ loadingBarIncreaser = 100/len(subjectsBlocks)
+ accumulatedLoadingStatus = 0
descriptions = list(map(lambda x: x.getDescription(), subjectsBlocks))
events = MyCalendar.getEvents()
@@ -94,10 +97,17 @@ def deleteGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, logMessages=No
f"that can be caused by some problems with Google Calendar API. "
return False
- else:
- addLogInformation(f"Skipped EventID: {eventID} | {eventDescription}")
+ else:
+ accumulatedLoadingStatus += loadingBarIncreaser
+ if accumulatedLoadingStatus >= 1:
+ loadingStatus += int(accumulatedLoadingStatus)
+ accumulatedLoadingStatus = accumulatedLoadingStatus - int(accumulatedLoadingStatus)
+ yield loadingStatus
+ else: addLogInformation(f"Skipped EventID: {eventID} | {eventDescription}")
addLogInformation("All events have been removed from the calendar.")
+ yield 100
return True
def addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors, logMessages=None):
@@ -110,6 +120,9 @@ def addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors, l
:param logMessages: File where we're going to save the log messages, if it's None, the output goes to stdout.
:return: True in case of success, False in case of error.
+ loadingStatus = 0
+ loadingBarIncreaser = 100/len(subjectsBlocks)
+ accumulatedLoadingStatus = 0
for subject in subjectsBlocks:
addLogInformation(f"Adding {subject.name} to the calendar.")
@@ -121,13 +134,17 @@ def addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors, l
f"that can be caused by a wrong CalendarID or a Google Calendar API problem. {ErrorCode}")
return False
+ accumulatedLoadingStatus += loadingBarIncreaser
+ if accumulatedLoadingStatus >= 1:
+ loadingStatus += int(accumulatedLoadingStatus)
+ accumulatedLoadingStatus = accumulatedLoadingStatus - int(accumulatedLoadingStatus)
addLogInformation(f"{subject.name} added to the calendar.")
+ yield loadingStatus
addLogInformation("All events have been added to the calendar.")
+ yield 100
return True
def RunApplication(deleteMode=False, replaceMode=True):
- global loadingStatus
- loadingStatus = 0
This function is the main function of the application,
it's going to read the configuration file, then it's going to generate the events.
@@ -137,14 +154,15 @@ def RunApplication(deleteMode=False, replaceMode=True):
:param replaceMode: If this is true, the function will replace the events in the Google Calendar.
:return: True in case of success, False in case of error.
- yield loadingStatus
+ loadingStatus = 0
+ yield loadingStatus # 0%
# Checking the Python version, in this case we're going to use Python 3.8 or higher, since I'm using the Walrus Operator.
if sys.version_info.major < PYTHON_VERSION['Major'] or (sys.version_info.major >= PYTHON_VERSION['Major'] and sys.version_info.minor < PYTHON_VERSION['Minor']):
addLogInformation(f"You're using Python {sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}, required version is 3.8 or bigger.")
return False
- loadingStatus += 3
- yield loadingStatus
+ loadingStatus += 10
+ yield loadingStatus # 10%
# Checking if the configuration file exists, if it exists, we're going to read it.
if os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE):
@@ -152,8 +170,8 @@ def RunApplication(deleteMode=False, replaceMode=True):
addLogInformation(f"UserPreferences.ini not found at {CONFIG_FILE}.")
return False
- loadingStatus += 12
- yield loadingStatus
+ loadingStatus += 20
+ yield loadingStatus # 30%
if isUsingEspaiAulaFilePath(userPreferences): # If the user is using the automatic mode, we're going to read the HTML file with user data.
espaiAulaFile = HTML_LocalFile(getEspaiAulaFilePath(userPreferences), DECODE_HTML_FILE)
@@ -161,19 +179,19 @@ def RunApplication(deleteMode=False, replaceMode=True):
else: # If the user is using the manual mode, we're going to read the user groups and subjects from the user preferences file.
fromGroups, fromSubjects, userSubjectsGroups, pGroups, sGroups = extractSubjectsPreferences(userPreferences)
loadingStatus += 15
- yield loadingStatus
+ yield loadingStatus # 45%
subjectsColors = dict(zip(fromSubjects, [str(x%GOOGLE_CALENDAR_API_MAX_COLORS+1) for x in range(len(fromSubjects))])) # Generating a dictionary[subjectCode] = assignedColor
loadingStatus += 5
- yield loadingStatus
+ yield loadingStatus # 50%
# Extracting the time information.
basicInformation, timeRange = extractRequestInformation(userPreferences)
DATA = generateData(fromSubjects, fromGroups, basicInformation)
fromDate = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(timeRange[0], "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()))
toDate = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(timeRange[1], "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()))
- loadingStatus += 25
- yield loadingStatus
+ loadingStatus += 15
+ yield loadingStatus # 65%
At this point, we have all the user data and we checked if it's correct.
@@ -190,25 +208,46 @@ def RunApplication(deleteMode=False, replaceMode=True):
addLogInformation("Something went wrong generating blocks, closing program.")
return False
- loadingStatus += 15
- yield loadingStatus
+ loadingStatus += 30
+ yield loadingStatus # 95%
MyCalendar = Calendar()
calendarID = getCalendarID(userPreferences)
loadingStatus += 5
- yield loadingStatus
+ yield loadingStatus # 100%
# Now, with all the information downloaded, we're going to work with Google Calendar API.
if replaceMode: # In this case, we're deleting all the events in the calendar and then adding the new ones.
- deleteGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID)
- addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors)
+ mainLoop = True
+ functionIterator = deleteGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID)
+ while mainLoop:
+ try: loadingStatus = next(functionIterator)
+ except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
+ yield loadingStatus
+ mainLoop = True
+ functionIterator = addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors)
+ while mainLoop:
+ try: loadingStatus = next(functionIterator)
+ except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
+ yield loadingStatus
if deleteMode: # Just deleting events.
- deleteGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID)
+ mainLoop = True
+ functionIterator = deleteGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID)
+ while mainLoop:
+ try: loadingStatus = next(functionIterator)
+ except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
+ yield loadingStatus
else: # Just adding events.
- addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors)
+ mainLoop = True
+ functionIterator = addGeneratedEvents(MyCalendar, subjectsBlocks, calendarID, subjectsColors)
+ while mainLoop:
+ try: loadingStatus = next(functionIterator)
+ except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
+ yield loadingStatus
addLogInformation("Everything has been done successfully.")
- loadingStatus += 20
- yield loadingStatus
- return True
\ No newline at end of file
+ yield 100 # 100%
+ return True
diff --git a/src/MainWindow.py b/src/MainWindow.py
index 9c50023..9708fc8 100644
--- a/src/MainWindow.py
+++ b/src/MainWindow.py
@@ -375,9 +375,9 @@ def clickRemoveSubjectsButton(self): # Remove subjects from Google Calendar
fromDate, toDate = self.startDateEdit.text(), self.endDateEdit.text()
insertTimeRange(CONFIG_FILE, fromDate, toDate)
mainLoop = True
- applicationIterator = RunApplication(deleteMode=True)
+ applicationIterator = RunApplication(deleteMode=True, replaceMode=False)
while mainLoop:
- try: self.updateMainLoadingBar(next(applicationIterator))
+ try: self.updateMainLoadingBar(round(next(applicationIterator)))
except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
def clickAddSubjectsButton(self): # Add subjects to Google Calendar
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ def clickAddSubjectsButton(self): # Add subjects to Google Calendar
mainLoop = True
applicationIterator = RunApplication()
while mainLoop:
- try: self.updateMainLoadingBar(next(applicationIterator))
+ try: self.updateMainLoadingBar(round(next(applicationIterator)))
except StopIteration: mainLoop = False
def clickVerificationButton(self):