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Swift Disruptor 💥

CircleCI Gitter

Disruptor is an (almost) pure-Swift implementation of the inter-thread messaging library & concurrent design pattern of the same name. It aims to reach feature parity with LMAX's reference implementation.

Have a read of the LMAX literature if you're not familiar with it.

Getting started

Adding the package

Swift Disruptor uses SwiftPM as its build tool. Add the package in the usual way, first with a new dependencies clause:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.14.0")

then add the Disruptor module to your target dependencies:

dependencies: [.product(name: "Disruptor", package: "swift-disruptor")]

Integrating in your code

Although you can create and manipulate ring buffer and sequencers directly, it's easier in most cases to work with the higher level Disruptor & Translator components for publishing and handling messages:

// 1) Import the Disruptor module
import Disruptor

// 2) Declare a message type we want to pass, and a factory for its
// pre-allocation in the ring buffer
final class LongEvent {
    var value: Int64 = 0

class LongEventFactory: EventFactory {
    typealias Event = LongEvent

    func newInstance() -> LongEvent {
        return LongEvent()

// 3) Implement an EventHandler to be run from a consuming thread:
final class LongEventHandler: EventHandler {
    typealias Event = LongEvent

    func onEvent(_ event: LongEvent, sequence: Int64, endOfBatch: Bool) {
        print("🚀 \(event.value)")

Since the LongEvent objects are allocated only once when we create the disruptor, we need a way of passing new values from producers. For this we need to implement an EventTranslator:

// 4) Our translator assigns newly produced long values to a claimed LongEvent from the ring buffer
class LongEventTranslator: EventTranslator {
    typealias Event = LongEvent
    typealias Input = Int64

    func translateTo(_ event: inout LongEvent, sequence: Int64, input: Int64) {
        event.value = input

Finally we need to wire it all together- let's instantiate a disruptor (the ring buffer can be sized up pretty big, but it should fit inside L3 cache and it must be a power of 2):

// 5) Instantiate a Disruptor
let disruptor = Disruptor<LongEvent>(eventFactory: LongEventFactory(), ringBufferSize: (1 << 16), producerType: .single)

// let's just add a single consumer:
disruptor.handleEventsWith(eventHandlers: [LongEventHandler()])

// start the consumers

// publish an event
disruptor.publishEvent(LongEventTranslator(), input: 1)


Have a look at the list of issues. Bug reports (including perceived performance issues) are much appreciated.


This package uses the Swift Atomics library and needs double-word atomic support explicitly enabled on Linux. For example:

swift test -Xcc -mcx16 -Xswiftc -DENABLE_DOUBLEWIDE_ATOMICS


Benchmarks are pretty unstable right now- there's a separate target with an executable which you can invoke:

swift run -c release

Currently there's a single producer/single consumer scenario (with no batching) with both disruptor and GCD. Most disruptor implementations diverge more markedly from queues in multi producer/consumer environments so reproducing this and finding bottlenecks is a priority.