A retention policy blocks permanent deletion of content for a specified amount of time. Admins can create retention policies and then later assign them to specific folders or their entire enterprise.
- Create Retention Policy
- Get Retention Policy
- Update Retention Policy
- Get Retention Policies
- Get Retention Policy Assignments
- Create Retention Policy Assignment
- Get Retention Policy Assignment
- Get File Version Retention
- Get File Version Retentions (will be deprecated in the future, use Get Files Under Retention For Assignment and Get File Version Under Retention For Assignment instead)
- Get Files Under Retention For Assignment
- Get File Version Under Retention For Assignment
The static createIndefinitePolicy(BoxAPIConnection api, String name)
method will let you create a new indefinite retention policy with a specified name.
BoxRetentionPolicy.createIndefinitePolicy(api, name);
The static createFinitePolicy(BoxAPIConnection api, String name, int retentionPeriod, String action)
method will let you create a new finite retention policy with a specified name,
amount of time to apply the retention policy (in days) and a disposition action.
The disposition action can be "permanently_delete"
or "remove_retention"
BoxRetentionPolicy.createFinitePolicy(api, name, length, action);
Both finite and indefinite policies allow you to specify optional parameters using the RetentionPolicyParams
String notifiedUserID = "12345";
RetentionPolicyParams optionalParams = new RetentionPolicyParams();
// Create indefinite policy with optional parameters
BoxRetentionPolicy.createIndefinitePolicy(api, "Retain Stuff Forever", optionalParams);
// Create finite policy with optional parameters
BoxRetentionPolicy.createFinitePolicy(api, "Keep One Year", 365, BoxRetentionPolicy.ACTION_REMOVE_RETENTION, optionalParams);
Calling getInfo(String... fields)
will return a
[BoxRetentionPolicy.Info'][retention-policy-info] object containing information about the retention policy. If necessary to retrieve limited set of fields, it is possible to specify them using the
fields` parameter.
// Get the policy name and status for a given retention policy
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = new BoxRetentionPolicy(api, id);
policy.getInfo("policy_name", "status");
Updating a retention policy's information is done by calling
updateInfo(BoxRetentionPolicy.Info fieldsToUpdate)
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = new BoxRetentionPolicy(api, id);
BoxRetentionPolicy.Info policyInfo = policy.new Info();
policyInfo.setPolicyName("new policy name");
Calling the static getAll(BoxAPIConnection api, String... fields)
will return an iterable that will page through all of the retention policies.
It is possible to specify filter for the name of retention policy, filter for
the type of the policy, filter for the id of user, limit of items per single
response and fields to retrieve by calling the static
getAll(String name, String type, String userID, int limit, BoxAPIConnection api, String... fields)
Iterable<BoxRetentionPolicy.Info> policies = BoxRetentionPolicy.getAll(api);
for (BoxRetentionPolicy.Info policyInfo : policies) {
// Do something with the retention policy.
Calling getAllAssignments(String... fields)
will return
an iterable that will page through all of the assignments of the retention
policy. It is possible to specify maximum number of items per single response
and fields to retrieve by calling
getAllAssignments(int limit, String... fields)
If it is necessary to retrieve only assignments of certain type, you can call
getFolderAssignments(int limit, String... fields)
getEnterpriseAssignments(int limit, String... fields)
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = new BoxRetentionPolicy(api, id);
Iterable<BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info> allAssignments = policy.getAllAssignments("assigned_by");
Iterable<BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info> folderAssignments = policy.getFolderAssignments(50, "assigned_by");
Iterable<BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info> enterpriseAssignments = policy.getEnterpriseAssignments();
for (BoxRetentionPolicyAssignments.Info assignmentInfo : allAssignments) {
// Do something with the assignment.
for (BoxRetentionPolicyAssignments.Info assignmentInfo : folderAssignments) {
// Do something with the assignment.
for (BoxRetentionPolicyAssignments.Info assignmentInfo : enterpriseAssignments) {
// Do something with the assignment.
To create new retention policy assignment call assignTo(BoxFolder target)
method to assign the policy
to a specific folder, assignToEnterprise()
to assign the retention policy to the
entire enterprise, or assignToMetadataTemplate(String templateID, MetadataFieldFilter... filterFields)
to assign the policy to items with a specific metadata template.
// Assign the policy to the entire enterprise
BoxRetentionPolicy policy = new BoxRetentionPolicy(api, policyID);
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info enterpriseAssignmentInfo = policy.assignToEnterprise();
// Assign the policy to a single folder
BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(api, folderID);
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info folderAssignmentInfo = policy.assignTo(folder);
// Assign the policy to all items with metadata template "f0dce190-8106-43ca-9d67-7dce9b10a55e"
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info metadataAssignmentInfo = policy.assignToMetadataTemplate("f0dce190-8106-43ca-9d67-7dce9b10a55e");
Calling getInfo(String... fields)
will return a
object containing
information about the retention policy assignment.
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment assignment = new BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment(api, id);
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info assignmentInfo = assignment.getInfo("assigned_to");
Calling getInfo(String... fields)
will return a
object containing
information about the file version retention policy.
BoxFileVersionRetention policy = new BoxFileVersionRetention(api, id);
BoxFileVersionRetention.Info policyInfo = policy.getInfo();
To get an iterable with all file version retentions for the current retention
policy, call the static getAll(BoxAPIConnection api, String... fields)
method. It is possible to add filters to query passing a
object as a parameter to
getRetentions(BoxAPIConnection api, BoxFileVersionRetention.QueryFilter filter, String... fields)
BoxFileVersionRetention.QueryFilter filter = new BoxFileVersionRetention.QueryFilter()
Iterable<BoxFileVersionRetention.Info> retentions
= BoxFileVersionRetention.getRetentions(api, filter, "file", "applied_at");
for (BoxFileVersionRetention.Info retentionInfo : retentions) {
// Do something with the file version retention.
To get an iterable with all files under retention for assignment
policy, call the getFilesUnderRetention(BoxAPIConnection api, int limit, String... fields)
method. This will return an interable with BoxFile.Info
objects containing information about the files.
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment policyAssignment = new BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment(api, id);
Iterable<BoxFile.Info> filesUnderRetention = policyAssignment.getFilesUnderRetention();
for (BoxFile.Info item : filesUnderRetention){
// Do something with the files under retention.
To get an iterable with all file versions under retention for assignment
policy, call the getFileVersionsUnderRetention(BoxAPIConnection api, int limit, String... fields)
method. This will return an interable with BoxFileVersion
objects containing information about the file versions.
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment policyAssignment = new BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment(api, id);
Iterable<BoxFileVersion> fileVersionsUnderRetention = policyAssignment.getFileVersionsUnderRetention();
for (BoxFileVersion fileVersion : fileVersionsUnderRetention){
// Do something with the file versions under retention.