Only papers published in peer-reviewed journals are listed (for the complete list of citing papers see Google Scholar).
+As of October 2024, at least 211 papers have been published covering a broad range of topics:
+Following is the distribution of these topics in the listed publications up to November 2021:
+- Jirka2024
+M. Jirka and S. V. Bulanov,
+Effects of Colliding Laser Pulses Polarization on e- e+ Cascade Development in Extreme Focusing,
+Physical Review Letters 133, 125001 (2024)
+- Plotnikov2024
+I. Plotnikov, A. J. van Marle, C. Guépin, A. Marcowith and Pierrick Martin,
+Kinetic simulations of electron–positron induced streaming instability in the context of gamma-ray halos around pulsars,
+Astronomy & Astrophysics 688, A134 (2024)
+- Mukherjee2024
+A. Mukherjee and Daniel Seipt,
+Laser polarization control of ionization-injected electron beams and x-ray radiation in laser wakefield accelerators,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66, 085001 (2024)
+- Yao2024
+W. Yao, R. Lelièvre, T. Waltenspiel, I. Cohen, A. Allaoua, P. Antici, A. Beck, E. Cohen, X. Davoine, E. d’Humières, Q. Ducasse, E. Filippov, C. Gautier, L. Gremillet, P. Koseoglou, D. Michaeli, D. Papadopoulos, S. Pikuz, I. Pomerantz, F. Trompier, Y. Yuan, F. Mathieu and Julien Fuchs,
+Enhanced Energy, Conversion Efficiency and Collimation of Protons Driven by High-Contrast and Ultrashort Laser Pulses,
+Applied Sciences 14, 6101 (2024)
+- Dmitriev2024
+E. Dmitriev and Ph. Korneev,
+Angular momentum gain by electrons under the action of intense structured light,
+Physical Review A 110, 013514 (2024)
+- Yu2024
+H. Yu, Q. Xia and Jun Fang,
+Nonthermal Acceleration of Electrons, Positrons, and Protons at a Nonrelativistic Quasi-parallel Collisionless Shock,
+The Astrophysical Journal 969, 13 (2024)
+- Liu2024
+B. Liu, B. Lei, Y. Gao, M. Wen, and K. Zhu,
+Plasma opacity induced by laser-driven movement of background ions,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66, 115004 (2024)
+- Martin2024
+H. Martin, R. W. Paddock, M. W. von der Leyen, V. Eliseev, R. T. Ruskov, R. Timmis, J. J. Lee, A. James, and P. A. Norreys,
+Electrothermal filamentation of igniting plasmas,
+Physical Review E 110, 035205 (2024)
+- Horny2024
+V. Horný, P. G. Bleotu, D. Ursescu, V. Malka, and P. Tomassini,
+Efficient laser wakefield accelerator in pump depletion dominated bubble regime,
+Physical Review E 110, 035202 (2024)
+- DeAndres2024
+A. De Andres, S. Bhadoria, J. T. Marmolejo, A. Muschet, P. Fischer, H. R. Barzegar, T. Blackburn, A. Gonoskov, D. Hanstorp, M. Marklund and L. Veisz,
+Unforeseen advantage of looser focusing in vacuum laser acceleration,
+Nature Communications Physics 7, 293 (2024)
+- Yoon2024
+Y. D. Yoon, M. Laishram, T. E. Moore, and G. S. Yun,
+Non-equilibrium formation and relaxation of magnetic flux ropes at kinetic scales,
+Nature Communications Physics 7, 297 (2024)
+- Laishram2024
+M. Laishram, G. S. Yun, and Y. D. Yoon,
+Magnetogenesis via the canonical battery effect,
+Physical Review Research 6, L032052 (2024)
+- Kang2024
+H. L. Kang, Y. D. Yoon, M.-H. Cho and G. S. Yun,
+Fast nonlinear scattering of runaway electron beams through resonant interactions with plasma waves,
+Nuclear Fusion 64, 10 (2024)
+- Gonzalez-Izquierdo2024
+B. Gonzalez-Izquierdo, P. Fischer, M. Touati, J. Hartmann, M. Speicher, V. Scutelnic, G. Bodini, A. Fazzini, M. M. Guenther, A. K. Haerle, K. Kenney, E. Schork, S. Bruce, M. Spinks, H. J. Quevedo, A. Helal, M. Medina, E. Gaul, H. Ruhl, M. Schollmeier, S. Steinke, and G. Korn,
+Efficient laser-driven proton acceleration from a petawatt contrast-enhanced second harmonic mixed-glass laser system,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 083105 (2024)
+- Ma2024
+Z. Ma, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Wang, K. Zhao, Y. Li, C. Fu, W. He, Y. Ma,
+Simulation of nuclear isomer production in laser-induced plasma,
+Matter and Radiation at Extremes 9, 055201 (2024)
+- Kleij2024
+P. S. Kleij, S. Marini, M. Caetano de Sousa, M. Grech, C. Riconda, M. Raynaud,
+Photon emission and radiation reaction effects in surface plasma waves in ultra-high intensities,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 072111 (2024)
+- Ghizzo2024
+A. Ghizzo, D. Del Sarto, H. Betar,
+Collisionless heating in Vlasov plasma and turbulence-driven filamentation aspects,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 072109 (2024)
+- Gelfer2024
+E. G. Gelfer, A. M. Fedotov, O. Klimo, and S. Weber,
+Coherent radiation of an electron bunch colliding with an intense laser pulse,
+Physical Review Research 6, L032013 (2024)
+- Zagidullin2024
+R. Zagidullin, V. Zorina, J. W. Wang, S. G. Rykovanov,
+Polarization control of attosecond pulses from laser-nanofoil interactions using an external magnetic field,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 073303 (2024)
+- Marini2024
+S. Marini, D. F. G. Minenna, F. Massimo, L. Batista, V. Bencini, A. Chancé, N. Chauvin, S. Doebert, J. Farmer, E. Gschwendtner, I. Moulanier, P. Muggli, D. Uriot, B. Cros, and P. A. P. Nghiem,
+Beam physics studies for a high charge and high beam quality laser-plasma accelerator,
+Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 27, 063401 (2024)
+- Sikorski2024
+P. Sikorski, A. G. R. Thomas, S. S. Bulanov, M. Zepf and D. Seipt,
+Novel signatures of radiation reaction in electron–laser sidescattering,
+New Journal of Physics 26 063011 (2024)
+- Ivanov2024b
+K. A. Ivanov, S. A. Shulyapov, D. A. Gorlova, I. P. Tsygvintsev, M. S. Krivokorytov, I. N. Tsymbalov, R. V. Volkov and A. B. Savelev,
+Laser-accelerated MeV-scale collimated electron bunch from a near-critical plasma of a liquid jet target,
+Laser Physics Letters 21, 7 (2024)
+- Malik2024
+H. K. Malik, S. Kumar, and D. K. Singh,
+Effect of trapezoidal plasma density region in bubble wakefield acceleration,
+Physica Scripta 99, 075601 (2024)
+- Krafft2024b
+C. Krafft, P. Savoini, and F. J. Polanco-Rodríguez,
+Mechanisms of Fundamental Electromagnetic Wave Radiation in the Solar Wind,
+The Astrophysical Journal Letters 967, 2 (2024)
+- Salgado2024
+F. C. Salgado, A. Kozan, D. Seipt, D. Hollatz, P. Hilz, M. Kaluza, A. Sävert, A. Seidel, D. Ullmann, Y. Zhao, and M. Zepf,
+All-optical source size and emittance measurements of laser-accelerated electron beams,
+Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 27, 052803 (2024)
+- Ivanov2024a
+K. A. Ivanov, D. A. Gorlova, I. N. Tsymbalov, I. P. Tsygvintsev, S. A. Shulyapov, R. V. Volkov, and A. B. Savel’ev,
+Laser-driven pointed acceleration of electrons with preformed plasma lens,
+Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 27, 051301 (2024)
+- Timmis2024
+R. J. L. Timmis, R. W. Paddock, I. Ouatu, J. Lee, S. Howard, E. Atonga, R. T. Ruskov, H. Martin, R. H. W. Wang, R. Aboushelbaya, M. W. von der Leyen, E. Gumbrell and P. A. Norreys,
+Attosecond and nano‐Coulomb electron bunches via the Zero Vector Potential mechanism,
+Scientific Reports volume 14, 10805 (2024)
+- Azamoum2024
+Y. Azamoum, G. A. Becker, S. Keppler, G. Duchateau, S. Skupin, M. Grech, F. Catoire, S. Hell, I. Tamer, M. Hornung, M. Hellwing, A. Kessler, F. Schorcht, and M. C. Kaluza,
+Optical probing of ultrafast laser-induced solid-to-overdense-plasma transitions,
+Light: Science & Applications 13, 109 (2024)
+- Pan2024
+Z. Pan, J. Liu, P. Wang, Z. Mei, Z. Cao, D. Kong, S. Xu, Z. Liu, Y. Liang, Z. Peng, T. Xu, T. Song, X. Chen, Q. Wu, Y. Zhang, Q. Han, H. Chen, J. Zhao, Y. Gao, S. Chen, Y. Zhao, X. Yan, Y. Shou, W. Ma,
+Electron acceleration and x-ray generation from near-critical-density carbon nanotube foams driven by moderately relativistic lasers,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 043108 (2024)
+- Yao2024
+W. Yao, M. Nakatsutsumi, S. Buffechoux, P. Antici, M. Borghesi, A. Ciardi, S. N. Chen, E. d’Humières, L. Gremillet, R. Heathcote, V. Horný, P. McKenna, M. N. Quinn, L. Romagnani, R. Royle, G. Sarri, Y. Sentoku, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, T. Toncian, O. Tresca, L. Vassura, O. Willi, J. Fuchs,
+Optimizing laser coupling, matter heating, and particle acceleration from solids using multiplexed ultraintense lasers,
+Matter and Radiation at Extremes 9, 047202 (2024)
+- Luo2024
+M. Luo, C. Riconda, I. Pusztai, A. Grassi, J. S. Wurtele, and T. Fülöp,
+Control of autoresonant plasma beat-wave wakefield excitation,
+Physical Review Research 6, 013338 (2024)
+- Krafft2024a
+C. Krafft and P. Savoini,
+Electrostatic Wave Decay in the Randomly Inhomogeneous Solar Wind,
+The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 964, L30 (2024)
+- Yu2024
+J. Yu, J. Zhong, Y. Ping, and W. An,
+Numerical study of the suppression of magnetic reconnection onset with injected plasma,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 032111 (2024)
+- Kumar2024
+R. Y. Kumar, R. Sabui, R. Gopal, F. Li, S. Sarkar, W. Trickey, M. Anand, J. Pasley, Z.-M. Sheng, R. M. G. M. Trines, R. H. H. Scott, A. P. L. Robinson, V. Sharma, and M. Krishnamurthy,
+Tailored mesoscopic plasma accelerates electrons exploiting parametric instability,
+New Journal of Physics 26, 033027 (2024)
+- Ehret2024
+M. Ehret, J. Cikhardt, P. Bradford, I.-M. Vladisavlevici, T. Burian, D. de Luis, J. L. Henares, R. H. Martín, J. I. Apinaniz, R. Lera, J. A. Pérez-Hernández, J. J. Santos, and G. Gatti,
+High-repetition-rate source of nanosecond duration kA-current pulses driven by relativistic laser pulses,
+High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2024)
+- Cai2024
+W. Cai, L. Zhang, X. Geng, X. Zhang, B. Shen, L. Ji,
+Harmonic generation and modulation based on intense x-ray interaction with crystal-like structures,
+Physics of Plasmas 31, 033107 (2024)
+- Mondal2024
+A. Mondal, R. Sabui, S. Tata, R. M. G. M. Trines, S. V. Rahul, F. Li, S. Sarkar, W. Trickey, R. Y. Kumar, D. Rajak, J. Pasley, Z. Sheng, J. Jha, M. Anand, R. Gopal, A. P. L. Robinson and M. Krishnamurthy,
+Shaped liquid drops generate MeV temperature electron beams with millijoule class laser,
+Nature Communications Physics 7, 85 (2024)
+- Psikal2024
+J. Psikal,
+Effect of the rising edge of ultrashort laser pulse on the target normal sheath acceleration of ions,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66 045007 (2024)
+- RezaeiPandari2024
+M. Rezaei-Pandari, M. Mirzaie, C. I. Hojbota, A. R. Niknam, R. Massudi, K.-Y. Kim, and C. H. Nam,
+Investigation of terahertz radiation generation from laser-wakefield acceleration,
+AIP Advances 14, 025347 (2024)
+- Su2024
+W. Su, X. Cao, C. Ma, Y. Wang and G. Zhang,
+Multi-layer phenomena in petawatt laser-driven acceleration of heavy ions,
+Plasma Science and Technology 26, 025202 (2024)
+- Vladisavlevici2024
+I.-M. Vladisavlevici, X. Ribeyre, D. Vizman and E. d’Humières,
+Investigation of γ-photon sources using near-critical density targets towards the optimization of the linear Breit–Wheeler process,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66, 035009 (2024)
+- Gorlova2024
+D. A. Gorlova, I. N. Tsymbalov, I. P. Tsygvintsev and A. B. Savelev,
+THz transition radiation of electron bunches laser-accelerated in long-scale near-critical-density plasmas,
+Laser Physics Letters 21, 035001 (2024)
+- Seidel2024
+A. Seidel, B. Lei, C. Zepter, M. C. Kaluza, A. Sävert, M. Zepf, and D. Seipt,
+Polarization and CEP dependence of the transverse phase space in laser driven accelerators,
+Physical Review Research 6, 013056 (2024)
+- Krishnamurthy2023
+S. Krishnamurthy, S. Chintalwad, A. P. L. Robinson, R. M. G. M. Trines, and B. Ramakrishna,
+Observation of proton modulations in laser–solid interaction,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65 085020 (2023)
+- Gao2023b
+X. Gao,
+Anisotropic field ionization in nanoclusters mediated by a Brunel-electron-driven plasma wave,
+Physical Review A 108, 033109 (2023)
+- Yoon2023b
+Y. D. Yoon, P. M. Bellan and G. S. Yun,
+Phase-space Analysis of Ordered and Disordered Nonthermal Ion Energization during Magnetic Reconnection,
+The Astrophysical Journal, 956:105 (2023)
+- Bhadoria2023
+S. Bhadoria, M. Marklund and C. H. Keitel,
+Energy enhancement of laser-driven ions by radiation reaction and Breit-Wheeler pair production in the ultra-relativistic transparency regime,
+High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2023)
+- Diab2023
+R. Diab, S.-G. Baek, P. Bonoli, T. G. Jenkins, M. Ono and D. Smithe,
+Particle-in-cell simulations of parasitic electrostatic wave excitation in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies and high harmonic fast wave regimes,
+AIP Conference Proceedings 2984, 080001 (2023)
+- Sladkov2023
+A. D. Sladkov and A. V. Korzhimanov,
+Cherenkov Radiation of an Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagating in a Strongly Magnetized Plasma at Various Intensities and Directions of the Magnetic Field,
+Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 65, 888–896 (2023)
+- Montefiori2023
+S. Montefiori and M. Tamburini
+SFQEDtoolkit: A high-performance library for the accurate modeling of strong-field QED processes in PIC and Monte Carlo codes,
+Computer Physics Communications 292, 108855 (2023)
+- Shekhanov2023
+S. Shekhanov, A. Gintrand, L. Hudec, R. Liska, J. Limpouch, S. Weber and V. Tikhonchuk
+Kinetic modeling of laser absorption in foams,
+Physics of Plasmas 30, 012708 (2023)
+- Yu2023
+J. Yu, J. Zhong, Y. Ping and W. An
+Electron acceleration in a coil target-driven low-β magnetic reconnection simulation,
+Matter and Radiation at Extremes 8, 064003 (2023)
+- Zagidullin2023
+R. Zagidullin, S. Tietze, M. Zepf, J. Wang and S. Rykovanov
+Density-dependent carrier-envelope phase shift in attosecond pulse generation from relativistically oscillating mirrors,
+Matter and Radiation at Extremes 8, 064004 (2023)
+- Cai2023
+J. Cai, Y. Shou, Y. Geng, L. Han, X. Xu, S. Wen, B. Shen, J. Yu and X. Yan
+Extremely powerful and frequency-tunable terahertz pulses from a table-top laser-plasma wiggler,
+High Power Laser Science and Engineering (2023)
+- Jirka2023
+M. Jirka and H. Kladecová
+Pair production in an electron collision with a radially polarized laser pulse,
+Physics of Plasmas 30, 113102 (2023)
+- Guo2023
+A. Guo, Q. Lu, S. Lu, S. Wang and R. Wang,
+Properties of Electron-scale Magnetic Reconnection at a Quasi-perpendicular Shock,
+The Astrophysical Journal 955, 1 (2023)
+- Si2023
+M. Si, Y. Huang, M. Ruan, B. Shen, Z. Xu, T. Yu, X. Wang and Y. Chen,
+Relativistic-guided stable mode of few-cycle 20 micron level infrared radiation,
+Optics Express 31, 24, 40202-40209 (2023)
+- Vallieres2023
+S. Vallières, J. Powell, T. Connell, M. Evans, M. Lytova, F. Fillion-Gourdeau, S. Fourmaux, S. Payeur, P. Lassonde, S. MacLean, and F. Légaré,
+High Dose-Rate MeV Electron Beam from a Tightly-Focused Femtosecond IR Laser in Ambient Air,
+Laser and Photonics Review 23000782300078 (2023)
+- Starodubtseva2023
+E. Starodubtseva, I. Tsymbalov, D. Gorlova, K. Ivanov, and A. Savel’ev,
+Low energy electron injection for direct laser acceleration,
+Physics of Plasmas 30, 083105 (2023)
+- Maffini2023
+A. Maffini, F. Mirani, M. Galbiati, K. Ambrogioni, F. Gatti, M. S. G. De Magistris, D. Vavassori, D. Orecchia, D. Dellasega, V. Russo, M. Zavelani-Rossi and M. Passoni,
+Towards compact laser-driven accelerators: exploring the potential of advanced double-layer targets,
+EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 10, 15 (2023)
+- Guskov2023
+S. Yu. Gus’kov, Ph. Korneev, and M. Murakami,
+Laser-driven electrodynamic implosion of fast ions in a thin shell,
+Matter and Radiation at Extremes 8, 056602 (2023)
+- RezaeiPandari2023
+M. Rezaei-Pandari, M. Mirzaie, C. I. Hojbota, T. G. Pak, S. B. Kim, G. W. Lee, R. Massudi, A. R. Niknam, S. K. Lee, K.-Y. Kim, and C. H. Nam,
+Laser Wakefield Electron Acceleration with Polarization-Dependent Ionization Injection,
+Physical Review Applied 20, 034026 (2023)
+- Jonnerby2023
+J. Jonnerby, A. von Boetticher, J. Holloway, L. Corner, A. Picksley, A. J. Ross, R. J. Shalloo , C. Thornton, N. Bourgeois, R. Walczak, and S. M. Hooker,
+Measurement of the decay of laser-driven linear plasma wakefields,
+Physical Review E 108, 055211 (2023)
+- Drobniak2023
+P. Drobniak, E. Baynard, C. Bruni, K. Cassou, C. Guyot, G. Kane, S. Kazamias, V. Kubytskyi, N. Lericheux, B. Lucas, M. Pittman, F. Massimo, A. Beck, A. Specka, P. Nghiem, and D. Minenna,
+Random scan optimization of a laser-plasma electron injector based on fast particle-in-cell simulations,
+Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26, 091302 (2023)
+- Bukharskii2023
+N. Bukharskii and Ph. Korneev,
+Intense widely controlled terahertz radiation from laser-driven wires,
+Matter and Radiation at Extremes 8, 044401 (2023)
+- Schmitz2023
+B. Schmitz, D. Kreuter, and O. Boine-Frankenheim,
+Modeling of a Liquid Leaf Target TNSA Experiment Using Particle-In-Cell Simulations and Deep Learning,
+Laser and Particle Beams, 2868112 (2023)
+- Paschke_Bruehl2023
+F. Paschke-Bruehl, M. Banjafar, M. Garten, L. G. Huang, B. E. Marré, M. Nakatsutsumi, L. Randolph, T. E. Cowan, U. Schramm and T. Kluge,
+Heating in multi-layer targets at ultra-high intensity laser irradiation and the impact of density oscillation,
+New Journal of Physics 25 (2023)
+- Vladisavlevici2023
+I. M. Vladisavlevici, D. Vizman and E. d’Humières,
+Theoretical investigation of the interaction of ultra-high intensity laser pulses with near critical density plasmas,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65, 4 (2023)
+- Gao2023
+X. Gao,
+Ionization dynamics of sub-micrometer-sized clusters in intense ultrafast laser pulses,
+Physics of Plasmas 30, 052102 (2023)
+- Krafft2023
+C. Krafft and P. Savoini,
+Dynamics of Two-dimensional Type III Electron Beams in Randomly Inhomogeneous Solar Wind Plasmas,
+The Astrophysical Journal 949, 1 (2023)
+- Hadjikyriacou2023
+A. Hadjikyriacou, J. Psikal, L. Giuffrida and M. Kucharik,
+Novel approach to TNSA enhancement using multi-layered targets—a numerical study,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65, 8 (2023)
+- Ghizzo2023
+A. Ghizzo, D. Del Sarto, and H. Betar,
+Collisionless Heating Driven by Vlasov Filamentation in a Counterstreaming Beams Configuration,
+Physical Review Letters 131, 035101 (2023)
+- Yang2023
+T. Yang, Z. Guo, Y. Yan, M. Wu, Y. Xia, Q. He, H. Cheng, Y. Li, Y. Fang, Y. Zhao, X. Yan and C. Lin,
+Measurements of Plasma Density Profile Evolutions with Channel-guided Laser,
+High Power Laser Science and Engineering pp. 1-15 (2023)
+- Yao2023
+W. Yao, A. Fazzini, S.N. Chen, K. Burdonov, J. Béard, M. Borghesi, A. Ciardi, M. Miceli, S. Orlando, X. Ribeyre, E. d’Humières and J. Fuchs,
+Investigating particle acceleration dynamics in interpenetrating magnetized collisionless super-critical shocks,
+Journal of Plasma Physics 89, 915890101 (2023)
+- Pak2023
+T. Pak, M. Rezaei-Pandari, S. B. Kim, G. Lee, D. H. Wi, C. I. Hojbota, M. Mirzaie, H. Kim, J. H. Sung, S. K. Lee, C. Kang and K.-Y. Kim,
+Multi-millijoule terahertz emission from laser-wakefield-accelerated electrons,
+Light: Science and Applications 12, 37 (2023)
+- Istokskaia2023
+V. Istokskaia, M. Tosca, L. Giuffrida, J. Psikal, F. Grepl, V. Kantarelou, S. Stancek, S. Di Siena, A. Hadjikyriacou, A. McIlvenny, Y. Levy, J. Huynh, M. Cimrman, P. Pleskunov, D. Nikitin, A. Choukourov, F. Belloni, A. Picciotto, S. Kar, M. Borghesi, A. Lucianetti, T. Mocek and D. Margarone,
+A multi-MeV alpha particle source via proton-boron fusion driven by a 10-GW tabletop laser,
+Nature Communications Physics 6, 27 (2023)
+- Yoon2023
+Y. D. Yoon, D. E. Wendel and G. S. Yun,
+Equilibrium selection via current sheet relaxation and guide field amplification,
+Nature Communications 14, 139 (2023)
+- Galbiati2023
+M. Galbiati, A. Formenti, M. Grech and M. Passoni,
+Numerical investigation of non-linear inverse Compton scattering in double-layer targets,
+Frontiers in Physics 11, fphy.2023.1117543 (2023)
+- Sakai2023
+K. Sakai, T. Nishimoto, S. Isayama, S. Matsukiyo and Y. Kuramitsu,
+Ion-acoustic feature of collective Thomson scattering in non-equilibrium two-stream plasmas,
+Physics of Plasmas 30, 012105 (2023)
+- Golovanov2023
+A. Golovanov, I. Yu. Kostyukov, A. Pukhov and V. Malka,
+Energy-Conserving Theory of the Blowout Regime of Plasma Wakefield,
+Physical Review Letters 130, 105001 (2023)
+- Miethlinger2023
+T. Miethlinger, N. Hoffmann and T. Kluge,
+Acceptance Rates of Invertible Neural Networks on Electron Spectra from Near-Critical Laser-Plasmas: A Comparison,
+Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 273-284 (2023)
+- Zepter2023
+C. Zepter, A. Seidel, M. Zepf, M. C. Kaluza and A. Sävert,
+Role of spatiotemporal couplings in stimulated Raman side scattering,
+Physical Review Research 5, L012023 (2023)
+- Marini2023
+S. Marini, M. Grech, P. S. Kleij, M. Raynaud and C. Riconda,
+Electron acceleration by laser plasma wedge interaction,
+Physical Review Research 5, 013115 (2023)
+- Miloshevsky2023
+G. Miloshevsky,
+Particle-in-Cell Modeling of Omega Experiments on Ablation of Plasmas,
+IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 51, 4 (2023)
+- Blackman2022
+D. R. Blackman, Y. Shi, S. R. Klein, M. Cernaianu, D. Doria, P. Ghenuche and A. Arefiev
+Electron acceleration from transparent targets irradiated by ultra-intense helical laser beams,
+Communications Physics 5, 116 (2022)
+- Siminos2022
+E. Siminos and I. Thiele
+Parametric study of laser wakefield driven generation of intense sub-cycle pulses,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 034006 (2022)
+- PChen2022
+P. Chen, G. Mourou, M. Besancon, Y. Fukuda, J.-F. Glicenstein, J. Nam, C.-E. Lin, K.-N. Lin, S.-X. Liu, Y.-K. Liu, M. Kando, K. Kondo, S. Paganis, A. Pirozhkov, H. Takabe, B. Tuchming, W.-P. Wang, N. Watamura, J. Wheeler and H.-Y. Wu on behalf of the AnaBHEL Collaboration,
+AnaBHEL (Analog Black Hole Evaporation via Lasers) Experiment: Concept, Design, and Status,
+Photonics 9(12), 1003 (2022)
+- Bukharskii2022
+N. Bukharskii, Iu. Kochetkov and Ph. Korneev,
+Terahertz annular antenna driven with a short intense laser pulse,
+Applied Physics Letters 120, 014102 (2022)
+- Jirka2022
+M. Jirka, P. Sasorov and S. V. Bulanov,
+New and old physics in the interaction of a radiating electron with the extreme electromagnetic field,
+Physical Review D 105, 113004 (2022)
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+X. Geng, L. Ji and B. Shen,
+Quasimonochromatic Bright Gamma-ray Generation from Synchronized Compton Scattering via Azimuthal Spatial-Temporal Coupling,
+Physical Review Applied 17, 024055 (2022)
+- Yan2022
+X. Yan, Y. Wu, X. Geng, H. Zhang, B. Shen and L. Ji,
+Generation of polarized proton beams with gaseous targets from CO2-laser-driven collisionless shock acceleration,
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+Q. Chen, D. Maslarova, J. Wang, S. X. Lee, V. Horný and D. Umstadter,
+Transient Relativistic Plasma Grating to Tailor High-Power Laser Fields, Wakefield Plasma Waves, and Electron Injection,
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+P. B. Glek and A. M. Zheltikov,
+Enhanced coherent transition radiation from midinfrared‐laser‐driven microplasmas,
+Scientific Reports 12, 7660 (2022)
+- Margarone2022
+D. Margarone, J. Bonvalet, L. Giuffrida, A. Morace, V. Kantarelou, M. Tosca, D. Raffestin, P. Nicolai, A. Picciotto, Y. Abe, Y. Arikawa, S. Fujioka, Y. Fukuda, Y. Kuramitsu, H. Habara and D. Batani,
+In-Target Proton–Boron Nuclear Fusion Using a PW-Class Laser,
+Appled Sciences 12(3), 1444 (2022)
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+Iu. V. Kochetkov, N. D. Bukharskii, M. Ehret, Y. Abe, K. F. F. Law,V. Ospina‐Bohorquez, J. J. Santos, S. Fujioka, G. Schaumann, B. Zielbauer, A. Kuznetsov and Ph. Korneev,
+Neural network analysis of quasistationary magnetic fields in microcoils driven by short laser pulses,
+Scientific Reports 12, 13734 (2022)
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+A. Oudin, A. Debayle, C. Ruyer, D. Benisti,
+Cross-beam energy transfer between spatially smoothed laser beams,
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+Q. Chen, D. Maslarova, J. Wang, S. Li, and D. Umstadter,
+Injection of electron beams into two laser wakefields and generation of electron rings,
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+S. Ku., R. Dhawan, D.K. Singh and H. K. Malik,
+Diagnostic of laser wakefield acceleration with ultra – Short laser pulse by using SMILEI PIC code,
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+S. Kumar, D. K. Singh and H. K. Malik,
+Comparative study of ultrashort single-pulse and multi-pulse driven laser wakefield acceleration,
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+Y. Zhang, F. Wang, J. Liu and J. Sun,
+Simulation of the inverse bremsstrahlung absorption by plasma plume in laser penetration welding,
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+I.-M. Vladisavlevici, D. Vizman and E. d’Humières,
+Laser Driven Electron Acceleration from Near-Critical Density Targets towards the Generation of High Energy γ-Photons,
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+I. Ouatu, B. T. Spiers, R. Aboushelbaya, Q. Feng, M. W. von der Leyen, R. W. Paddock, R. Timmis, C. Ticos, K. M. Krushelnick and P. A. Norreys,
+Ionization states for the multipetawatt laser-QED regime,
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+Y. Guo, X. Geng, L. Ji, B. Shen and R. Li,
+Improving the accuracy of hard photon emission by sigmoid sampling of the quantum-electrodynamic table in particle-in-cell Monte Carlo simulations,
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+K. H. Pae, C. M. Kim, V. B. Pathak, C.-M. Ryu and C. H. Nam,
+Direct laser acceleration of electrons from a plasma mirror by an intense few-cycle Laguerre–Gaussian laser and its dependence on the carrier-envelope phase,
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+C.-W. Zhang, Y.-X. Zhu, J.-F. Lu and B.-S. Xie,
+Simulation Study of a Bright Attosecond γ-ray Source Generation by Irradiating an Intense Laser on a Cone Target,
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+Q. Han, X. Geng, B. Shen, Z. Xu and L. Ji,
+Ultra-fast polarization of a thin electron layer in the rotational standing-wave field driven by double ultra-intense laser pulses,
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+I. Göthel, C. Bernert, M. Bussmann, M. Garten, T. Miethlinger, M. Rehwald, K. Zeil, T. Ziegler, T. E. Cowan, U. Schramm and T. Kluge,
+Optimized laser ion acceleration at the relativistic critical density surface,
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+A. Fazzini, W. Yao, K. Burdonov, J. Béard, S. N. Chen, A. Ciardi, E. d’Humières, R. Diab, E. D. Filippov, S. Kisyov, V. Lelasseux, M. Miceli, Q. Moreno, S. Orlando, S. Pikuz, X. Ribeyre, M. Starodubtsev, R. Zemskov and J. Fuchs,
+Particle energization in colliding subcritical collisionless shocks investigated in the laboratory,
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+A. M. Bykov, S. M. Osipov and V. I. Romanskii,
+Acceleration of Cosmic Rays to Energies above 1015 eV by Transrelativistic Shocks,
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+A. Sundström, M. Grech, I. Pusztai and C. Riconda,
+Stimulated-Raman-scattering amplification of attosecond XUV pulses with pulse-train pumps and application to local in-depth plasma-density measurement,
+Physical Review E 106, 045208 (2022)
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+C. Krafft and P. Savoini,
+Third and Fourth Harmonics of Electromagnetic Emissions by a Weak Beam in a Solar Wind Plasma with Random Density Fluctuations,
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+C. Krafft and P. Savoini,
+Fundamental Electromagnetic Emissions by a Weak Electron Beam in Solar Wind Plasmas with Density Fluctuations,
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+High-energy-density plasma in femtosecond-laser-irradiated nanowire-array targets for nuclear reactions,
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+C. Davidson, Z.-M. Sheng, T. Wilson and P. McKenna,
+Theoretical and computational studies of the Weibel instability in several beam–plasma interaction configurations,
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+P. B. Glek and A. M. Zheltikov,
+Subcycle terahertz field waveforms clocked by attosecond high-harmonic pulses from relativistic laser plasmas,
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+F. Massimo, M. Lobet, J. Derouillat, A. Beck, G. Bouchard, M. Grech, F. Pérez, T. Vinci,
+A Task Programming Implementation for the Particle in Cell Code Smilei,
+PASC ‘22: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference 5, 1 (2022),
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+W. Yao, A. Fazzini, S. N. Chen, K. Burdonov, P. Antici, J. Béard, S. Bolaños, A. Ciardi, R. Diab, E. D. Filippov, S. Kisyov, V. Lelasseux, M. Miceli, Q. Moreno, V. Nastasa, S. Orlando, S. Pikuz, D. C. Popescu, G. Revet, X. Ribeyre, E. d’Humières and J. Fuchs,
+Detailed characterization of a laboratory magnetized supercritical collisionless shock and of the associated proton energization,
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+P. K. Singh, F.-Y. Li, C.-K. Huang, A. Moreau, R. Hollinger, A. Junghans, A. Favalli, C. Calvi, S. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Song, J. J. Rocca, R. E. Reinovsky and S. Palaniyappan,
+Vacuum laser acceleration of super-ponderomotive electrons using relativistic transparency injection,
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+M. Lobet, F. Massimo, A. Beck, G. Bouchard, F. Perez, T. Vinci, and M. Grech.
+Simple adaptations to speed-up the Particle-In-Cell code Smilei on the ARM-based Fujitsu A64FX processor.,
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+Particle jets in colliding two ultraintense laser pulses of varying frequencies,
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+B. T. Spiers, R. Aboushelbaya, Q. Feng, M. W. Mayr, I. Ouatu, R. W. Paddock, R. Timmis, R. H.-W. Wang and P. A. Norreys,
+Methods for extremely sparse-angle proton tomography,
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+P. Tomassini, F. Massimo, L. Labate and L. A. Gizzi,
+Accurate electron beam phase-space theory for ionization-injection schemes driven by laser pulses,
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+Radiation pressure acceleration of protons from structured thin-foil targets,
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+J. Bonvalet, P. Loiseau, J.-R. Marquès, E. Atukpor, E. d’Humières, J. Domange, P. Forestier-Colleoni, F. Hannachi, L. Lancia, D. Raffestin, M. Tarisien, V. Tikhonchuk and Ph. Nicolaï,
+Laser-driven collisionless shock acceleration of protons from gas jets tailored by one or two nanosecond beams,
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+Y. Shi, D. R. Blackman and A. Arefiev,
+Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts,
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+Nonthermal Particle Acceleration at Highly Oblique Nonrelativistic Shocks,
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+Undulator design for a laser-plasma-based free-electron-laser,
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+V. Horný and L. Veisz,
+Generation of single attosecond relativistic electron bunch from intense laser interaction with a nanosphere,
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+C. Krafft and P. Savoini,
+Second Harmonic Electromagnetic Emissions by an Electron Beam in Solar Wind Plasmas with Density Fluctuations,
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+E. Khalilzadeh, M. J. Jafari and A. Chakhmachi,
+Stochastic heating of electrons due to Raman backscatter radiations in interaction of intense laser pulse with nitrogen atoms,
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+S. Marini, P. S. Kleij, F. Amiranoff, M. Grech, C. Riconda and M. Raynaud,
+Key parameters for surface plasma wave excitation in the ultra-high intensity regime,
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+A. Sladkov, R. Smets, N. Aunai and A. Korzhimanov,
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+High-efficiency generation of narrowband soft x rays from carbon nanotube foams irradiated by relativistic femtosecond lasers,
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+H. Hosseinkhani, M. Pishdast, J. Yazdanpanah and S. A. Ghasemi,
+Investigation of the classical and quantum radiation reaction effect on interaction of ultra high power laser with near critical plasma,
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+Frequency Conversion of Lasers in a Dynamic Plasma Grating,
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+Generation of Ultrarelativistic Monoenergetic Electron Bunches via a Synergistic Interaction of Longitudinal Electric and Magnetic Fields of a Twisted Laser,
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+Energetic α-particle sources produced through proton-boron reactions by high-energy high-intensity laser beams,
+Physical Review E 103, 053202 (2021)
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+S. A. Shekhanov and V. T. Tikhonchuk,
+SRS-SBS competition and nonlinear laser energy absorption in a high temperature plasma,
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+J. Psikal,
+Laser-driven ion acceleration from near-critical Gaussian plasma density profile,
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+A. A. Golovanov, I. Y. Kostyukov, L. Reichwein, J. Thomas and A. Pukhov,
+Excitation of strongly nonlinear plasma wakefield by electron bunches,
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+Reaching high laser intensity by a radiating electron,
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+Over-critical sharp-gradient plasma slab produced by the collision of laser-induced blast-waves in a gas jet: Application to high-energy proton acceleration,
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+E. Khalilzadeh, M.J. Jafari, S. Rezaei and Z. Dehghani,
+The effect of the laser pulse shape on the wakefield generation in field-ionized plasma,
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+R. Babjak and J. Psikal,
+The role of standing wave in the generation of hot electrons by femtosecond laser beams incident on dense ionized target,
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+G. Cantono, A. Permogorov, J. Ferri, E. Smetanina, A. Dmitriev, A. Persson, T. Fülöp and C.-G. Wahlström,
+Laser-driven proton acceleration from ultrathin foils with nanoholes,
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+F. Pérez, F. Amiranoff, C. Briand, S. Depierreux, M. Grech, L. Lancia, P. Loiseau, J.-R. Marquès, C. Riconda and T. Vinci,
+Numerical study of Langmuir wave coalescence in laser-plasma interaction,
+Physics of Plasmas 28, 043102 (2021)
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+Y. D. Yoon and P. M. Bellan,
+How Hall electric fields intrinsically chaotize and heat ions during collisionless magnetic reconnection,
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+A. Sampath, X. Davoine, S. Corde, L. Gremillet, M. Gilljohann, M. Sangal, C. H. Keitel, R. Ariniello, J. Cary, H. Ekerfelt, C. Emma, F. Fiuza, H. Fujii, M. Hogan, C. Joshi, A. Knetsch, O. Kononenko, V. Lee, M. Litos, K. Marsh, Z. Nie, B. O’Shea, J. R. Peterson, P. San Miguel Claveria, D. Storey, Y. Wu, X. Xu, C. Zhang and M. Tamburini,
+Extremely Dense Gamma-Ray Pulses in Electron Beam-Multifoil Collisions,
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+S. Marini, P. S. Kleij, F. Pisani, F. Amiranoff, M. Grech, A. Macchi, M. Raynaud and C. Riconda,
+Ultrashort high energy electron bunches from tunable surface plasma waves driven with laser wavefront rotation,
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+W. Yao, A. Fazzini, S. N. Chen, K. Burdonov, P. Antici, J. Béard, S. Bolaños, A. Ciardi, R. Diab, E. D. Filippov, S. Kisyov, V. Lelasseux, M. Miceli, Q. Moreno, V. Nastasa, S. Orlando, S. Pikuz, D. C. Popescu, G. Revet, X. Ribeyre, E. d’Humières and J. Fuchs,
+Laboratory evidence for proton energization by collisionless shock surfing,
+Nature Physics 17, 1177-1182 (2021)
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+Radiation induced acceleration of ions in a laser irradiated transparent foil,
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+Laser Wakefield Driven Generation of Isolated Carrier-Envelope-Phase Tunable Intense Subcycle Pulses,
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+I. Pagano, J. Brooks, A. Bernstein, R. Zgadzaj, J. Leddy, J. Cary and M. C. Downer,
+Low Density Plasma Waveguides Driven by Ultrashort (30 fs) and Long (300 ps) Pulses for Laser Wakefield Acceleration,
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+C. Ruyer, A. Debayle, P. Loiseau, M. Casanova and P. E. Masson-Laborde,
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+H. Peng, C. Riconda, M. Grech, C.-T. Zhou and S. Weber,
+Dynamical aspects of plasma gratings driven by a static ponderomotive potential,
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+P. B. Glek, A. A. Voronin, V. Ya. Panchenko and A. M. Zheltikov,
+Relativistic electron bunches locked to attosecond optical field waveforms: an attosecond light–matter bound state,
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+D. Margarone, A. Morace, J. Bonvalet et al.,
+Generation of α-Particle Beams With a Multi-kJ, Peta-Watt Class Laser System,
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+Pair-beam propagation in a magnetized plasma for modeling the polarized radiation emission from gamma-ray bursts in laboratory astrophysics experiments,
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+A. V. Mitrofanov, D. A. Sidorov-Biryukov, P. B. Glek, M. V. Rozhko, E. A. Stepanov, A. D. Shutov, S. V. Ryabchuk, A. A. Voronin, A. B. Fedotov, and A. M. Zheltikov,
+Chirp-controlled high-harmonic and attosecond-pulse generation via coherent-wake plasma emission driven by mid-infrared laser pulses,
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+B. T. Spiers, M. P. Hill, C. Brown, L. Ceurvorst, N. Ratan, A. F. Savin, P. Allan, E. Floyd, J. Fyrth, L. Hobbs, S. James, J. Luis, M. Ramsay, N. Sircombe, J. Skidmore, R. Aboushelbaya, M. W. Mayr, R. Paddock, R. H. W. Wang and P. A. Norreys,
+Whole-beam self-focusing in fusion-relevant plasma,
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+J. Derouillat and A. Beck,
+Single Domain Multiple Decompositions for Particle-in-Cell simulations,
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+I. Zemzemi, F. Massimo and A. Beck,
+Azimuthal decomposition study of a realistic laser profile for efficient modeling of Laser WakeField Acceleration,
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+F. Massimo, I. Zemzemi, A. Beck, J. Derouillat and A. Specka,
+Efficient cylindrical envelope modeling for laser wakefield acceleration,
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+F. Massimo, A. Beck, J. Derouillat, I. Zemzemi and A. Specka,
+Numerical modeling of laser tunneling ionization in particle-in-cell codes with a laser envelope model,
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+A. Sundström, L. Gremillet, E. Siminos and I. Pusztai,
+Collisional effects on the electrostatic shock dynamics in thin-foil targets driven by an ultraintense short pulse laser,
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+A. Sundström, L. Gremillet, E. Siminos and I. Pusztai,
+Fast collisional electron heating and relaxation in thin foils driven by a circularly polarized ultraintense short-pulse laser,
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+- Ferri2020
+J. Ferri, I. Thiele, E. Siminos, L. Gremillet, E. Smetanina, A. Dmitriev, G. Cantono, C.-G. Wahlström and T. Fülöp,
+Enhancement of laser-driven ion acceleration in non-periodic nanostructured targets,
+Journal of Plasma Physics 86, 905860101 (2020)
+- Marques2019
+J.-R. Marquès, L. Lancia, T. Gangolf, M. Blecher, S. Bolaños, J. Fuchs, O. Willi, F. Amiranoff, R. L. Berger, M. Chiaramello, S. Weber, and C. Riconda,
+Joule-Level High-Efficiency Energy Transfer to Subpicosecond Laser Pulses by a Plasma-Based Amplifier,
+Physical Review X 9, 021008 (2019)
+- Plotnikov2019
+I. Plotnikov and L. Sironi,
+The synchrotron maser emission from relativistic shocks in Fast Radio Bursts: 1D PIC simulations of cold pair plasmas,
+Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 3816 (2019)
+- Dargent2019b
+J. Dargent, N. Aunai, B. Lavraud, S. Toledo-Redondo and F. Califano,
+Signatures of Cold Ions in a Kinetic Simulation of the Reconnecting Magnetopause,
+Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 2497 (2019)
+- Dargent2019a
+J. Dargent, F. Lavorenti, F. Califano, P. Henri, F. Pucci and S. S. Cerri,
+Interplay between Kelvin–Helmholtz and lower-hybrid drift instabilities,
+Journal of Plasma Physics 85, 805850601
+- Geng2019
+X. S. Geng, L. L. Ji, B. F. Shen et al.,
+Quantum reflection above the classical radiation-reaction barrier in the quantum electro-dynamics regime,
+Communications Physics 2, 66 (2019)
+- Sinha2019
+U. Sinha, C. H. Keitel, and N. Kumar,
+Polarized Light from the Transportation of a Matter-Antimatter Beam in a Plasma,
+Physical Review Letters 122, 204801 (2019)
+- Malko2019
+S. Malko, X. Vaisseau, F. Perez, D. Batani, A. Curcio, M. Ehret, J. Honrubia, K. Jakubowska, A. Morace, J. J. Santos and L. Volpe,
+Enhanced relativistic-electron beam collimation using two consecutive laser pulses,
+Scientific Reports 9, 14061 (2019)
+- Peng2019
+H. Peng, C. Riconda, M. Grech, J.-Q. Su and S. Weber,
+Nonlinear dynamics of laser-generated ion-plasma gratings: A unified description,
+Physical Review E 100, 061201 (2019)
+- Fang2019
+J. Fang, C.-Y. Lu, J.-W. Yan and H. Yu,
+Early acceleration of electrons and protons at the nonrelativistic quasiparallel shocks with different obliquity angles,
+Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 19, 182 (2019)
+- Yoon2019b
+Y. Yoon and P. M. Bellan,
+Kinetic Verification of the Stochastic Ion Heating Mechanism in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection,
+The Astrophysical Journal Letters 887, L29 (2019)
+- Yoon2019a
+Y. D. Yoon and P. M. Bellan,
+The electron canonical battery effect in magnetic reconnection: Completion of the electron canonical vorticity framework,
+Physics of Plasmas 26, 100702 (2019)
+- Massimo2019
+F. Massimo, A. Beck, J. Derouillat, M. Grech, M. Lobet, F. Pérez, I. Zemzemi and A Specka,
+Efficient start-to-end 3D envelope modeling for two-stage laser wakefield acceleration experiments,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61, 124001 (2019)
+- Beck2019
+A. Beck, J. Derouillat, M. Lobet, A. Farjallah, F. Massimo, I. Zemzemi, F. Perez, T. Vinci and M. Grech,
+Adaptive SIMD optimizations in particle-in-cell codes with fine-grain particle sorting,
+Computer Physics Communications 244, 246-263 (2019)
+- Pérez2019
+F. Pérez and M. Grech,
+Oblique-incidence, arbitrary-profile wave injection for electromagnetic simulations,
+Physical Review E 99, 033307 (2019)
+- Thiele2019
+I. Thiele, E. Siminos and T. Fülöp,
+Electron Beam Driven Generation of Frequency-Tunable Isolated Relativistic Subcycle Pulses,
+Physical Review Letters 122, 104803 (2019)
+- Golovanov2018
+A. A. Golovanov and I. Yu. Kostyukov,
+Bubble regime of plasma wakefield in 2D and 3D geometries,
+Physics of Plasmas 25, 103107 (2018)
+- ToledoRedondo2018
+S. Toledo-Redondo, J. Dargent, N. Aunai, B. Lavraud, M. André, W. Li, B. Giles, P.-A. Lindvist, R. E. Ergun, C. T. Russel and J. L. Burch,
+Perpendicular Current Reduction Caused by Cold Ions of Ionospheric Origin in Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause: Particle-in-Cell Simulations and Spacecraft Observations,
+Geophysical Research Letters 45, 10,033 (2018)
+- Gelfer2018
+E. Gelfer, N. Elkina and A. Fedotov,
+Unexpected impact of radiation friction: enhancing production of longitudinal plasma waves,
+Scientific Reports 8, 6478 (2018)
+- Niel2018b
+F. Niel, C. Riconda, F. Amiranoff, M. Lobet, J. Derouillat, F. Pérez, T. Vinci and M. Grech,
+From quantum to classical modeling of radiation reaction: a focus on the radiation spectrum,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 094002 (2018)
+- Plotnikov2018
+I. Plotnikov, A. Grassi and M. Grech,
+Perpendicular relativistic shocks in magnetized pair plasma,
+Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 5238-5260 (2018)
+- Niel2018a
+F. Niel, C. Riconda, F. Amiranoff, R. Duclous and M. Grech,
+From quantum to classical modeling of radiation reaction: A focus on stochasticity effects,
+Physical Review E 97, 043209 (2018)
+- Grassi2017b
+A. Grassi, M. Grech, F. Amiranoff, A. Macchi and C. Riconda,
+Radiation-pressure-driven ion Weibel instability and collisionless shocks,
+Physical Review E 96, 033204 (2017)
+- Fedeli2017
+L. Fedeli, A. Formenti, L. Cialfi, A. Sgattoni, G. Cantono and M. Passoni,
+Structured targets for advanced laser-driven sources,
+Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 014013 (2017)
+- Golovanov2017
+A. A. Golovanov, I. Yu. Kostyukov, J. Thomas and A. Pukhov,
+Analytic model for electromagnetic fields in the bubble regime of plasma wakefield in non-uniform plasmas,
+Physics of Plasmas 24, 103104 (2017)
+- Dargent2017
+J. Dargent, N. Aunai, B. Lavraud, S. Toledo-Redondo, M. A. Shay, P. A. Cassak and K. Malakit,
+Kinetic simulation of asymmetric magnetic reconnection with cold ions,
+Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122, 5290-5306 (2017)
+- Grassi2017a
+A. Grassi, M. Grech, F. Amiranoff, F. Pegoraro, A. Macchi and C. Riconda,
+Electron Weibel instability in relativistic counterstreaming plasmas with flow-aligned external magnetic fields,
+Physical Review E 95, 023203 (2017)
+- Dargent2016
+J. Dargent, N. Aunai, G. Belmont, N. Dorville, B. Lavraud and M. Hesse,
+Full particle-in-cell simulations of kinetic equilibria and the role of the initial current sheet on steady asymmetric magnetic reconnection,
+Journal of Plasma Physics 82, 905820305 (2016)
+- Chiaramello2016
+M. Chiaramello, C. Riconda, F. Amiranoff, J. Fuchs, M. Grech, L. Lancia, J.-R. Marquès, T. Vinci and S. Weber,
+Optimization of interaction conditions for efficient short laser pulse amplification by stimulated Brillouin scattering in the strongly coupled regime,
+Physics of Plasmas 23, 072103 (2016)
+- Beck2016
+A. Beck, J.T. Frederiksen and J. Dérouillat,
+Load management strategy for Particle-In-Cell simulations in high energy particle acceleration,
+Nuclear Instuments and Methods in Physics Research A 829, 418-421 (2016)
+- Lancia2016
+L. Lancia, A. Giribono, L. Vassura, M. Chiaramello, C. Riconda, S. Weber, A. Castan, A. Chatelain, A. Frank, T. Gangolf, M. N. Quinn, J. Fuchs and J.-R. Marquès,
+Signatures of the Self-Similar Regime of Strongly Coupled Stimulated Brillouin Scattering for Efficient Short Laser Pulse Amplification,
+Physical Review Letters 116, 075001 (2016)