For this practicum, you write an introduction, the main focus, but also you will practice how to present a figure and write results, and a short discussion (you don’t need to provide material and methods).
You will need to:
Write an introduction for this lab. You must introduce the topic of the lab and set it into a broad context, gradually narrowing down to a research problem. Ensure a good structure which leads to the problem theorem and the objectives. (max word count: 600). Help for writing.
Record and present your results in a figure + legend. Make sure the figure/graph/tables and legend can stand-alone and are unambiguous and self-explainable
Write results: Objectively describe your figure (max word count: 250).
Write discussion. Discuss your findings in the broader context by using 1 literature reference as the minimum. (max word count: 250)
Conclusion: draw a firm conclusion about your results which should be an answer to the objectives (max 2 paragraphs or 8 sentences).
Follow these format/style guidelines
Report should be made with ms Word or similar:
- Language: Dutch or English
- Font: Calibri 12 pnt
- Line spacing: 1.5
Deadline 3/11/2020
Send reports via mail to [email protected]. The name of the file should be Lab1_yourname.doc
Feedback moment 5/11/2020
You will get feed-back on your report. Where are the mistakes, how to improve writing introduction, drawing figures and legends, and writing discussion.