A streaming library for Swarm that enables media streaming and playback (watching/listening) over Swarm.
To play a stream, first initialize a player Bee node. This node handles all requests related to playing the stream. Then, you can use the attach to initalize the player.
import { playerBee, attach, EVENTS } from 'swarm-stream-js';
const controls = attach({ media: videoRef, address: owner, topic });
// on the controls you use the followings
You can listen on events like this
controls.on(EVENTS.LOADING_PLAYING_CHANGE, (isLoading: boolean) => console.log(isLoading));
export const EVENTS = {
To stream media, initialize a streamer Bee node. This node manages requests related to streaming.
import { isStreamOngoing, startStream, stopStream, streamBee } from 'swarm-stream-js';
async function startStream(
signer: Signer, // To continuously write to Swarm feeds, a Signer (public and private key pair) must be provided.
topic: string, // A unique topic name. This is required for playing the stream via the VideoPlayer.
stamp: BatchId, // A valid BatchId for writing to Swarm.
options: Options // Configuration for the stream.
): Promise<void>;
interface Options {
video: boolean; // Whether to include video in the stream
audio: boolean; // Whether to include audio in the stream
timeslice: number; // The interval at which to create media segments (currently fixed at 2000ms)
videoBitsPerSecond: number; // Defines the video quality of the stream
function stopStream(): void;
function isStreamOngoing(): boolean;
Currently, the following browser features are required:
- 'video/webm; codecs=vp9,opus' (the library is specific to WebM format)
- Navigator.mediaDevices: MediaDevices API
- MediaRecorder: Media recording API
- MediaSource: Media source extensions
- SourceBuffer: Used for appending media segments
Tests have primarily been conducted using Chrome.
A new Swarm feed is created. Each media segment from MediaRecorder is uploaded to the Swarm feed under a specific feed index. The indexing is manual to avoid lookups. Feed index 0 contains the stream's metadata, which is necessary to initialize the MediaSource.
The player first retrieves metadata from feed index 0. It then waits for a cluster start (keyframe), ensuring that the cluster is clean. The player starts appending subsequent segments in order once the cluster is established.
Helpful docs:
- https://docs.ethswarm.org/docs/develop/tools-and-features/feeds#what-are-feeds
- https://www.webmproject.org/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Binary_Meta_Language
An example demo project to demonstrate a simple use case: https://github.com/Solar-Punk-Ltd/swarm-stream-react-example