Observation | Object Orientation | Property Graph | Triplet Models |
Focus of Representation | Instance-focused | Depending on Scope; Analysis focused | Linkage focused |
Information encoding | set of key-value pairs belonging to an Object per row | Mixed key-value and subject-predicate-object semantics | set of relations/triplets with Subject-Predicate-Object semantics |
Feature Entropy | attributes are sufficient | Mixture neccessary | Graph-based features are sufficient |
Conversion | make key-value pairs predicate-Object relations linked to subject | Either OO or Triplet approach to "normalize" | Store as key-value pairs with subject as Storage Object |
Corresponding Normal Form | NF^2 | [NF^2, 6 NF (dependency preserving)] | 6 NF (dependency preserving) |
dependency preserving := no extra rows'd be inserted if they're not present before when transforming from 4 NF to 5 NF
- Handcrafted yields good results
- but not in the general case
- general rules e.g. characteristic set work but may omit structures as "neighbour with relation type X has always attribute/value Y" - Consider Business A -[in Category]-> category C. Char set A{in_category}. Yields no information of value
=> Build automatic extraction into Trestle algorithm
- degree of the ego; In case of directed additionally in/out degree; In case of weighted, weighted versions of all
- Number of arcs per type
- Characteristic set aka the set of all relation types of the ego
- density per type: no arcs/no possible arcs
- Homophily: Same node type/degree
- Reach: degree/total
Assumes no labels => Only structural features
- Local:
- degree of the ego
- In case of directed additionally in/out degree
- In case of weighted, weighted versions of all
- Ego-Net:
- number of arcs within ego net
- incoming and outgoing set of egonet as a whole or number of arcs to 2-Neighbourhood
- directed and weighted versions of the above
- Recursive Features := Aggregate computed over feature value among node's neighbours
- Used aggregates: Mean, Sum, Min, Max, Variance for numeric; mode, distribution for categorical
- Mean/Sum/... degree of all neighbours of a node
- Mean/Sum/... number of nodes to external neighbours
- directed and weighted version
- Mode attribute value with support > 50%
- Aggregations of the above