The DiFi Dashboard is a Multiwallet Dashboard designed to streamline the management of multiple wallets and blockchain networks. Users often operate across various chains and wallets, making it difficult to track balances, transactions, and portfolio performance in one place. This dashboard provides a unified interface to manage, monitor, and interact with multiple wallets seamlessly.
With the increasing adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi), users frequently interact with multiple wallets on different blockchain networks. However, tracking assets, transactions, and balances across these platforms is cumbersome and inefficient. The DiFi Dashboard solves this by integrating multiple wallets into a single, easy-to-use interface.
- Multiwallet Integration: Connect and manage multiple wallets across various blockchains.
- Cross-Chain Support: View assets across different chains without switching platforms.
- Real-time Portfolio Tracking: Get updated balances, token holdings, and price movements.
- Transaction History: Track past transactions across multiple wallets in one place.
- Custom Alerts & Notifications: Stay informed about wallet activity and significant price changes.
- Security & Privacy: User data is securely handled, with non-custodial wallet connections.
- Frontend: React.js / Next.js (for a responsive and intuitive UI)
- Backend: Node.js / Express.js
- Blockchain Integration: Web3.js / Ethers.js (for wallet interactions)
- Database: MongoDB / Firebase (for storing non-sensitive user data)
- APIs & Services:
- CoinGecko / CoinMarketCap (for price tracking)
- WalletConnect / MetaMask API (for wallet integration)
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Geist, a new font family for Vercel.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.