Releases: SpexGH/TheOtherUs
Releases · SpexGH/TheOtherUs
The Other Us 1.1.1
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Changes:
- After Death Modifiers are now shown in results on Game End
- Bug Fixes:
- Swooper who is swooping while sidekicked stays invisible
- Jackal can no longer target an invisible Swooper
- Map doesn't update when moving
- Hunter light does not work in hide and seek
- Veteran alert only lasts 2 seconds
- Guesser Modifier is assigned in Guesser mode
- Amnesiac doesn't properly take Trapper or Theif
- BodyGuard stops being crew if Amnesiac takes their role
- Executioner target name not marked
- Roles assigned multiple times in one game
- Chameleon modifer info not showing
The Other Us 1.1.0
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Changes:
- Added support for Among Us 10.25.2020
- See for all other new features.
- Intro Screen now displays role color in the background for Neutral roles
- New Imposter Role:
- Escapist - Mark a location and jump to it later
- Role Modified:
- Jumper Place now resets after meetings (same for Escapist)
- Modifier Modified:
- Blind is now exclusively a crewmate modifier
- Option Added:
- Directly integrate Better Polus
- Option Modified:
- Lover can now be guessed if Guessing Modifiers is enabled
- Option Modified:
- Camo Comms now sets players color to gray instead of black
- Option Expanded:
- Added an option for the Jackal to murder if they attempt to sidekick an Impostor when sidekicking impostors is off
- Bug Fixes:
- Mini Swooper's age is no longer visible when swooped
- Mini's age is no longer visible while Camo Comms is active
- Names are no longer visible during Camo Comms
- Bomber should no longer do anything if the bombed player is dead (Bomber should still be considered in beta)
The Other Us 1.0.7
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Bug Fixes
- New Color - Stitch
- New Colors and New Hats coming soon!
- New Modifier - Tunneler: Crewmate Modifier. When the Tunneler is done with their tasks, they will be able to vent.
- Ghosts can now see everyones names while names are hidden for players who are alive.
The Other Us 1.0.6
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Bug Fixes
- Cultist works some of the time
- Lawyer has target now??
- Power Crew blocks game end if enabled
The Other Us 1.0.5
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Added Cultist Imposter Role (work in progress)
- NEW Discord Server! Click on the button that says "Discord" on the bottom left of the main menu screen and join the community!
The Other Us 1.0.4
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
More Bug Fixes
- Added back some Sheriff and Lawyer settings
- Added back Torch Modifier
- Ghosts can now see Assassin Modifier next to an Imposter's name
The Other Us 1.0.3
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
Bug fixes
The Other Us 1.0.2
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Fixed Bugs with Cultist Role
- Added Option for Jackal Team to have Chat
- Added Option for Jackal Team to Sabotage
- Fixed Bugs with Torch Modifier
- Werewolf Vision now changes depending on whether or not the Werewolf is Rampaged
- Removed Garlic Button
The Other Us 1.0.1
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else.
- Improved "THE OTHER US" Logo Quality on Main Menu Screen.
- New Modifier: Torch. This is a crewmate modifier that ensures vision doesn't get reduced when the lights are sabotaged.
- New Modifier: Fanatic. This is a crewmate modifier that can be guessed always. If the Fanatic is attacked by an Impostor, the attacker is blanked and the Fanatic becomes Impostor.
- Add an option to allow Jester to hide in vents.
- New Impostor Role: Cultist
- Known Bugs:
- When Swooper is Mini, the Mini's age "()" can be seen when invisible.
- Camouflage Comms not hiding names
- Games might not work properly unless the Submerged map is downloaded->Click the "Download Submerged" button in the bottom left of the main menu screen and then restart your game to fix this issue
The Other Us 1.0.0
Credit to The Other Roles for everything here from them and everything else and every release starting here and afterwards.
Initial Release
- Credits to @JustASysAdmin & @Mr-Fluuff
- Update Credits by @Ryan-M-Smith & @SpexGH
- New Colors!
- New Imposter Roles: Bomber, Undertaker, Blackmailer, Miner
- New Neutral Roles: Executioner, Amnesiac, Swooper, Werewolf
- New Crewmate Roles: Vigilante, Veteran, Bodyguard
- New Modifiers: Assassin, Indomitable, Blind, Sleuth
- Renamed Nice Guesser role to Vigilante
- Renamed Evil Guesser role to Assassin and made it a Modifier
- New Game Settings and Role & Modifier Settings
- Sound Effects: Most buttons / role functionalities have a sound!
- Mod option: Enable Sound Effects
- Support for the Submerged map (
- Games might not work properly unless the Submerged map is downloaded->Click the "Download Submerged" button in the bottom left of the main menu screen and then restart your game to fix this issue
- New Option Features:
- Camouflage Comms
- Restrict Map Imformation (Restricts Admin Table use, Camera use, and Vitals use for a set amount of time per round or per game)
- Show Button Target
- Random Spawn Location
- Allow Guessing Some Modifiers
- Reset Spawn Cooldown
- Option to Disable Garlic
- Option for Swooper to Spawn as Alternate Jackal
- Laywer Client Options (Non-Crew, Crew, or Any)
- Sheriff Misfire Options (Misfire Kills Self, Target, or Both)
- Added Options to choose specific Neutral roles that the Sheriff is able to kill
- Assassin Modifier Quantity allows for more than one imposter to be able to guess roles