Releases: SpotIM/spotim-react-native-sdk
Releases · SpotIM/spotim-react-native-sdk
Version 1.2.1
- Update the react native iOS podspec file with iOS SDK v1.5.13
- Remove Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK dependency from podspec
Version 1.2.0
- Update the react native iOS podspec file with iOS SDK v1.5.4 (move to Xcframework solution)
- Support for Xcode 14.5
Version 1.1.0
Update the react native iOS podspec file with iOS SDK v1.1.1
s.dependency "SpotIMCore", '~> 1.1.1'
s.dependency "Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK", '~> 7.69.0'
Bug fixes and stability improvements
Crash when commiting the pre-conversation fragment after onSaveInstanceState called
Bug fixes and stability improvements
- Android height issues
- Android crash when switching fast between screens that contain the SpotIm view
- iOS Crash when API returns an error
Removed RCTEventEmitter init from native iOS code
v1.0.13-rc.3 1.0.13-rc.3
Crash Fix on iOS when API returns an error
v1.0.13-rc.2 Fixed spot-id for sample app
Fix crash on Android
Crash when switching fast between screens that contain the SpotIm view
Android flickering fixes
v1.0.13-rc.0 1.0.13-rc.0