Networks or hosts can be added using the CLI.
In its most basic form, the prefix is manually specified along with the required attributes:
user@host $ nipap address add prefix type reservation description "My test prefix"
Network added to VRF 'default' [RT: -]: My test prefix
To simplify adding a prefix, it is possible to instruct NIPAP to add a new prefix by finding the first available one from another, already existing, prefix:
user@host $ nipap address add from-prefix prefix_length 29 type assignment description "My somewhat smaller prefix"
Network added to VRF 'default' [RT: -]: My somewhat smaller prefix
user@host $
Similarly, it is possible to add a prefix by finding the first available prefix(es) from a pool. For this to work, you first have to associate a prefix with that pool:
user@host $ nipap pool resize test-linknets add
Prefix in VRF 'None' [RT: all] added to pool 'test-linknets'.
user@host $
Now you can request space from that pool with:
user@host $ nipap address add from-pool test-linknets family ipv4 type assignment description "This was added from a pool"
Prefix in VRF 'None' [RT: all] added to pool 'test-linknets'.
user@host $
When adding from a pool it is possible to get both an IPv4 and IPv6 prefix at the same time. Use the same syntax as for adding a single prefix but instead of specifying family 4 or 6, you specify family dual-stack.
For this to work, you first need to add some ipv6 space to NIPAP:
user@host $ nipap address add prefix 2001:db8:14::/48 type reservation description "My test v6 prefix"
Network 2001:db8:14::/48 added to VRF 'default' [RT: -]: My test v6 prefix
user@host $
Then associate it with the pool:
user@host $ nipap pool resize test-linknets add 2001:db8:14::/48
Prefix 2001:db8:14::/48 in VRF 'default' [RT: -] added to pool 'test-linknets'.
user@host $
Now specify the dual-stack argument:
user@host $ nipap address add from-pool test-linknets family dual-stack type assignment description "This was added with the dualstacked option"
Network added to VRF 'default' [RT: -]: This was added with the dualstacked option
Network 2001:db8:14::/112 added to VRF 'default' [RT: -]: This was added with the dualstacked option
user@host $
When using dual-stack it is not possible to manually specify the prefix length. The pool's default prefix length for respective address family will be used.
Also note that using family dual-stack does not result in one atomic operation - there are two requests to the backend. This means that if one request fails, for example due to shortage of addresses, the other one might succeed. It is up to the user to handle this.