This is a repo which shows what I learned each day!
1. made zero-hero webRTC notes
1. webRTC Tut done and built a video calling application
2. 4, 5, 6, 7 Phases of LSS done
1. project setup and splash and phone screen
2. tabs done and phone page input should be better
3. modified rootlayout and made demo pages of all
4. configured firebase, .env, and gservs
1. Brainstormed About SyncUp
2. 1, 2, 3 Phases of LSS done
1. LSS notes complete
2. deleted templateId from user contributions when template is deleted
3. Made Tiles Gaurdian using Lovable
1. second phase of LSS
2. 141, 160, 234, 237
3. Learned about various API Protocols
1. edit and delete template done
2. added loader in bookmarks
3. logs configured in every operation
4. changed admin layout for admin/member and resolved contributors read error
5. phase 1: Introduction to Shell Scripting
6. Learned about acid props
1. logs page done and adopted table comp for both logs and user data
2. edited settings page
3. updated details in logs
4. indented the dets in logs table
5. added skeleton grid in contributors and templates of user side
6. made a service for adding template Id's in users contributions array
7. added edit/delete btn's in template cards and rendered user contributions in profile
1. 18, 229, 493, 62, 2
2. made flag page and it's services and contributors page in admin panel and resolved the profile pic issue in this contr's page
1. buy me a coffee added and deployed to netlify
1. (sysDes)Learned about various s/w Architectural styles
2. learned about version releases in git
3. Made a Gym website using Lovable
4. done 169,74,19,206,21,876 and learned boyer-moore voting algo
5. Learned about s/w architectures
1. build error resolved in eGo Bus
2. Learned about Netflix Tech stack
1. (sysDes) Learned about SQL joins and types of auths and rate limiting in nodejs
2. like service done and solved userID issue in auth-storage
3. promotion and demotion of users done and resolved the like issue in bookmarks
4. solved 3 leetcode Problems
1. solved profile bug and removed bookmarks in profile and made a sample folders page and made contributors page and it's service
1. opened disuccsion in bat templates and closed issue 2
2. approval/rejection service and rendering templates in user and bookmarks page completed
3. edit profile comp done but need to fix the bug in service
1. made bat templates public and opened an issue
2. aws piyush tut completed
3. made a pwa and used railway mongo image in backend for ugnotes
4. razorpay integrated in ugnotes
5. added more sections in home and made responsive and made home modular
2. watched web3 roadmap
3. made admin page responsive, templates in dashboard and it's approval and rejection service and flag modal for templates
1. Solved 118, 48, 73 of TUF_SDE_DSA_CHEAT_SHEET
1. Solved Leetcode Problems of TUF_SDE: repo
2. Started AWS and learned about ip addressing/vpc's/subnets/route tables/internetGateways
3. made responsive, added template form and it's service and rendered that data in admin dashboard
1. made users table and all avail pages responsive
2. (sysDes)Learned about OSI(open systems interconnections)
3. (sysDes)Learned about Top 5 ways to optimize the API performance: post
4. Learned about Load Testing Practically with Apache_JMeter: code
1. Completed Clone tutorial
1. Reviewed and merged the PR in fitness repo
2. made templates page and template card comp
1. Reported issue in issue
2. made asmin-sidebar/dashboard/tabs_comps/card Comp/folder and template fetching services
3. codeQL workflow added in batTemplates
4. removed pagesDeploy.yml workflow
5. added docker and updated readme
6. removed codeQL and made settings form and service and some other minor changes regarding overflow in admin
1. (sysDes) learned about kafka and it's use cases: notes
2. changed user sidebar icons and made admin sidebar of batTemplates
1. added toasts for auth and made profile modular
2. made 404 page and admin/user Layouts
3. made admin auth and admin's protected routes
4. (sysDes) learned about kafka and it's top 5 use cases
1. created user in firestore
2. made profile and localStorageUtils
3. (sysDes) learned about 9 types of API testing
1. added EmailAuth to bat templates
2. moved auth logic to hooks
3. GHpages deploy workflow added and schema done
1. added accessToken to cookie
2. added authMiddleware and handled firebase sesssion management and used loader while authing
3. transition of auth modals and it's state issue done
1. google signin implemented
2. sent googleUserData to localStorage
1. Made Homepage and integrated signin/register modals with store
2. added docker file and configured firebase
1. created signin, register and sidebar components in bat templates
2. added routing to bat templates
1. added useToast hook in bat templates
2. learned about react-hook-form
3. learned redis (nodejs): notes
1. Updated the folder structure of bat templates
2. configured tailwind CSS in bat templates
3. made ui of bat templates
4. made Loader and Button Components in Bat templates
5. wrote readme for bat templates
1. Learned about template repo's in github: one need write permission to make a repo as a template and for using a repo as a template we need to have atleast read permissions
2. Created Issue (bug and feature) and PR templates in Bat templates Project
3. Made folder structure for bat templates
1. Brainstormed Bat templates
2. Learned about Sharding and Vertical Partitioning: view post
3. Learned about lazy deletion of redis: notes
4. Learned about Lua scripting in Redis For custom logical atomic operations
5. completed zustand tutorial: notes
6. completed practicing phase 1,2,3 of redis beginner to advanced notes: notes
7. Learned about Progressive web apps: vid
1. Completed Redis Tutorial
2. Made redis basic to advanced notes: notes
3. Learned Why to use Kafka?
1. Explored GitHub Gists: My first demo Gist
2. Learned CodeQL analysis and implemented in eGO Bus: gist
3. Prepared for DWDM sem Exam
1. Searching npm packages through cli:
2. Creating an npm auth token: npm token create
3. Completed GitHub Actions Tutorial: repo
4. Publishing npm packages with actions automatically: code
5. How packages are published not based on push alone using GitHub Actions:
6. We use version tags like below to trigger package new release: git push origin v1.0.0
7. The-Learning-Diary: Today I created this Readme
1. Revised Git Basics in Animated way: Learn Here
1. Made batTemplates Logo:
1. Fixed Django GitHub Actions Issue (#1855): PR
2. Completed Webpack Tutorial: Tutorial
1. Cron job expressions: crontab
1. How to open a repo in come to code section of a repo and press period " . " to open that repo in GitHub web code editor
1. Learnt & Published First npm package: sslpackage
2. Learnt & Published First pip package: sslcalculator
3. AutoImportShell Proposals: proposal
4. GitHub Features to Explore:
5. Project templates of all languages: cookiecutter
6. Made AutoImportingModelsInShell --GSoC 2024 Django Project: Code
7. Completed Django Tutorial: Code Snippets
8. Feature Request for Django: Issue
1. Partial Cloning: To save bandwidth, add --depth 1
to clone only the latest commit history:
git clone --depth 1 <repo_url>
2. To see the modified file changes: git diff <file path>
or git add <commit hash>
3. Chose the orgs to contribute to:
1 .Django
2. Wikimedia
3. Webpack
4. Json schema
5. Plone
4. Learnt about virtualenvwrapper-win Python package:
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
After installing execute: `mkvirtualenv env_name`
Now the env activates automatically
To activate a env: `workon virtualenv_name`
5. Opening a dir in file explorer using cmd: type "start ." in a directory in cmd to open it in file explorer
6. Made a basic web framework: framework repo
7. Learnt about python variables with _
and __
: Download the Notes
1. Flow of OS Contribution:
2. Bat script for creating a folder structure:
Steps to run the batch script:
1. Open Notepad (or any text editor).
2. Copy and paste the above script into the editor.
3. Save the file as create_structure.bat (make sure the extension is .bat and not .txt).
4. Double-click on the create_structure.bat file, and it will automatically create the folder structure and files for your framework.
1. For compiling CSS in through Docker: docker-compose exec web make compile-scss
2. Installed GitHub CLI
3. 2nd Django issue and PR: issue and pr
1. Searching a File: git ls-files '**/404.html'
2. Vulture method for searching tickets on Django: click here
3. Squashing Commits/Interactive Rebase:
1. Opened my first issue on Django website: first Django issue and PR
1. Started My Open Source Contribution: first issue and PR