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Polkadot Staking Dashboard [Beta]


Staking dashboard is live on

Screenshot 2022-07-24 at 15 34 35

Validator Entity Setup Guide

Validators can add their identity, contact information and validator list to the dashboard’s Community section. The Community feature is designed to give non-biased exposure to validator entities, and to host a fully-featured validator browser just for that entity's validators.

To add your entity, submit a PR with the following changes:

  • Thumbnail SVG: Add your entity's thumbnail as an SVG file to this folder.
  • Entity details: Add your entity details to the VALIDATORS_COMMUNITYJSON object in this file.

Entity Structure

The following table outlines the structure of a VALIDATOR_COMMUNITY entry:

Element Key Required Notes Example
Entity Name name Yes The chosen name of your entity. Validator Central
Thumbnail SVG Thumbnail Yes Must be a square SVG file with a non-transparent background, to ensure compatibility with both light and dark theming. See Below
Bio bio No A short description of your entity. Maximum 300 characters. Summing up my validator identity in a sentence or so.
Email Address email No A public email address representing your entity. [email protected]
Twitter Handle twitter No The Twitter handle representing your entity. @ParityTech
Website URL website No A live and vlid secure URL to your website.
Validator List validators Yes A list of validators grouped by network. At least 1 validator in 1 network must be defined. See Below

Example Entity

At the top of config/validators/index.ts, import the SVG you added in the corresponding ./thumbnails folder as a React component:

import { ReactComponent as ValidatorCentral } from './thumbnails/validatorCentral.svg';

Then add your entity details to the VALIDATOR_COMMUNITY object. Only provide the validator(s) for the particular network(s) you are operating in. If you have no operating validators on Kusama, for example, the kusama key can be omitted.

The following example defines 2 validators on the Polkadot network, and 1 on Kusama:

export const VALIDATOR_COMMUNITY = [
    name: 'Validator Central',
    Thumbnail: ValidatorCentral,
    bio: 'Summing up my validator identity in a sentence or so. Maximum 300 characters.',
    email: '[email protected]',
    twitter: '@ParityTech',
    website: '',
    validators: {
      polkadot: [
      kusama: ['FykhnPA3pn269LAcQ8VQKDgUQ8ieAaSLwJDhAVhu3dcokVR'],

General Requirements

Requirement Notes
Accuracy Entity contact details must be working and valid.
Liveness All submitted validator addresses must be discoverable as a validator on the network in question - whether Polkadot or Kusama.
Ordering Please place your entity in alphabetical order within VALIDATOR_COMMUNITY. Validator entities (and their validators) are shuffled before being displayed in the dashboard, removing any bias associated with ordering methods.

Please submit an issue for any queries around adding your validator entity.

Contribution Guide


This section aims to familiarise developers to the Polkadot Staking Dashboard [GitHub, Demo] for the purpose of contributing to the project.

Reach out to [email protected] for clarification of any content within this document.

Major Packages Used

  • React 18
  • Polkadot JS API [docs]
  • React Chart JS 2 for graphing. [docs, React docs]
  • Framer Motion. [docs]
  • Font Awesome for the majority of icons. Ionicons for side menu footer icons
  • Downshift for dropdowns [docs]
  • Styled Components [docs] alongside Styled Theming [docs] for theme configuration.

Environment Variables

Optionally apply the following envrionment variables in an environment file such as .env or with yarn build to customise the build of staking dashboard:

# disable all mentioning of fiat values and token prices

# display an organisation label in the network bar
REACT_APP_ORGANISATION="© Parity Technologies"

# provide a privacy policy url in the network bar

Config Files

There are some ad-hoc files defining app configuration where needed. These just provide a means of bootstrapping app data, and further abstraction could be explored in the future.

  • config/pages.ts: provides the pages and page categories of the app.
  • config/assistant.ts: provides the assistant content.
  • Utils.ts: Various general helper functions used throughout the app, such as formatting utilities.


Folders are structured in the src/ directory to separate functional, presentational and context components:

  • contexts: context providers for the app. All Polkadot JS API interaction happens in these files.
  • img: app SVGs.
  • library: reusable components that could eventually be abstracted into a separate UI library.
  • modals: the various modal pop-ups used in the app.
  • pages: similar to modals, page components and components that comprise pages.
  • theme: the theming configuration of the app.
  • workers: web workers that crunch process-heavy scripts. Only one exists right now, that iterates erasStakers and calculates active nominators and minimum nomination bond.

App Entry

Going from the top-most component, the component hierarchy is set up as follows:

  • index.tsx: DOM render, of little interest.
  • App.tsx: wraps <App /> in the theme provider context and determines the active network from local storage.
  • Providers.tsx: imports and wraps <Router /> with all the contexts using a withProviders hook. We also wrap styled component's theme provider context here to make the theme configuration work.
  • Router.tsx: contains react router <Route>'s, in addition to the major app presentational components. Beyond <Route> components, this file is also the entry point for the following components:
    • <Modal />: top-level of the modal.
    • <Assistant />: top-level of the assistant.
    • <Headers />: fixed header of the app containing the stash / controller, assistant and menu toggle buttons.
    • <NetworkBar />: fixed network bar at the bottom of the app.
    • <Notifications />: smaller context-based popups. Currently used on click-to-copy, or to display extrinsic status (pending, success).

Development Patterns

Documenting some of the development patterns used:

  • We use the "Wrapper" terminology for styled components that wrap a functional component.
  • Styles are defined on a per-component basis, being defined in the same folder as the component markup itself. Where unavoidable (such as global styles, interface layout), styled components should reside in src/Wrappers.ts.
  • Theme values can be either directly imported into styled components, from theme/index.ts, or as raw values within component files using theme/default.ts.
  • Constants or default values (such as those waiting for Polkadot API) are defined in src/constants.ts.
  • Packages with missing TypeScript definitions can be declared in src/react-app-env.d.ts.

TypeScript Support

Beyond some very lightweight typing here and there, components are yet to be comprehensively typed. Types are welcome for data that makes sense to type (e.g. data that is unlikely to change as we continue development).

We develop in strict mode, so types are always required for objects. Use any initially to adhere to this requirement.

Testing Support State

Tests have not yet been developed.

Testing could be initialised on a per-component basis, such as isolating library components and testing them within a storybook environment.

Integration tests make sense for the app itself, ensuring the page layout, assistant, and modals display the correct content at various app states. These states currently persist of:

  • Connecting to the network, fetching from API, fully synced.
  • Actively staking, not actively staking.
  • Account connected, no account connected.

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