A group of macros can be used to determine what and how to compile rs_driver
. Please find them in CMakeLists.txt
of the project.
The targets of compilation includes:
- Demo apps, including
, etc. - Tools, including
, etc. - Test cases
COMPILE_DEMOS determines whether to compile Demo apps.
- COMPILE_DEMOS=OFF means No。This is the default.
option(COMPILE_DEMOS "Build rs_driver demos" OFF)
COMPILE_TOOLS determines whether to compile tools.
- COMPILE_TOOLS=OFF. Whether to compile
, is determined by COMPILE_TOOLS_VIEWER/COMPILE_TOOLS_PCDSAVER. This is the default. - COMPILE_TOOLS=ON. Compile both
option(COMPILE_TOOLS "Build rs_driver tools" OFF)
COMPILE_TOOLS_VIEWER determines whether to compile rs_driver_viewer
, in case of COMPILE_TOOLS=OFF.
- COMPILE_TOOLS_VIEWER=OFF means No. This is the default.
option(COMPILE_TOOL_VIEWER "Build point cloud visualization tool" OFF)
COMPILE_TOOL_PCDSAVER determines whether to compile rs_driver_pcdsaver
, in case of COMPILE_TOOLS=OFF.
- COMPILE_TOOLS_PCDSAVER=OFF means No. This is the default.
option(COMPILE_TOOL_PCDSAVER "Build point cloud pcd saver tool" OFF)
COMPILE_TESTS determines whether to compile test cases.
- COMPILE_TESTS=OFF means No. This is the default.
option(COMPILE_TESTS "Build rs_driver unit tests" OFF)
DISALBE_PCAP_PARSE determines whether to support the PCAP source, that's to say, whether to parse MSOP/DIFOP packets from a PCAP file.
- DISABLE_PCAP_PARSE=OFF means Yes, This is the default.
- DISABLE_PCAP_PARSE=ON means No. On embedded Linux, PCAP source is not needed, so enable this macro to avoid porting the
option(DISABLE_PCAP_PARSE "Disable PCAP file parse" OFF)
ENABLE_TRANSFORM determines whether to support coordinate transformation.
- ENABLE_TRANSFORM=OFF means No. This is the default.
- ENABLE_TRANSFORM=ON means Yes, Enable this costs much CPU resource, so please don't do so in released products.
option(ENABLE_TRANSFORM "Enable transform functions" OFF)
ENABLE_DOUBLE_RCVBUF determines whether to double the receiving buffer of the MSOP/DIFOP sockets.
On some platforms (such as embedded Linux, Windows, etc), the default size of the buffer is small. This may cause loss of MSOP/DIFOP packets, so enable this macro to enlarge the buffer.
- ENABLE_DOUBLE_RCVBUF=OFF means No. This is the default.
- ENABLE_DOUBLE_RCVBUF=ON means Yes. The current implementation will change this value to
times. You can change it if needed.
option(ENABLE_DOUBLE_RCVBUF "Enable double size of RCVBUF" OFF)
ENABLE_WAIT_IF_QUEUE_EMPTY determines what the handling thread do if the MSOP/DIFOP packet queue is empty.
- ENABLE_WAIT_IF_QUEUE_EMPTY=OFF means to wait for condition variable. This is the default.
- ENABLE_WAIT_IF_QUEUE_EMPTY=ON means to call usleep(). This can decrease CPU usage, however increase the delay of point cloud frames.
You should weigh up the pros and cons based on your cases.
option(ENABLE_WAIT_IF_QUEUE_EMPTY "Enable waiting for a while in handle thread if the queue is empty" OFF)
ENABLE_EPOLL_RECEIVE determines how to recieve MSOP/DIFOP packets.
- ENABLE_EPOLL_RECEIVE=OFF means to use select(). This is the default.
- ENABLE_EPOLL_RECEIVE=ON means to use epoll().
option(ENABLE_EPOLL_RECEIVE "Receive packets with epoll() instead of select()" OFF)
ENABLE_STAMP_WITH_LOCAL determines whether to convert the timestamp of point cloud to local time.
- ENABLE_STAMP_WITH_LOCAL=OFF means No, and to use UTC time. This is the default.
- ENABLE_STAMP_WITH_LOCAL=ON means Yes, and to convert the timestamp to local time。
option(ENABLE_STAMP_WITH_LOCAL "Enable stamp point cloud with local time" OFF)
ENABLE_PCL_POINTCLOUD determines the format of point cloud in the Demo Apps.
- ENABLE_PCL_POINTCLOUD=OFF means to use the RoboSense defined format. This is the default.
- ENABLE_PCL_POINTCLOUD=ON means to use the PCL format. The PCL library is needed to enable this.
option(ENABLE_PCL_POINTCLOUD "Enable PCL Point Cloud" OFF)
ENABLE_CRC32_CHECK determines whether to apply CRC32 check on MSOP/DIFOP Packet.
- ENABLE_CRC32_CHECK=OFF means no CRC32 check. This is the default.
- ENABLE_CRC32_CHECK=ON means CRC32 check. The LiDAR should support this feature to enable this.
option(ENABLE_CRC32_CHECK "Enable CRC32 Check on MSOP Packet" OFF)
ENABLE_DIFOP_PARSE determins whether to parse DIFOP Packet, to get the configuratioin data and status data.
- ENABLE_DIFOP_PARSE=OFF means not to parse. This is the default.
- ENABLE_DIFOP_PARSE=ON means to parse. Note
parses only a few fields as an example. Please refer to how to parse difop packet
option(ENABLE_DIFOP_PARSE "Enable Parsing DIFOP Packet" OFF)