diff --git a/Commands/Format.PS1XML/Write-FormatSelectionSet.ps1 b/Commands/Format.PS1XML/Write-FormatSelectionSet.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbffb23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/Format.PS1XML/Write-FormatSelectionSet.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+function Write-FormatSelectionSet
+ <#
+ Writes a selection set.
+ Writes a format selection set.
+ Formatting is commonly selected by a TypeName.
+ It can also be selected by a group of type names, which is called a SelectionSet.
+ A few built-in formatters use selection sets, most notably the filesystem formatters.
+ Write-FormatSelectionSet -Name 'FileSystemTypes' -TypeName 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo', 'System.IO.FileInfo'
+ #>
+ param(
+ # The name of the selection set.
+ [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
+ [Alias('SelectionSetName','SelectionSet')]
+ [string]
+ $Name,
+ # The type names in the selection set.
+ [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
+ [string[]]
+ $TypeName
+ )
+ begin {
+ # First, create a queue to hold the selection sets.
+ $eachSelectionSet = [Collections.Queue]::new()
+ }
+ process {
+ # Make sure the name and type names are XML-safe
+ $NameAsXml = "$Name" -as [xml]
+ if (-not $NameAsXml) {
+ $Name = [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($Name)
+ }
+ $TypeName = foreach ($tn in $TypeName) {
+ if (-not ("$tn" -as [xml])) {
+ [Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($tn)
+ } else {
+ $tn
+ }
+ }
+ # Create the selection set XML
+ $selectionSetXml = [xml](@(
+ ""
+ # Consisting of a ``
+ "$Name"
+ "" # and a `` element
+ foreach ($tn in $TypeName) {
+ # (containing each ``)
+ "$tn"
+ }
+ ""
+ ""
+ ) -join '')
+ if (-not $selectionSetXml) { return }
+ $xOut=[IO.StringWriter]::new()
+ $selectionSetXml.Save($xOut)
+ $eachSelectionSet.Enqueue("$xOut" -replace '\<\?xml.+?\?>[\s\r\n]+')
+ $xOut.Dispose()
+ }
+ end {
+ # Create the `` element
+ $selectionSetXml = @(
+ ""
+ # (containing each ``)
+ $eachSelectionSet.ToArray()
+ ""
+ ) -join '' -as [xml]
+ $xOut=[IO.StringWriter]::new()
+ $selectionSetXml.Save($xOut)
+ # Write the XML to the pipeline as a string, removing the XML declaration.
+ "$xOut" -replace '\<\?xml.+?\?>[\s\r\n]+'
+ $xOut.Dispose()
+ }