- fixing gunpowder and sulfur blasting recipe
- adding missing recipes
- applying Resource Config API changes
- edit the config inside the game
- adding more translations
- changing steel ingot texture
- changing spring block textures
- apply resource library changes
- fixing recipe mismatch for garlic to sulfur
- fix names for Spring and Block
- fixing duplication glitch when combining Crack Hammer
- update to 1.21.3
- fixing an issue where Crack Hammers can only be crafted once per World Start
- Updating to Resource Config API 2.1.1
- Scythe Radius config value now gets applied correctly
- fixing Fabric Server crash because client code got executed on server
- fixing visual bug for Crack Hammer and Chisel Tools
- durability gets applied when crafted
- config got synced between server and client to apply the server side durability
- NeoForge:
- adding missing Recipes for Mekanism and Applied Energetics 2
- Fabric:
- adding missing Tech Reborn Recipes
- initial Release for Minecraft 1.21
- only internal Changes
- fixing BlockStates for Spring blocks
- General:
- Adding all new missing ItemTags
- Removing Attack Range Attribute for 1.20 up to 1.20.4
- as compensation the Scythe gets an Attack Knockback bonus
- 1.20.5 and above will have the Entity/Block Interaction Range bonus
- Resource Config API and Resource Library are now required
- eventually last Update till 1.21
- Forge:
- no Mod Recipes after 1.20.1
- Applied Energetics and Mekanism are now NeoForge exclusive
- NeoForge:
- Applied Energetics and Mekanism Recipes for 1.20.4
- Fabric:
- Applied Energetics Recipes only for 1.20.1
- Tech Reborn Recipes for all versions
- more internal changes that have no impact to you experience
- update to Minecraft 1.20.5
- many internal changes that have no impact to your experience
- fix for Forge Recipes using the wrong Item Tags
- Recipes used the wrong Crack Hammer Item Tag
- adding Copper and Emerald Nugget
- can be dropped by Mob or found in chests
- reworking Scythe Textures
- now with a bigger Model when the Scythe is in Hand
- refactored the Config File to make it more readable
- when updating your Config will get reset to its default values
- StophosLib is now bundled with Resource Cracker
- only simplify things for me
- has no impact to your game
- Garlic Item now uses the correct translation Key
Updating to latest Simple Config API version
- update because of breaking changes in Simple Config API
- switching Config Lib to Simple Config API
- fixing some minor bugs/errors
- support more Minecraft Versions:
- Forge 1.20.1 - 1.20.4
- Fabric 1.20 - 1.20.4
- initial Release for NeoForge for 1.20.4
- Hotfix -> LootTables for Blocks were missing
- fixed a bug where the normal interaction range was decreased to 3 Blocks
- fixed Netherite Chisel texture
- adding reworked scythe textures made by Malcom Riley
- changing Netherite Tool Recipes
- changing ItemTags to follow Forge ItemTag conventions
- adding Recipes for:
- Forge:
- Applied Energetics 2
- Mekanism
- Fabric:
- Applied Energetics 2
- Tech Reborn
- Forge:
- little fixes
- updating turkish translation by efekos
- Forge Version is now available
- Adding Scythe Items
- Harvest Crops in an 1 to 3 block radius
- Scythes have +1 Attack Range
- Adding Water and Lava Spring Block
- Recipe might change in a later version
- switching from Cloth Config API to Forge Config API(only Fabric)
- Sort the Creative Tab
- Every drop chance is configurable
- also backporting to 1.20.1
- Removing Chisel and Brick recipe
- Saltpeter now gets obtained by using the Chisel on a Bricks Block
- Nearly all drop chances can be edited in the Config File
- Adding Campfire recipes for Material Dusts
- Ingots, Emeralds and Diamonds can now crack down to dust again
- Feature Complete release for now
- Most Items and Tools can be found in Loot Chests
- Fixing Slimeball and Gunpowder Recipe to be compatible with other Mods
- Some Items can now be found in Chests
- Sulfur gets dropped by Creeper
- Adding Diamond Nugget
- Can be obtained by mining Coal and Diamond Ore
- Coal has a 5% chance to drop 1 nugget
- Diamond Ore has a 40% chance to drop 1 or 2 nuggets
- Garlic Seeds get dropped by Zombies
- Steel Dust Recipe accepts all Iron, Coal and Carbon Dusts
- adding compatibility for Steel Dust with other Tech Mods
- Adding new ways to get leather
- Adding Beef Jerky
- Adding Mod Config for changing item durability
- Little Fix
- Hotfix for missing Steel Ingot translation
- Initial Release no noteworthy changes