HTML5 and CSS3: Semantic Elements, CSS Grid, Flexbox
React: Components, Props, Events, Hooks, Router, Axios
Redux: Store, Reducers, Actions
Node & Express: Web API, Body Parser, File Upload, JWT
MongoDB: Mongoose, Aggregation
Development: ESLint, Babel, Git, Github,
Deployment: Heroku
Watch React & Node Tutorial
$ git clone [email protected] :basir/amazona.git
$ cd amazona
Local MongoDB
Install it from here
Create .env file in root folder
Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost/amazona
Atlas Cloud MongoDB
Create database at
Create .env file in root folder
Set MONGODB_URL=MONGODB_URL=mongodb+srv://your-db-connection
$ npm install
$ npm start
# open new terminal
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start
5. Seed Users and Products
Introduction to this course
what you will build
what you will learn
who are audiences
Install Tools
Code Editor
Web Browser
VS Code Extension
Website Template
Create amazona folder
create template folder
create index.html
add default HTML code
link to style.css
create header, main and footer
style elements
Display Products
create products div
add product attributes
add link, image, name and price
Create React App
npx create-react-app frontend
npm start
Remove unused files
copy index.html content to App.js
copy style.css content to index.css
replace class with className
Share Code On Github
Initialize git repository
Commit changes
Create github account
Create repo on github
connect local repo to github repo
push changes to github
Create Rating and Product Component
create components/Rating.js
create div.rating
style div.rating, span and last span
Create Product component
Use Rating component
Build Product Screen
Install react-router-dom
Use BrowserRouter and Route for Home Screen
Create HomeScreen.js
Add product list code there
Create ProductScreen.js
Add new Route from product details to App.js
Create 3 columns for product image, info and action
Create Node.JS Server
run npm init in root folder
Update package.json set type: module
Add .js to imports
npm install express
create server.js
add start command as node backend/server.js
require express
create route for / return backend is ready.
move products.js from frontend to backend
create route for /api/products
return products
run npm start
Load Products From Backend
edit HomeScreen.js
define products, loading and error.
create useEffect
define async fetchData and call it
install axios
get data from /api/products
show them in the list
create Loading Component
create Message Box Component
use them in HomeScreen
Install ESlint For Code Linting - 2:11
install VSCode eslint extension
npm install -D eslint
run ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
Create ./frontend/.env
Add Redux to Home Screen - 2:17
npm install redux react-redux
Create store.js
initState= {products:[]}
reducer = (state, action) => switch LOAD_PRODUCTS: {products: action.payload}
export default createStore(reducer, initState)
Edit HomeScreen.js
shopName = useSelector(state=>state.products)
const dispatch = useDispatch()
useEffect(()=>dispatch({type: LOAD_PRODUCTS, payload: data})
Add store to index.js
Add Redux to Product Screen
create product details constants, actions and reducers
add reducer to store.js
use action in ProductScreen.js
add /api/product/:id to backend api
Handle Add To Cart Button
Handle Add To Cart in ProductScreen.js
create CartScreen.js
Implement Add to Cart Action
create addToCart constants, actions and reducers
add reducer to store.js
use action in CartScreen.js
render cartItems.length
Build Cart Screen
create 2 columns for cart items and cart action
cartItems.length === 0 ? cart is empty
show item image, name, qty and price
Proceed to Checkout button
Implement remove from cart action
Implement Remove From Cart Action
create removeFromCart constants, actions and reducers
add reducer to store.js
use action in CartScreen.js
Create Sample Users In MongoDB
npm install mongoose
connect to mongodb
create config.js
npm install dotenv
create models/userModel.js
create userSchema and userModel
create models/productModel.js
create productSchema and productModel
create userRoute
Seed sample data
Create Sample Products In MongoDB
create models/productModel.js
create productSchema and productModel
create productRoute
Seed sample data
Create Sign-in Backend
create /signin api
check email and password
generate token
install json web token
install dotenv
return token and data
test it using postman
Design SignIn Screen
create SigninScreen
render email and password fields
create signin constants, actions and reducers
Update Header based on user login
Implement SignIn Action
create signin constants, actions and reducers
add reducer to store.js
use action in SigninScreen.js
Create Register Screen
create API for /api/users/register
insert new user to database
return user info and token
create RegisterScreen
Add fields
Style fields
Add screen to App.js
create register action and reducer
check validation and create user
Create Shipping Screen
create CheckoutSteps.js component
create shipping fields
implement shipping constant, actions and reducers
Create Payment Screen
create payment fields
implement shipping constant, actions and reducers
Design Place Order Screen
design order summary fields
design order action
Create Place Order API
createOrder api
create orderModel
create orderRouter
create post order route
Implement PlaceOrder Action
handle place order button click
create place order constants, action and reducer
Create Order Screen
build order api for /api/orders/:id
create OrderScreen.js
dispatch order details action in useEffect
load data with useSelector
show data like place order screen
create order details constant, action and reducer
Add PayPal Button
get client id from paypal
set it in .env file
create route form /api/paypal/clientId
create getPaypalClientID in api.js
add paypal checkout script in OrderScreen.js
show paypal buttons
Implement Order Payment
update order after payment
create payOrder in api.js
create route for /:id/pay in orderRouter.js
rerender after pay order
Display Orders History
create customer orders api
create api for getMyOrders
show orders in profile screen
style orders
Display User Profile
create user details api
show user information
Update User Profile
create user update api
update user info
Create Admin View
Create Admin Menu
Create Admin Middleware in Backend
Create Admin Route in Frontend
List Products
Create Product List Screen
Add reducer to store
show products on the screen
Create Product
build create product api
build create product button
define product create constant, action and reducer
use action in product list screen
Build Product Edit Screen
create edit screen
define state
create fields
load product details
add to routes
Update Product
define update api
define product update constant, action and reducer
use action in Product Edit Screen
Upload Product Image
npm install multer
define upload router
create uploads folder
Handle frontend
Delete Product
create delete api in backend
create delete constants, action and reducer
use it in product list screen
List Orders
create order list api
create Order List Screen
Add reducer to store
show products on the screen
Delete Order
2. create delete order action and reducer
3. add order delete action to order list
Deliver Order
create constant, actions and reducers for deliver order
add order deliver action to order details screen
Publish To Heroku
Create git repository
Create heroku account
install Heroku CLI
heroku login
heroku apps:create amazona
Edit package.json for build script
Create Procfile
Create mongodb atlas database
Set database connection in heroku env variables
Commit and push
List Users
build api for list users
Create UserList Screen
create order details constant, action and reducer
Delete Users
build api for delete users
create order details constant, action and reducer
Use action in UserListScreen
Edit User
build api for update users
create edit screen UI
Implement Seller View
add seller menu
create seller route
list products for seller
list orders for seller
add Seller to Product List and Details Screen
Create Seller Page
create seller page
update product component and product screen
update product routes
Add Top Seller Carousel
install react carousel
implement actions and reducers for top sellers
use react carousel with data in Home Screen
Force Order Items From One Seller
update addToCart action to buy from one seller at an order
Create Search Box and Search Screen
create search bar in Header.js
add style
handle submit form
edit parse url to get query string
update product list api for search by name
Add Advanced Search Filter
filter by category
filter by price range
filter by average rating