diff --git a/medapp.py b/medapp.py
index 16a54fc..2f5bbd8 100644
--- a/medapp.py
+++ b/medapp.py
@@ -181,155 +181,150 @@ def main():
# Add new tabs for disclosures and mindmap
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Main", "Mindmap", "Disclosures"])
- if 'current_tab' not in st.session_state:
- st.session_state.current_tab = "Main"
+ with tab1:
+ main_tab_content()
- if tab1:
- st.session_state.current_tab = "Main"
- elif tab2:
- st.session_state.current_tab = "Mindmap"
- elif tab3:
- st.session_state.current_tab = "Disclosures"
+ with tab2:
+ mindmap_tab_content()
- if st.session_state.current_tab != st.session_state.get('previous_tab'):
- st.session_state.previous_tab = st.session_state.current_tab
- st.rerun()
+ with tab3:
+ disclosures_tab_content()
- with tab1:
- topics = ["immunology", "gastroenterology", "cell biology"]
- selected_topic = st.selectbox("Select a topic", topics, key="topic_selectbox")
- video_data, index, embeddings = load_and_preprocess_data(selected_topic)
- user_query = st.text_input("Enter your question:", key="user_query_input")
- submit_button = st.button("Submit", key="submit_button")
- if submit_button and user_query:
- with st.spinner("Searching for relevant information..."):
- relevant_passages = retrieve_passages(user_query, index, embeddings, video_data)
- context = " ".join([p["text"] for p in relevant_passages])
- with st.spinner("Generating answer..."):
- answer = generate_answer(user_query, context)
- st.subheader("Generated Answer:")
- st.write(answer)
- # Store values in session state
- st.session_state.user_query = user_query
- st.session_state.answer = answer
- st.session_state.relevant_passages = relevant_passages
- with st.expander("View Relevant Passages"):
- for passage in relevant_passages:
- st.write(f"Video: {passage['video_title']}")
- st.write(f"Timestamp: {passage['timestamp']}")
- st.write(f"Relevant text: {passage['text']}")
- frame = extract_frame(passage['video_path'], passage['timestamp'])
- if frame:
- st.image(frame, caption=f"Frame at {passage['timestamp']} seconds")
- else:
- st.write("Failed to extract frame from video.")
- st.write("---")
- # Add a message about the Mindmap
- st.info("To create a Mindmap for this query, please go to the Mindmap tab.")
- # Add the feedback button at the end of the main tab
- st.markdown("---")
- st.markdown(
- """
- """,
- unsafe_allow_html=True
- )
+ streamlit_analytics.stop_tracking(firestore_key_file="firebase-key.json", firestore_collection_name="counts")
- with tab2:
- st.header("Interactive Mindmap")
- if 'user_query' in st.session_state and 'answer' in st.session_state and 'relevant_passages' in st.session_state:
- if st.button("Generate Mindmap"):
- with st.spinner("Generating Mindmap..."):
- try:
- # Generate Mindmap
- mindmap_structure, mindmap_analysis = get_mindmap_data(
- st.session_state.user_query,
- st.session_state.relevant_passages,
- st.session_state.answer,
- video_data
- )
- st.session_state.mindmap_structure = mindmap_structure
- st.session_state.mindmap_analysis = mindmap_analysis
- st.success("Mindmap generated successfully!")
- logging.info("Mindmap generated successfully")
- except Exception as e:
- st.error(f"Error generating mindmap: {str(e)}")
- logging.error(f"Error generating mindmap: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)
- if st.session_state.get('mindmap_structure'):
- st.markdown("""
- """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
- st.subheader("Interactive Mindmap")
- st.markdown("""
- """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
- st.subheader("Mindmap Analysis")
- if st.session_state.mindmap_analysis:
- st.markdown(st.session_state.mindmap_analysis)
- else:
- st.info("No mindmap analysis available yet.")
+def main_tab_content():
+ # Content for the main tab
+ topics = ["immunology", "gastroenterology", "cell biology"]
+ selected_topic = st.selectbox("Select a topic", topics, key="topic_selectbox")
+ video_data, index, embeddings = load_and_preprocess_data(selected_topic)
+ user_query = st.text_input("Enter your question:", key="user_query_input")
+ submit_button = st.button("Submit", key="submit_button")
+ if submit_button and user_query:
+ with st.spinner("Searching for relevant information..."):
+ relevant_passages = retrieve_passages(user_query, index, embeddings, video_data)
+ context = " ".join([p["text"] for p in relevant_passages])
+ with st.spinner("Generating answer..."):
+ answer = generate_answer(user_query, context)
+ st.subheader("Generated Answer:")
+ st.write(answer)
+ # Store values in session state
+ st.session_state.user_query = user_query
+ st.session_state.answer = answer
+ st.session_state.relevant_passages = relevant_passages
+ with st.expander("View Relevant Passages"):
+ for passage in relevant_passages:
+ st.write(f"Video: {passage['video_title']}")
+ st.write(f"Timestamp: {passage['timestamp']}")
+ st.write(f"Relevant text: {passage['text']}")
+ frame = extract_frame(passage['video_path'], passage['timestamp'])
+ if frame:
+ st.image(frame, caption=f"Frame at {passage['timestamp']} seconds")
+ else:
+ st.write("Failed to extract frame from video.")
+ st.write("---")
+ # Add a message about the Mindmap
+ st.info("To create a Mindmap for this query, please go to the Mindmap tab.")
+ # Add the feedback button at the end of the main tab
+ st.markdown("---")
+ st.markdown(
+ """
+ """,
+ unsafe_allow_html=True
+ )
+def mindmap_tab_content():
+ st.header("Interactive Mindmap")
+ if 'user_query' in st.session_state and 'answer' in st.session_state and 'relevant_passages' in st.session_state:
+ if st.button("Generate Mindmap"):
+ with st.spinner("Generating Mindmap..."):
+ try:
+ # Generate Mindmap
+ mindmap_structure, mindmap_analysis = get_mindmap_data(
+ st.session_state.user_query,
+ st.session_state.relevant_passages,
+ st.session_state.answer,
+ video_data
+ )
+ st.session_state.mindmap_structure = mindmap_structure
+ st.session_state.mindmap_analysis = mindmap_analysis
+ st.success("Mindmap generated successfully!")
+ logging.info("Mindmap generated successfully")
+ except Exception as e:
+ st.error(f"Error generating mindmap: {str(e)}")
+ logging.error(f"Error generating mindmap: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)
+ if st.session_state.get('mindmap_structure'):
+ st.markdown("""
+ """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
+ st.subheader("Interactive Mindmap")
+ st.markdown("""
+ """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
+ st.subheader("Mindmap Analysis")
+ if st.session_state.mindmap_analysis:
+ st.markdown(st.session_state.mindmap_analysis)
- st.info("Generate a mindmap by submitting a query in the Main tab and then clicking the 'Generate Mindmap' button above.")
+ st.info("No mindmap analysis available yet.")
- with tab3:
- st.header("Disclosures")
- with open("disclosures.txt", "r") as f:
- disclosures_content = f.read()
- st.markdown(disclosures_content)
+ else:
+ st.info("Generate a mindmap by submitting a query in the Main tab and then clicking the 'Generate Mindmap' button above.")
- streamlit_analytics.stop_tracking(firestore_key_file="firebase-key.json", firestore_collection_name="counts")
+def disclosures_tab_content():
+ st.header("Disclosures")
+ with open("disclosures.txt", "r") as f:
+ disclosures_content = f.read()
+ st.markdown(disclosures_content)
if __name__ == "__main__":