- Add KillingBlow_SkullShield by OligoFriends
- Bump TOC version
- Rewrite PvP detection code with FFA PvP support -- Based on BankNorris' code here
- Change World PvP sessionType to "world" in SavedVariables
- Add "ffa" sessionType for Free for All PvP
- Unregister ADDON_LOADED after it fires for this AddOn
- Add CREDITS.md to keep track of people who helped with the AddOn
- Avoid changing current map zone where possible. Map zone will still be changed when entering a new zone in Northrend as this is required to detect if the player is in Wintergrasp.
- Update PvP zone status, start/end sessions and reset kill count when the player enters a new zone (ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA) instead of when they enter a new instance/continent (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD)
- Add support for World PvP zones in PVP_ONLY mode
- Add AddOn to AddOn Packager Proxy
- New version to fix Git/CurseForge packager screw-up
- Add KillingBlow_Death texture by OligoFriends
- Add KillingBlow_HordeSword texture by whitefreli
- Change player GUID check to reflect new GUID format
- Now searches for the string "Player-" instead of using bitwise operations
- Update to 6.0
- Convert KillingBlow.mp3 to Ogg format (WoW doesn't play custom MP3s any more)
- Bump TOC version
- Register ADDON_LOADED properly
- Save PvP killing blows to be exported to CSV
- Change overkill check to >0 instead of >=0
- It seems a recent patch may have changed the overkill argument of COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED to be 0 instead of -1 for non-killing blows
- Add new Horde/Alliance texture by OligoFriends
- Update TOC Interface tag to 5.4
- Update comment in CLEU to reflect PVP_ONLY change
- Change BG_ONLY option to PVP_ONLY (arenas + BGs)
- Add UnitFactionGroup to globals listing
- Possible fix for "bad argument #1 to 'band'"
- Add separate KB textures for each faction
- Alliance uses existing texture (renamed to KillingBlow_Alliance.tga Horde uses the new KillingBlow_Horde.tga (by OligoFriends)
- Move the texture:SetTexture call to the first firing of PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD so UnitFactionGroup can return accurate results
- Rename frame to KillingBlow_EnhancedFrame (was KillingBlowImageFrame, from the AddOn's old name)
- Fix tools-used entry
- Record KBs for units controlled by the player
- Record KBs on _DAMAGE events with an overkill argument >= 0 in addition to PARTY_KILL
- Suggested by Caellian because PARTY_KILL apparently doesn't fire correctly sometimes
- Add globals list and tools-used entry for mikk's FindGlobals script
- Re-encode core.lua as UTF-8 without BOM so luac will work
- Add download info to README.md