This is a HighLevelAnalyzer Extension for Saleae Logic 2 to decode I2C messages sent to and from the secure element ATECC508A from Microchip, which can for example be used for cryptographically secure authentication.
This extension is parsing the I2C communication for the ATECC508A. If the read and write commands are using the built-in XOR encryption, it is also encrypting and decrypting the content.
Example results are printed to the Terminal view and the Data Table.
Choose the I2C Input Analyzer applied to your ATECC508A I2C communication.
If encryption is used, insert the 32 Bytes I2C read key and the 32 Bytes I2C write key in the settings as hex string.
Not all functions of the chip are implemented in the extension. The focus was on the decryption of the read and write commands and getting an overview over the communication.
Tobias Jäger, SySS GmbH
Manuel Stotz, SySS GmbH
MIT License